Person of Jesus Essays Flashcards
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Jesus was only a teacher of wisdom
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wasn’t just a teacher of wisdom , he was also divine.
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Jesus presented many moral truths in the form of teachings, parables and sayings.
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Throughout his life he presented the ‘good news’ as being centred around the repenting and forgiving of sin. Jesus attracted crowds as see in the gospels
There are many signs that he is divine throughout his life – for example the resurrection shows that he was not just a teacher of wisdom but someone who was truly unique.
Also had a divine birth -‘ She was found with child of the holy ghost ‘
‘I am’ sayings – ‘I am the bread of life’ – shows that Jesus nourishes people spiritually and that those who trust him shall not be hungry.
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For example- the parable and sermons that he taught had an influence on what the western world sees as right and wrong.
The parable of the lost son calls for radical forgiveness and it goes against strict justice. Main message is that we should forgive rather than seek our own rewards.
Also – many believe that the incarnation and resurrection did not happen and there is no historical evidence to prove this. They are actually symbolic stories and metaphors.
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The resurrection did happen because seven women testified that they saw him alive.
Also Jesus authority came more from his teaching – and that he is more than just a moral teacher.
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If Jesus was just a moral teacher then the incarnation is false. – If so there can be no salvation.
BONHOEFFER – Salvation depends on incarnation, and without it, a connection is lots with the idea of encountering God in our human lives.
He would not have the same authority were he simply a wisdom teacher.
His teachings also went very far because he was transformed into a worldwide religion.
C.S. Lewis – Jesus claimed to forgive sins done to others. Only God has the right to do that – so either a lunatic or a LORD. And if he was a lunatic then why would his message spread this far.
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Hick – when Jesus died on the cross he didn’t actually save our sins , he was more like a role model for change.
Hick is also a pluralist meaning that Jesus cant have been the only way, truth and life – ‘I am the way , the truth and the life’
He also sees him as more of a guru.
Development theory (whos is this)- the idea that Jesus was divine developed over tiem to make Christianity more compelling.
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The puyrpose of jesus life was to sacrifice to safve our sins – a mere human would not have the ability to do that.
Jesus therefore must have been fully God and Fully human.
Also – God states that Jesus is the SOG on at least 3 occasions – for example at the baptism , the heavens opened and voice said’ this is my son, whom I love’
what is essay 2 ?
Jesus was more than a political liberator
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political liberator =
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Jesus can be said to generally show preferential treatment to those who were typically marginalised - therefore he is a liberator - however he was also divine (more than).
He is more significant than just a political liberator
If he was purely a revolutionary figure , he would not have been so significant because he failed to lead an uprising against Rome - so he must have been remembered for something else.
Gustavo Gutierrez - ‘The liberation which Jesus offers is universal and logical’
- Suggests somet more spiritual and unique about his character.
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He was just a political liberator because many of his teachings showed preferential of the poor - links to liberation theology
E.G. Good Samaritan - Luke 10:25-37
Example of generosity and compassion - using a Samaritan , who were often described as religious heretics , as the upstanding protagonist.
May have just tried to make the world a better place
He went against religious authority , showing that he was a political liberator - touched a bleeding woman.
Heals people with leprosy - under the Torah they were classed as unlclean,
Gerald Collins - ‘ there was much in Jesus’ activity to provoke religious authorities’
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He must be more than one as he is divine. ‘I and the Father are one’ - Reinforces that he has a conscious of a divine presence within him.
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The resurrection seperated him from other prophets and political figures
Wolfart Penneburg - Resurrection was a decisive moment in history - proving he was more than a SOG
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EP Sanders - Resurrection relies on faith and cant be historically analysed.
Also - he appealed to the poor, sick , women , sinners, tax collectors - so brought him into conflict with more respectable classes
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Jesus promoted the start of Christianity so resurrection must have happened.