SOGs-26-Personal Safety Flashcards
What high risk groups are more likely to develop heat stress at the scene?
Are obese
Low cardiovascular efficiency
Don’t exercise often enough
Have underlying diseases
Are older firefighters
What are some signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion?
High core temperature
Weak and rapid pulse
Shallow and rapid respirations
Blurred vision dizziness headaches loss of consciousness
Skin pale cold and clammy
Muscle and abdominal cramps
Nausea and vomiting
Personnel sent to a rest area should have vital signs checked how many minutes after the initial monitor to check recovery rate?
Five minutes
When should personnel be assigned to a rest area?
After 1, 60 mins bottle
After 45 mins of hard continuous work
45 mins working under conditions of high ambient temps and wearing bunker gear
What is the definition of CBRNE?
What will be done with gear that has been contaminated with a confirmed CBRNE agent?
Gear will be retired from service
What should be done with bunker gear that has been determined to be contaminated and must be sent out for specialized cleaning?
Report incident to supervisor
Super will examine contamination
Wear gloves/safety glasses when handling gear
Contaminated gear should be removed at a scene
Ensure all pockets are emptied
Attachments are removed
What is the bagging procedure for contaminated bunker gear being sent for specialized cleaning?
Place all gear in biohazardous plastic bags
Close securely
Put biohazard bag into clear plastic bag
Complete a red contamination label
Print name of firefighter, shift and station
Notify suspected contaminants on label
Place label between bio bag and plastic bag
How are the different bunker gear elements sent for specialized cleaning?
Gloves balaclavas what elements may be sent for specialized cleaning along with bunker gear
Boots and helmets may be cleaned in house using a mild detergent
Boots can be sent out for specialized cleaning
What gear cannot be repaired if found to be defective by the supply equipment officer?
Safety glasses
Helmet and helmet elements
What needs to be filled out if bunker gear needs repairs?
Special cleaning and repair work order form
True or false: if bunker pants require repair the bunker jacket must also be sent
The first six months of the year will be dedicated to the annual inspection of what?
Primary elements
The last six months of the year will be dedicated to the annual inspection of what?
Secondary elements
What is the definition of exposure?
Any time that personnel or equipment are subjected to contaminants either via emergency incidents or training activities
What is the definition of soiled?
PPE exposed to sweat, mild odors, dust and debris
What is the definition of contaminated by a fire?
PPE exposed to, but not limited to, physical and gaseous products of combustion
What is the definition of contaminated by biological or chemical products?
PPE exposed to, but not limited to, petroleum or chemical products, other oils, anatomical tissues or bodily fluids, or otherwise determined by an on scene IC
What is the definition of mitigation?
Reduce or neutralize the severity of hazardous exposures as defined by contaminated
What is the definition of containment?
Physically separating contaminated equipment from the environment
What is the definition of decontamination?
The washing, neutralizing and/or sterilizing of PPE to return it to service.
What is the Decon procedure if personnel are directly or possibly returning to the hot zone?
Personnel exiting the building are to stay on air were possible and not remove any PPE until cleaned thoroughly
Firefighters who do remove the SCBA and firefighting gloves will protect themselves from off gassing gear with an N 95 mask and nitrile gloves
If assigned to rehab turn out gear should be left in an area away from personnel so that it can off gas without causing additional exposures. Weather conditions may affect this location
Avoid using water and wetting down PPE
Personnel providing decontamination, rehab or changing cylinders shall wear PPE appropriate to the suspected hazard
What is the Decon procedure if personnel are being released from the scene?
Firefighters are to report to Decon sector where a decontamination hose line and cleaning station is set up in the warm zone of an incident
Firefighters exiting the building are to stay on air where possible and not remove any PPE until cleaned thoroughly
Personnel providing decontamination, rehab or changing cylinders will wear PPE appropriate to the suspected hazard
Procedures should be followed according to the level of Decon required
What is level one decontamination?
Applies to training or emergency incidents involving PPE that has been soiled and is not contaminated by fire or contaminated by biological or chemical contaminants
What is level 2 decontamination?
Applies to training or emergency incidents involving contaminants by fire
What is to be completed prior to leaving the incident scene or training site were personnel, their PPE and/or equipment is or is suspected of being contaminated?
Use a dry brush to remove gross decontamination
Use a low pressure water spray and soap to clean gear and equipment to remove obvious solid contamination
Rinse off bunker boots, gloves, helmet and facemask
Doff gear and ensemble
Wipes will be used as initial personal decontamination to aid in cleaning and removal of soot, smoke and other potential carcinogens from the body
Any equipment normally placed within the cab of the apparatus will also be bagged and placed in an external compartment of the apparatus or support vehicle
What is the procedure for doffing gear and ensemble that is or is suspected of being contaminated?
Remove helmet and place in plastic bag
Remove SCBA and face piece and set aside for decor
Remove fire fighting gloves and Balaklava and place in same plastic bag
Don nitrile gloves and N 95 mask
Remove bunker gear elements and boots place in same plastic bag
Consider removal of station fatigues for gross contamination and donning either a second set of fatigues or Tyvek suit
Seal bag and set aside for transport
What is the proper way to use wipes as initial personal decontamination?
Expand wiped a full-size to maximize cleaning surface area
Begin cleaning at the neck, throat, jaw and face areas prone to exposure and highest absorption rates of the skin
Ensure areas around eyes, ears and nose are wiped
Continue to other exposed areas such as hands, wrists, lower extremities and groin
When both sides of white becomes soiled use additional wipes as required discard properly after use in sealed bag for disposal never flush in toilets
How soon should a shower be taken by personnel exposed once returning to station?
Shower within the hour
What are personnel expected to bring to live fire training when expected to enter a hot zone and/or class A ordinary combustibles fire?
Spare PPE and clothes/fatigues
What is done with turnout gear between evolutions and during rehab during life fire training?
Be left in an area away from personnel so that it can off gas without causing additional exposures
What is level three decontamination?
Applies to training or emergency incidents involving contaminants that are biological or chemical in nature
What should personnel do when responding to a medical call to ensure safe practises involve possible or confirmed exposures to bed bugs?
Refrain from placing medical equipment on a patient’s bed furniture or close to the walls
Ideally place medical equipment on a hard surface or place a disposable garbage bag under the equipment
Stand rather than sit with dealing with patients and refrain from leaning on walls beds are other furniture
After the call inspect the equipment and all fire fighter gear and clothing for bedbug contamination
If bedbugs are detected or suspected in a fire station or on clothing who must be notified immediately?
The on-duty DC and/or PC
The division chief of A&M
A member of the JHSC
What does be done if bedbugs are detected or suspected on clothing or linens?
Double bag all linens or clothing for laundering
Ensure the laundry tag notes suspected infestation
Ensure persons who will handle the clothing or linens are made aware of the suspected infestation
The DC of A&M will take appropriate action with the clothing up on consultation with a knowledgable agency
What needs to be done if bedbugs are detected or suspected in a fire station?
Inspect all areas of the fire station to determine the extent of any possible infestation
All areas must be vacuum thoroughly. Vacuum contents must be emptied into the garbage then sealed immediately
What areas need to be searched if bedbugs or detected or suspected in a fire station?
Seems, creases, tufts and folds of mattresses and box springs
Under chairs, couches, and dust covers again thoroughly inspecting all creases and crevices
Folds of curtains
Behind baseboards
Behind electrical plates and in cracked peeling paint or plaster
Within telephones, radios and clocks
What are some ways to avoid infestation of bedbugs in a fire station?
Clean up clutter
Vacuum regularly, especially baseboards other areas that have cracks for bugs to hide and live in
Do not bring used furniture into the fire station without authorization
Regularly launder bedding
If working in a building prior to what year what must be assumed when regarding asbestos?
Working in any building built prior to 1992 it should be assumed that asbestos may be present
When does asbestos present a health risk?
When fibres are present near the people breathe
What is the definition of asbestos?
A generic name for a variety of fibrous minerals found a naturally and rock formations
What should firefighters do where there is a potential for exposure to asbestos?
Wear positive pressure SCBA during fire fighting and overhaul
Wet surfaces that contain asbestos to minimize fibre disruption
Conduct on site decontamination of firefighters prior to removing SCBA
What is the cleaning procedure for on site cleanup of personnel and equipment after working on a scene where there is a potential for exposure to asbestos?
Wear appropriate respiratory protection
Brush off to Bree from PPE tools and equipment
Gently rinse off the equipment with low pressure water or clean with a damp cloth
A vacuum equipped with a HEPA filter can be used in lieu of rinsing off with water or damp cloth cleaning
What are done with any cloths That were used for cleaning of equipment on scene where there is a potential for exposure to asbestos?
Be identified as possible asbestos containing material
Left on scene in the care and control of the property owner
What should be done upon returning station after being at a scene where there is a potential of an exposure to asbestos?
Personnel should shower and ensure that soiled PPE is handled accordingly
What should be filled out after working on a scene where there is a potential for exposure to asbestos?
What is the definition of lockout?
The isolation of power and/or securing a control device to machinery, equipment, device or thing, which will secure it in the off or disconnected position with a locking/control device
What sources of energy require the lock out or tag out SOG to be followed?
Electrical Pneumatic Hydraulic Gas Water Steam Chemical Mechanical
What is the goal to achieve when working on machinery or equipment?
To achieve a “zero energy state“
What is the definition for locking/control device?
A device that physically isolate a machine, equipment, device or thing from its power source; and can be secured and locked in the off or in operative position
What is the definition of tag out?
The use of DANGER – DO NOT OPERATE tags to warn and forbid others from operating or moving the tagged device and to indicate who is performing the work
What is the definition of blanking off?
All lines and systems, which may introduce hazardous materials into the workplace, Shelley physically disconnected or blanked off
What are required of blanks when blanking off lines and systems?
Sufficiently strong to withstand line pressure
Not susceptible to corrosion by the material in the lines
A closed line may still leak hence blanking
Before de-energizing any equipment in order to lock it out who should be summoned to de-energize industrial equipment if possible?
Qualified maintenance
If qualified personnel are not immediately available to assist in the process of de-energizing equipment in order to lock it out what will BFES personnel do?
Take such steps as are necessary to prevent further injury to the patient and ensure the safety of emergency responders performing rescue operations
What should be considered before de-energizing equipment in order to lock it out?
The amount and type of energy or hazards
The method of controlling the main energy source
There may be more than one type of energy involved
Stored or secondary energy that stays in the system after the main source is turned off
When shutting down equipment in order to tag out or lock out what must be done once a machine is turned off and has stopped moving?
The main disconnect switch must be opened and locked in the off position
What must be done once the switch has been locked out?
A check must be made to ensure that the item is in operable
Attempt to restart the machine using the machines normal starting procedures after cribbing is in place
If item still operational contact building manager to locate proper disconnect switch repeat above steps
What are the duties of the responsible person tasked with the lock out?
Placing a safety lock on the disconnect switch
Must fix a permanent tag to the lock once the switch has been locked out successfully
Retain the key for their lock while it is in place
Is the only person who can remove the lock after work is completed and equipment is safe and ready to operate
What steps can be taken to isolate equipment?
Operate all energy isolating devices to ensure isolation from all energy sources
Close valves, disconnect main power and circuit breakers
Disconnect auxiliary power sources, i.e. Electrical, steam, hydraulic, pneumatic
Never pull a switch under load
Never remove a fuse instead of disconnecting
In flowing liquid/solid applications, ensure that the blank outs are performed
Eliminate or neutralize energy reactors by use of chocks, wedges, blocking devices or elimination of secondary power source where necessary
What needs to be done when applying lockout/tagout devices?
Attach a lock and tag to all energy isolating devices, switches and valves
Only standard BFES devices will be used
When lockout is used all involved services must attach their own lock to the lockout device
Keys may be stored in a lock box to maintain control of the scene
Fill out identifying tags completely when possible
Include name, telephone number and department on identifying tags
Notify IC or ISO when lock out is complete
What should be done for equipment that cannot be locked out?
Place a tag close to the energy isolate device
Assign personnel with a radio to stand by lockouts to ensure machinery power supply is not inadvertently turned back on
How do you control stored energy at a lock out tag out incident?
Verify all moving parts are stopped an energy supply is locked out
Confirm shut down with responsible party
What is the process for removing a lock out?
Make sure equipment does not pose a hazard before leaving
Notify IC or ISO of lockout removal
Confirm removal with the responsible party
Inform everyone in area lockout is being removed
Each device must be removed by the person who put it on
Responsible party will apply their own locks before BFES lock is removed
In the case of an elevator rescue lock out or take out what is to be done if there was no responsible party to hand the scene over to?
The room must be lockable
Remove the lock and locking device
Replace these with zip ties tied in the off position
What information needs to be documented it a lock out tag out incident?
Names of staff applying the locks or tags
The names of maintenance staff on scene
Anyone responsible for removing the locks for tags
What components does the insulated electrical glove ensemble consist of?
Inner safety rubber gloves
Outer leather protectors
Which vehicles carry the insulated electrical glove ensembles?
Squads - one pair on each Technical rescue truck - one pair P201 P206 - one pair on each Facility maintenance vehicle - one pair Training division - one pair
What is the maximum number of volts of protection class zero insulated electrical gloves are rated for?
1000 volts
What tasks will all personnel use insulated electrical glove ensembles to provide a safe barrier against electrical contact?
Operating disconnect switches and potentially energized electrical panels
Where the electrical panel is less than 750 V and has not been compromised or damaged
Dealing with electric or hybrid vehicles
Where the high-voltage components or cables are suspected to be damaged and or
The high-voltage fuse needs to be removed
How should be insulated electrical glove on sample be stored?
In a canvas pouch in a clean, dry, cool, well ventilated location on the assigned vehicle
The canvas pouches and leather outer gloves will be marked with the assigned vehicle designation
Rubber gloves will not be marked with vehicle designation
What should be done to the insulated electrical glove ensemble prior to being used?
Inspected prior to donning
Leather gloves shall be checked for any holes or excessive wear
Rubber gloves should be inspected visually for valid test date and/or physical damage
What if the test date for the insulated electrical glove ensemble rubber gloves is not valid or they are damaged?
Remove from service and forward to A&M to arrange for testing or replacement
How do you conduct an inspection of the insulated electrical glove ensemble?
Inspected and documented on the weekly
Examine test date of the rubber inner gloves
If more than six months have passed since last test remove from service
The leather gloves shall be checked for any holes or excessive wear
What is the process for donning the insulated electrical glove ensemble?
Don outside the hazardous area
Leather gloves will always be worn over the rubber gloves
May be donned at multiple incidents provided they first pass a visual inspection
How are the insulated electrical glove ensembles tested and how are the rubber gloves exchanged?
A&M will establish and maintain a schedule for testing and exchanging the rubber gloves
Replacement of the inner safety rubber gloves are to be purchased and stored at the A&M division