SOGs-3-Firefighter Principles and Practices Flashcards
At a residential construction fire what is the responsibility of the first arriving apparatus?
To hit a hydrant and use their master stream to protect the first downwind exposure. 65mm hand lines should also be laid
At a residential construction fire what is the responsibility of the second arriving apparatus?
Hit a hydrant and protect the exposures at the other side of the fire. 65 mm hand lines should also be laid
At a residential construction fire what is the responsibility of the additional arriving apparatus?
To concentrate on extinguishment of the fire and downwind exposures as directed by the IC
At a structure fire what are the tactical priorities and their corresponding benchmarks?
•Life safety - All clear •Stabilize the incident - under control •Prevent further loss and preserve property - loss stopped
What are the first arriving apparatus responsibilities when responding to a structure fire?
- Initial report to FC and incoming apparatus
- perform an initial size up
- begin to formulate an incident action plan
- assign duties to the apparatus personnel
- relay pertinent information to FC and incoming apparatus
What is included in an initial report when responding to a structure fire?
- _________ apparatus is on scene
- address/location of response
- type of structure
- size of structure
- building construction
- Designation of the alpha side
- brief report of smoke/fire conditions
- capt is establishing command
What duties need to be completed at a residential construction fire?
Personnel should investigate any burning in residential construction sites
Fires are to be extinguished
A fire prevention officer is to be contacted
What are the 1st alarm responsibilities at a high rise fire?
- Determine incident location by speaking with on duty building employees or referring to the fire annunciator panel
- Access the security key box taking needed keys and leaving others with a trustworthy person
- Establish a lobby sector
- Deliver an initial message to tenants/occupants, where lobby voice controls are available
- Secure elevators to the ground floor, where controls are available
- Assign an elevator operator, who may double as the entry control person during initial operations
- Bring a high-rise kit for potential operations
- The closest driver to the stand pipe or sprinkler connections should connect dry lines were fire is suspected
For search and rescue at a high-rise fire what areas need searched and in what order?
- Suite of origin
- Fire floor hallway
- Adjacent suites to the suite of origin
- The suite(s) immediately above the suite of origin
- The remainder of the suites on the fire floor
- All stairwells in their entirety
- The floor immediately below the fire floor
- Other affected areas of the building
At a high-rise fire what may the lobby be used for?
- Establishing a building control/communication center, if properly equipped
- Instruction to tenants/occupants, if properly equipped
- Monitoring incident progress
- An initial assembly/staging area for crews, supplies and equipment
- A staging area for other agencies
- A medical triage area
- A crew rehabilitation area
- A distribution point for evacuated tenants
At a high-rise fire where is the forward staging area?
At least two floors below the incident
Outside for ground or second-floor incidents
What is a forward staging area used for at a high-rise fire?
- Staging area for personnel and equipment prior to entry into the hot zone
- Forward entry control point
- Forward staging area for a RIT
- An initial rehabilitation area for personnel
- An initial medical triage area
What specific area may be established at the discretion of the IC at a high rise fire?
Media/tenant relations area
The IC may designate a media relations officer
What are the three safety considerations to consider at a high-rise fire?
- Ensure that tactics do not compromise building protection devices
- Ensure that smoke is controlled
- Ensure that evacuation of occupancy is controlled and that evacuation routes are separate from emergency operations and smoke control
When should additional alarms be initiated by the IC at a high rise fire?
- Potential to further endanger the life and safety of persons in the building
- Potential to spread horizontally on the fire floor or vertically in the building interior the
- Potential to break out to the building exterior with subsequent exposure threats
What is the process where the annunciator panel shows multiple indications?
Floors will be checked in order from the floor closest to the ground then proceed up
If the elevators have been determined safe to use where should crews take the elevator to?
Two floors below the alarm/fire
If no problems found on the alarm/fire floor what can be done?
Check the floors below and above Consider silencing the alarm to improve communications and reduce inconvenience to occupants
What systems are the lobby sector personnel to ensure have been activated?
- Mechanical ventilation shut down
- Building smoke control
- Release of auto door closures and exit door locks
- Fire telephones in operation
Where communication is difficult what can be considered to assist?
Building fire phones Bullhorns The media Bell lines Fire personnel Apartment phones
True or false: where possible use the hose cabinet of the floor below to assist with visibility.
False. Use the fire floor hose cabinet so as not to prop open the stairwell doors
To guard against falling debris how big of an exclusion zone should be designated at a high-rise fire?
50 m in all directions
When using voice controls for messages to tenants what do you begin all messages with?
Your attention please, this is Brampton fire and emergency services
When using voice controls for messages to tenants what is the recommended message for alarm activations?
We are on location investigating the cause of the fire alarm. Please standby for further instructions
When using voice controls for messages to tenants when fire or smoke is discovered what is the recommended message?
Please remain in your suite do not use the elevators dial 911 if you require help
How often are updates required when using voice controls for messages to tenants?
Every five minutes
We are dealing with an emergency on the _____ floor
We are in control of a fire on the _____ floor
We have extinguished the fire on the _____ floor
All are followed by:
Please standby for further information
When using voice controls for evacuation of tenants on desired floors only what is the recommended message?
People on the _____floor(s) only, should now leave the building using the _____ stairwell(s). Do not use the elevators. People on the other floors, please remain in your suites. Dial 911 if you require help
How often is an evacuation message repeated when are required at a high-rise fire?
Every three minutes
What is the message when operations are complete at a high-rise fire to the tenants over the voice controls?
The emergency is now over. You may now return to your normal activities
What is the message to the tenants over the voice controls for a false alarm?
This has been a false alarm. You may now return to normal activities
Who can initiate an emergency evacuation but who usually does?
Any BFES member at an incident Usually by the IC
What considerations should the IC consider during implementation of an emergency evacuation?
Elimination of any sources of noise that may prevent hearing the alert Possible negative impacts of shutting off any equipment
How is an emergency evacuation initiated?
The person initiating the alert by requesting an emergency alert tone from FC
FC shall activate the emergency alert tone
After the tone the initiator shall declare: Evacuate, Evacuate, Evacuate, all personnel at (the address)
After the initiation of the emergency evacuation alert tones and message what is done by the crews on scene?
The nearest apparatus to the hot zone sounds it’s airhorn using 3-3 second blasts
Handheld airhorns deployed by RIT using 3-3 second blasts
All personnel will evacuate the hot zone
Sector officers shall conduct a visual check to ensure all personnel are accounted for
What is done by the IC once crews have evacuated?
- The IC will call a PAR
- If personnel are not accounted for the evacuation procedure will be repeated
- If personnel still not accounted for a Mayday shall be called and operations conducted accordingly
What to situations will allow BFES presence at an explosive devices emergency?
Please request BFES on scene Personnel discover a potential explosive device during an emergency response
What is the police definition of inner perimeter?
The area immediately around a suspected explosive device where the police explosive disposal unit works.
What shall personnel do when inside the inner perimeter at an explosive device emergency?
Only enter this area under guidance of police
Request guidance from police on use of communication devices
Arrival prior to police, maintain a safe distance wait for direction from police
What is the police definition of outer perimeter at an explosive devices emergency?
An area typically set with an approximate 300 m radius from the outside of the inner circle
For an explosive device emergency, communications between responding apparatus and fire control will refer to the incident as what?
A police assist
How will further details be provided to responding apparatus to an explosive device emergency?
What should officers do when responding to an explosive device emergency?
Officers should attempt to clarify with FC if response is on an emergency or non-emergency basis
Use discretion in the use of lights and sirens as they approach
What is the first arrival apparatus at an explosive devices emergencies responsible for?
Make contact with police and stage were directed
Use discretion when discussing a staging area with police
Remain staged in an appropriate location until police arrive
What should personnel do at an explosive device emergency during operations?
The IC will maintain communications between fire and police
Personnel shall use their discretion when coordinating with police to ensure personnel safety
Coordinate with police to determine if additional department resources are required
What should personnel do if a suspected explosive device is located at an emergency response?
Quickly visualize the location and room conditions
Retreat to a minimum 300 m distance
Evacuate those civilians located in the immediate area
What are some safety considerations that an explosive device emergency?
Use discretion while completing radio transmissions as radios may be monitored
Evacuations which are underway are to continue without interference
If an evacuation has not begun personnel won’t initiate one unless directed by police to do so
What is a PIT?
Personal identification tag - all personnel to have individual tag
What is an entry control board?
Board used to manage entry control program
What is an entry control worksheet?
Worksheet used to manage entry control program
What is a passport?
Magnetic board holding each persons mag tag
When is entry control to be established?
Personnel are entering a hot zone
Deemed necessary by the IC
When should an accountability officer be appointed by the IC?
Second alarm incidents or greater High-rise emergencies
When there are two or more ECP’s
Any incident where the IC believes it’s required
At a developing Hi rise emergency, 2 ECP’s are required. Where are they to be located?
First I n the lobby to monitor personal not directly operating in the hot zone
Second at the forward staging area to monitor entry into the hot zone
Who will act as the initial ECP and who will take over from the initial ECP as a dedicated person?
First arriving driver will act as initial ECP
The driver of the third arriving apparatus will replace the initial ECP
This may change at the discretion of the IC
When are PITs handed to the ECP?
Whenever required to enter the hot zone
What are the responsibilities of a dedicated ECP?
Obtain a radio and an entry control kit
Don an entry control vest
Position near to the entry point
Inform the IC of their location
Do a safety check of the PPE of personal passing through
Collect the pit from every person who passes through
Attach the pits to the entry control board Record the time the personnel enter and exit the hot zone
Record the assignment and location of personal entering the hot zone
Record and make the necessary changes to the entry control board as assignments change Monitor the times of entry personnel versus suspected air cylinder time
Notify the IC or respective sector officer if personnel are unaccounted for or seem to be reaching SCBA time limits
Report to the IC as ordered
Conduct or participate in a par if so ordered Ensure any non firefighters authorized by the IC to enter a hot zone are accompanied by fire personnel
All designated ECP‘s will forward their completed entry control worksheets to the IC for submission to fire admin
What should personnel do when leaving a hot zone?
Exit via the same entry control point
Retrieve their PIT and reattach it to the coat
If exit is made from a different entry control point ensure the appropriate ECP is notified
What will happen with passports once an accountability officer (AO) has been assigned?
Before assignment passports shall be left on their apparatus
Once assigned, passports are to be brought forward to the AO
The AO will collect passports of already committed personnel
What are the responsibilities of the accountability officer (AO)?
Obtain accountability kit from DC vehicle or CP
Obtain a radio or be close to one
Assist in the tracking of personnel
Conduct a PAR if so ordered
Manage EC/accountability and aid IC monitoring the location assignment of personnel
Sit close to the IC and/or to the best advantage for accessibility and as a focal point to collect and return passports
What is a PAR?
A personal accountability report
When may a PAR be called?
For the IC to update the status of operational personnel
After the fire is reported under control and primary all clear on all floors
When conditions at the incident caused concern for the safety or location of personal
When a PAR is called who do sector officers account for?
Only the personnel in their respective sector
What are some events that may cause concern for safety or location of personnel?
Report of missing personnel
When a MAYDAY has been called Building collapse
Rapid fire extension
Emergency evacuation
Switching from offensive to defensive strategy
What are the different types of PARS?
A full par and a partial par
What is a full par?
Covers all personnel at an emergency scene
What is a partial par?
Covers personnel in hot zone only
What is to be done when the par is ordered?
Maintain radio silence and await orders
What can break the radio silence during a par?
Emergency traffic communications
How may a par be done?
By aliases (sector assignments)
Apparatus designation
Individual tactical units for larger sectors
What is a running par?
The addition of a sectors personnel numbers after a communication announcement
The running par will be announced at the conclusion of every communication that indicates what?
Entering or exiting a hot zone
A change of location
A change or completion of task
What should personnel not do in a hot zone?
Never work in the hot zone without assignment from the IC
Never work alone in the hot zone
What does entry into a hot zone require?
Proper training
Full PPE including SCBA
Minimum number of personnel required to accomplish the task
What will personnel do when entering and working in a hot zone?
Ensure PITs are grouped together with appropriate sector
Team members will maintain touch voice and/or sight contact with each other
Who can call a par and why?
Any BFES member may request a par from the IC if there’s concern for the safety or location of personnel
What are the IC duties as it relates to an ISO?
Appoint an ISO whenever operational activities dictate
When appointing an ISO consider experience training and knowledge of firefighting operations
Appoint assistant ISO‘s at the request of the ISO or when the IC determines conditions warrant it
Brief the ISO on the incident action plan
What are the duties of an ISO?
Obtain the safety officer equipment from the DC vehicle Obtain a radio
Formulate a hazard risk assessment and provide information to the IC
Ensure air quality monitoring is conducted Survey emergency scene for the purpose of monitoring ongoing operations
Oversee the operation of the rehab unit and/or establishing a Decon sector
Attend post incident analysis of operations
What authority does the ISO have?
The authority to alter suspend or terminate any activity they identify as unsafe that involves an imminent hazard to personnel
Take whatever action is necessary when they identify a potentially unsafe operation where the danger is not imminent
What is done by the ISO after suspending or altering an operation?
Immediately inform the IC of the revised or terminated operation and the reason for the operational adjustments
What actions should the IC take upon discovery of a marijuana illegal grow op and/or clandestine lab?
Undertake a hazard risk analysis Notify FC of a code green incident
Request police ambulance FP and Hydro
What things need to be considered at a marijuana grow Op/clandestine laboratory discovery?
Hazmat response
Hostile civilians still inside
Shut down Hydro to the structure
Do Not shut down anything if a clandestine lab is in operation
Whether regular firefighter tactics should continue or be withdrawn
This is a crime scene once operations are finished personnel should withdraw and await further instruction
What needs to be done before the IC leaves the scene?
Shut off natural gas feed (gas company)
Police are available to take over the scene
Debrief with fire prevention officer if on scene
What does the IC need to ensure all crews on scene complete?
Witness statements
If the structure and situation is deemed unsafe and personnel are withdrawn, when can re-entry be made?
Hydro has confirmed the de-energizing of the premise Adequate ventilation has occurred to ensure visibility
An incident reconnaissance takes place with all safety issues identified and/or controlled
What should be done at a residential apartment building if key box keys are found to be unorganized or outdated?
Utilize the keytag program
Where can tags and labels be obtained for key box keys?
Administrative assistant of training
What are the four colours of key tag labels?
Red green yellow blue
What Is the red tag on key box keys for?
The fire floor
What is the green tag on key box keys for?
What is the yellow tag on key box keys for?
What is the blue tag on key box keys for?
What keys may be found on a red tag in the key box?
Front door key master key suite master key smoke shaft key elevator key
What keys may be found on a green key box tag?
Fire alarm panel key
fire alarm room key
What keys may be found on a yellow tag in the key box?
Utility room key
electrical room key
office key
garage key
What keys may be found on a blue key box tag?
May include seconds of any other keys
What is the average time for RIT to mobilize and locate a victim?
More than 10 minutes
When will the term MAYDAY be used?
To declare that personnel are in trouble and only be used for that purpose
When could a MAYDAY be declared?
Personnel who are lost, trapped or in trouble
By an IC, sector officer or anyone who cannot account for individuals
By any personnel who witnessed and/or has first-hand knowledge that other personnel are lost, trapped or in trouble
If the orange emergency button is activated where will an emergency tone be heard?
Only in the communication centre
How long will the initiator have on-scene priority and an open mic after activating the orange emergency button?
10 seconds
What acronym can be used during a MAYDAY?
L location U unit number N name A assignment or air R radio equipped or resources needed
How long should you continue to repeat your MAYDAY message?
Until the IC acknowledges
True or false: the orange emergency button works in talk around mode
How should the pass alarm be used in a MAYDAY situation?
After the message has been sent and received manually activate the pass alarm
Leave the pass alarm on until located
To communicate critical information turn the pass alarm off until the message has been sent and received then turn it back on
What options are available for a lost fire fighter?
Attempt to exit the structure
Find a wall and use it to find an exit
Breach a wall for escape and to access breathable air
What can be done if fire fighter has a radio failure?
Attempt self rescue
Activate pass alarm in full alarm mode
The partner of a FF in distress will activate the FF’s pass alarm and attempt to contact any other person on the hot zone with the radio to inform IC using the mayday protocol
What is the procedure for an accidental orange button activation?
Do not turn off the radio
State “this is _____ portable with an accidental emergency button activation”
FC will acknowledge and initiate reset procedure
Initiator will reset the radio
Initiator will report to FC that radio has reset
FC will reset the emergency indicator
What must the IC do immediately if a Mayday is declared?
Ensure all MAYDAY messages are acknowledged and confirmed
Consider the need for additional resources
Confirm the location, identification and situation of the personnel
What 2 options could the IC choose to enhance communications in a MAYDAY scenario?
All personnel not involved with the RIT Ops directed to limit radio traffic to essential info only
IC may request another operating channel from FC
What will take place of an IC requests another operating channel during a MAYDAY op?
Lost/trapped FF, RIT, other rescue crews remain on original channel
Other personnel will be reassigned to a new channel
FC, entry control/AO may perform a brief radio check of personnel assigned to new channel
What does the IC need to accomplish upon receiving a MAYDAY?
Ensure crews working on the fire ground continue assigned tasks
Brief and deploy RIT
Assign additional RIT for back up
Assign EMS personnel to entry point or at a safe location outside the hot zone
Notify fire control at the conclusion of the mayday event
What are the sector officer’s responsibilities when a MAYDAY is received?
Maintain current assignment within the IAP
Communications on that channel are to cease
Conduct a PAR within the sector
Notify the IC via radio in the event of a Mayday
When a MAYDAY request is received who are the only ones to communicate on that channel?
Compromised FF
What will fire FC do after an orange button activation with no transmission received?
Attempt to contact the initiator twice
If no response FC will notify the IC of the activation as well as the portable ID number
Dispatch PRP and PRPS if not already done
What will FC do if the orange emergency button activated is the IC’s and the IC does not respond?
Attempt to contact another officer on the scene to confirm details of the emergency transmission
What will FC do in the event that they are unable to make radio contact with any on scene officer?
Immediately dispatch another Apparatus
District Chief
What is FC to do if a Mayday is heard and not immediately acknowledged by the IC?
Announce over all channels operating at the incident that a MAYDAY has been received
Accompany this announcement with the alert tones
Contact the IC to ensure they are aware of the mayday situation
Continuously monitor the mayday channel
What type of message is used to communicate critical information or make an immediate request at an incident?
An urgent fire ground message
When may an urgent fire ground message be transmitted?
Critical fire conditions
Other critical changing conditions
Concern for a potential collapse
Loss of water supply
Hoarding conditions etc.
How does personnel initiate an urgent fire ground message?
Request an emergency alert tone activation from FC
What is to be announced on the radio after FC has activated the emergency alert tone?
“Urgent! Urgent! Urgent!”
“All personnel at _____ address…”
Clearly state the urgent message
True or false: all sector officers to whom an Urgent fire ground message was directed shall acknowledge the message only
What does the IC do if they do not hear acknowledgement from all sectors or have difficulty delivering the urgent fire ground message?
Have FC deliver the message
What are the IC’s responsibilities for setting up sector work cycles?
Assign personnel to on deck locations
Direct personnel to gather and stage necessary equipment
Brief assigned on deck personnel on status
Set up work/rest cycle rotations and manage rotation of personnel so the personnel are able to exit a hot zone with sufficient air
Manage personnel so there are always dedicated personnel ready with full cylinders
Build rehab into the work cycle
What are the responsibilities of an on deck officer assigned a sector work cycle?
Acknowledge the on deck assignment
Assemble personnel with PPE and SCBA
Notify IC once they’ve arrived at location
Determine location of personal in the hot zone
Assess building arrangements and conditions
Ensure the rotation plan is understood
Relieve personnel in the hot zone once ordered by IC or sector officer
What may an on deck crew be used for?
May be used as an initial RIT
Where do on deck personnel operate?
In the warm zone
Which DIC consider as a relates to sector work cycles
Establishing a forward air supply
What should sector officers do as a relates to sector work cycles?
Controlling work cycles while in the warm zone
Notify IC when personal require rehab
Face-to-face communications within the sector
Be relieved by on deck personnel at the nozzle to maintain continuous water flow
Who manages the work cycle while a sector officer is working within the hot zone?
How quickly can unprotected lightweight construction be susceptible to rapid failure?
As little as 4 minutes
When should an undetermined type of construction be assumed to have engineered roof trusses?
If built post 1970
When should an undetermined type of construction be assumed to have lightweight flooring?
If built post 1990
What should personnel be doing with any new and existing buildings including multi family residential buildings?
Preincident planning inspection
Determine lightweight construction elements
Develop appropriate tactics and strategies
Forward to FC so that a caution note may be added
What are the responsibilities of personnel conducting operations on a roof?
Conduct ongoing risk assessments
Factors impacting building integrity should be considered when determining whether to commit or evacuate personal from the roof
Utilize appropriate PPE including fall protection equipment
Identify or provide for an alternate means of emergency escape
Ensure appropriate supervision is provided and roof activities are coordinated by a sector officer
Where should personnel take every reasonable precaution to prevent contaminants from entering?
storm drains
natural or artificial water courses
What methods can be used to confine contaminated runoff?
Who will the IC require FC to notify to collect and dispose of all contaminants properly?
The owner of the property
Who will the IC request FC to notify when fire fighting foam, suspected hazardous materials or other large quantities of fire fighter runoff enter a storm system or other waterway?
Peel spell coordinator who will contact the Ministry of environment
What size of a building is considered to be a large enclosed structure?
30 m (100 ft) X 30 m (100 ft)
What can an aggressive interior attack with worsening smoke conditions result in while operating in a large enclosed structure?
Disoriented and trapped personal
What are the responsibilities of the first arrive in captain arriving at a large enclosed structure?
Identify the building as a large enclosed structure
Consider requesting additional apparatus/alarms
Consider alternative entrances to limit hose line lengths to 60 m (200 ft) into a building
What information should all personnel attempt to identify at a large enclosed structure fire?
Presence of trusses
Whether they are steel or wooden whether heat/fire is impinging on the trusses
What should be done as soon as reasonably possible and where practical at a structure fire?
Conduct a 360 of the building with a TIC
What does a 360 of a building at a structure fire provide assist with?
Better formulate an incident action plan (IAP)
Locate hazards
Attempt to assess floors above and below the fire
Attempt to determine if the fire involves the structure
What questions should be asked of the homeowners bystanders employees etc. at a structure fire
-Is everyone out of the structure If not: •how many are still inside •how old are they •where do you think they are •where were the last scene -where is the fire -what is burning -how do you get there
What is an incident action plan (IAP)?
Using the size up and gathered information, bearing in mind an appropriate hazard risk assessment and/or risk versus reward evaluation, developing an easily communicated plan with clear objectives while allowing some flexibility, constant reevaluations and updates
What is pertinent information and may be relayed to FC and incoming apparatus?
Operating mode Tactics being employed Status of the occupants Location of the fire Request for additional resources Change response to non-emergency for additional responding apparatus Other information as required
What are some first alarm responsibilities at a structure fire?
Initial report
Size up and information gathering Develop an IAP
Assign sectors
Protect on scene personnel
Initiate fire attack
Initiate primary search and rescue
Establish a tactical plan for ventilation
Establish a water supply
Establish an incident safety officer
Establish an entry control
Establish fire fighter rescue capabilities
Provide exposure protection
Review any pre-plan of the structure
Relay the arrival of other services to FC
Relay pertinent information
Any other duty assigned as directed by the IC
What are some safety considerations at a structure fire?
When making entry or exit notify the IC
All interior teams should be equipped with radios, TIC and flashlights
Bring an appropriate hose line
Sound floor prior to entry
Remain in constant visual, physical and/or voice contact with crew members
Attempt to locate a secondary means of egress Be aware of their air supply at all times
Do not stay in heavy smoke
Use running pars
Continually collect information and assess changes in the fire ground
Under heavy smoke conditions maintain constant contact with a lifeline
What conditions will be considered when the IC assesses the benefits of maintaining an interior offensive strategy versus the risk to personnel?
What are the smoke and fire conditions?
Are the firefighters gaining control of the fire?
Is the structure being threatened by the fire?
Are the interior firefighters close to an exit?
Is good control and communication being maintained with the interior crews?
What are some command considerations at a structure fire?
Defensive strategy should be considered when the structural integrity of a building is in doubt C
Consider withdrawing personnel from the area if lightweight construction is involved or suspected to be involved
Triage rehab and staging areas should be separate from the fire scene
If additional resources are required additional alarms shall be requested not individual apparatus
Why may crews remain on scene of a structure fire after loss stopped been declared by the IC?
Ensure complete extinguishment
Secure scene continuity prior to investigation
Other reasons as determined by the IC
When may an IC implement a firewatch?
After residential construction fire
Investigator is required to attend and scene continuity is required
Crews are unable to visually confirm that the fire is extinguished
When a firewatch is deemed necessary by the IC andor in consultation with DC or PC
Who may be present at a fire watch?
An apparatus with at least 3 FFs
Rehab 201 may remain on scene IC may rotate crews as necessary
What are personnel’s responsibilities at a firewatch?
Inspect areas impacted by fire every half hour
Record the time and area inspected on the firewatch form
Submit the form to the IC at completion of the incident
Continue until the site has been turned over to a competent person or the IC terminates it
What should ICs due to record information at emergency incidents?
Record information on tactical work sheets
Determine if a record of notes collected should be permanently stored
Record all information on official tactical worksheet
Once an IC command sheet is completed who is it sent to?
After review the PC or APC will scan and send to fire admin
The hard copy will also be sent to fire admin
What benchmarks does the RIT use?
FF located
FF converted in on air
FF removal underway and the removal route
FF removed from the structure
What actions do level one RIT undertake?
Gather information
Complete an RIT worksheet
Stage equipment
Discuss the situation with the IC, ISO, ECP
Familiarize themselves with the structures layout
Perform at 360 of the structure
Locate secondary means of egress
When is each RIT level established?
Level 1
upon arrival with crews in the hot zone
Level 2
the scene/incident escalates or a second alarm called
Level 3
A MAYDAY is called and rescue operations begin
Once an RIT has begun rescue operations what sectors will the lC assign?
An additional RIT crew to stage themselves at the point of entry
Medical sector of at least three personnel all in appropriate PPE
What does the RIT communicate to the IC during operations?
Updates on the situation
After completion of an audible search state that there is an “audible all clear”
What equipment is brought by a level 3 RIT crew?
Level 1 and level 2 RIT equipment and any other equipment needed to meet the need of the circumstances
What do additional RIT’s actions include during a level 3 RIT?
Gather additional info
Prepared to make entry
Locate alternate means of egress
Stage additional equipment
When does level 2 RIT become upgraded to level 3 RIT?
When a Mayday is called and with the beginning of a rescue operation
When does level 1 RIT upgrade to level 2 RIT?
If the scene escalates
A 2nd alarm is called
The IC requests it
What are the actions of level 2 RIT
Continue gathering information
Secure a power source
Prepare lighting
Ensure alternate means of egress are accessible
Remove obstacles, bars, chains, locks, etc.
What additional tools are brought when level 2 RIT is established?
Forcible entry tools
Cribbing shoring material
Heavy hydraulics or airbags
Additional ladders
What is highly recommended once RIT operations commence?
That fire operations are assigned to another captain or DC
What equipment may the RIT bring to their staging area?
PPE and SCBA RIT kit Tagline Flashlights TIC Forcible entry tools Cutters Straps Ladders
What is required of an RIT?
Be automatically dispatched to all known structure fires
Be established ASAP when personnel are working in a hot zone or when the IC deems it necessary
A RIT will consist of at least three personnel that have passed a BFES approved RIT course
RIT is implemented as part of the ICS
When may a RIT not be required?
At a defensively attacked fire
For every sector entering the hot zone
When may more than one RIT be established prior to a level 3?
Depending on size and geographical layout of the incident
What is a RIT not to be used for at an incident?
Not be assigned additional duties if RIT is established