Does utilitarianism provide a helpful method of moral decision making ? Flashcards
Utilitarianism essay 1
What is the intro ?
utilitarianism - ethical system which posits that the most moral thing to do is achieve the greatest happiness for the greatest number.
Originally developed by Jeremy Bentham , further developed by John Stuart Mill.
what scolars will you use ?
bentham, mill, robert e goodwin, vardy
what is your view ?
its not successful
What is your pre point in para 1 ?
give a breif overview of it
what is your point in para 1 ?
not everythign should eb based on happuness - society today believes strongyl in principles of justice, rights and protection of minorities which are not reflected in utilitarianism.
minority do not have a voice and causes conflict
Seen as secular - however high percentages of population are religious
what does vardy say in para 1?
‘If the word “virtuous” is held to have a meaning apart from the greatest happiness principle, then utilitarianism as a theory or morally may well be a failure”
What is the counterargument for para 1 ?
mazimising happiness and minimising pain is arguably already how people live their lives today and therefore its seen as desireable. - fits in well with peoples day to day lives.
Robert E Goodwin - Bentham theory is based on the fact that most people pursure hedonism (the prioritization of pleasure in ones lifestyle , actions or thoughts)
compatible with todays secular views - good for atheists.
what is the counterargument of the counteract para 1 ?
majority of people pursue hedonsim - in situation differetn people may have different opinions on whether what the most pleasurable things should be - could cause conflict
what is the pre point in para 2 ?
hedonic calculus
method of measuring the goodness which will be derived from an action
It uses purity, duration, certainty, remoteness, richness, purity and extent.
what is the point in para 2 ?
not useful because happiness cannot be quantified in the way the hedonic calculus assumes - it is too complex
What is the counterargument for para 2 ?
easy to use and provides a clear, practical measure and tool for thinking about happiness.
how will you counteract the counterargument in para 2 ?
does not consider teh motive of the action