Gender and Society Essays Flashcards
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Assess Christian teaching on the roles of men and women in the family and society
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Gender Roles are being constantly discussed. Many see men and women as equals , many do not. Society and histroical events have helped to shape how we view gender roles today.
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point para 1 essay 1
Traditional Christian Views - Conservative Christians
Ephesians - ‘Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbandsas you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.’
Wives must obey husbands. Husband leads household.
Men in charge. Wofe’s duty is to obey husband.
Man has responsibility of looking after children and wife.
The Genesis story has often been used to justify the view that the role of women is to a mans companion.
- it was women to first succumb to temptation an eat the forbidden fruit. therfore women make bad decisions and need the guidance of men
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Modern Christians - Bible is from the society which it came from so we
Other Christians might argue that these views reflect ideas that were written for a historical context very different from our own. Religious ethics does not develop in a vacuum but within a social context therefore gender roles need to be reconsidered to fit with the times
Also, many inspirational female figures in the Bible , such as Mary.
Liberal view - Men and women should be equal. Couple should share things such as housework and childcare in order to make a family and marriage work.
Bible = Everyone is equal.
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”Galatians 3: 28
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Some Christians argue that the bible has authority as it it the word of God. If contemporary society disagrees with teachings then it is contemporary society that needs to change.
Mary Daly - Mary was ‘ultimate rape victim’ - did not consent to be impregnated and therefore could be seen as taken advantage of.
point para 2 essay 1
Church is sexist - man and woman are unequal.
Deep entrenched patriarchal views which stem from the Fall. Eve tempted Adam to eat the apple and consequences followed. Humanity was punished because of Eve.
Some see religion as a tool created by men in order to control women.
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Mulieris Dignitatem - 1988- Pope John Paul II - open letter.
Intended to respond to accusations that the church was sexist. Men and women have complementary characteristics given by God.
When Christ came to earth- because of a woman.
Childbirth is because of original sin but also privilege because its an insight into Christ’s suffering.
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Evangelists - women are not allowed to speak in Church. Husband is head of household, women’s role is to look after children and husband.
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Critically assess the views expressed inMulieris Dignitatem.
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1988 Pope John Paul II wrote the open letter to respond to allegations that the Church was sexist.
Mulieris Dignitatem - means on the dignity of women.
Key areas covered include - Role of Motherhood, Role of Father, unity of men and woman, Mary as the example of motherhood.
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point para 1 essay 2
Pope John Paul II argued that women are ‘naturally disposed to motherhood’. It is a women’s telos or purpose to be a mother.
He says it is our purpose physically, as we have a womb but also spiritually because we have qualities that are compatible with motherhood.
We create a ‘special openness’ and have qualities such as compassion and caring
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Feminists would disagree with it. Links in with deep entrenched biblical patriarchy from over 2000 years. Bible was written to favor male dominance,
The fact that women’s purpose is to be a mother is just a cultural invention that men have created.
De Beauvior - radical feminist - extestenialist who rejects telos.