Society and Culture Flashcards
large scale perspective that looks for patterns in large populations of people
what are 3 classical foundational perspectives of society?
1) functionalism
2) conflict theory
3) symbolic interactionism
small scale perspective that looks at individual relations and interpret how this may affect a society
what are 2 common macroscale perspectives of society
1) Functionalism
2) Conflict theory
views society as competition for limited resources
who came up with this perspective?
Conflict theory
Karl Marx and Max Weber
Views society as a complex system composed of many different parts that work together to maintain stability
who came up with this perspective?
Emile Durkheim
Looks at society as a living organism
what is Dynamic Equilibrium
Occurs to many parts working together to achieve stability
According to functionalism:
term that refers to the intended and recognized functions of society
manifest functions
according to functionalism:
Promotion of health is a___function of a hospital
according to functionalism: term that refers to the unintended and unforeseen functions of society
Latent functions
according to functionalism:
increasing the income gap is a ___ function of racial tension
according to functionalism: reducing the crime rate is a ___ function of creating more jobs
what are some common micro level perspectives of society
1) Symbolic interactionism
2) Social constructionism
3) Rational Choice Theory
4) Social Exchange Theory
(SIlly RCcars SCream SEasonally)
what are the 2 views of institutions and how are they different?
Conservative View- instituion is a NATURAL BYPRODUCT of human nature. always helpful
Progressive View- instituitions are ARTIFICIAL CREATIONS that need to be REDESIGNED to be Helpful
(think CONSERVation of NATURe)
(PROducts are ARTIFICIAL )
what are the 5 social institutions
1) Education
2) Family
3) Religion
4) Economy/ Government
5) Health/ Medicine
Acronym (FREE Healthcare)
Views society as constructed through human INTERPRETATION
a tree could have 10 different meanings to 10 different people
Symbolic interactionsm
Views society as constructed through social interactions(agree on it )
(money only has value because we all agree that it does)
Social Constructionism
Views society as individuals make decisions by comparing costs and benifits
Rational Choice theory
Social Exchange Theory
Dominant religious organization that includes most members of society
Luthrinism in sweden
remember roman catholic church saying they were Ecclesiastic
whats the difference between churches, sects and cults
CHURCHES- established religious body in large society
SECTS- establish in protest to established church(smaller)
CULTS-most radical, reject values of outside society(DEPEND on inspirational LEADER)
the weakening of social and political power of religious organizations as religious involvement declines
Think of SECTS-established out of protests
reaction to secularization, go back to strict religious beliefs.
Think go back to fundamentals
what are the 4 main types of government and how are they different?
DEMOCRACY- take into account will of people
DICTATORSHIP-no consent of citizens
COMMUNISM- classless, property is owned by community
MONARCHY- government embodied by single person
what are the 2 types of Economy and how are they different?
CAPITALISM-Private ownership of production, based on supply and demand
SOCIALISM- motivated by what benefits society as a whole
(cap the socialist!)
Division of Labor in society is ____
think of view of society- different parts working together
sick role
expectation in society that allows you to take break from responsibility if your sick
what are the 3 versions of sick role? how are they different?
1) Conditional- temporary
2) Unconditional- uncurable
3) Illegitimate- Stigmatized by others
ACCESSIBILITY-ability to access/ obtain resources
AVAILABILTY- the presence of resources
Patient has screw in leg unable to have MRI
resources are available
Patient doesn’t seek mental health services due to shame
Resources available
Patient seeking lung transplant is put on waiting list due to lack of donors
Resources unavailable
process of being ill and how people cope with illness
Illness experience
looks at health disparities through social indications like race, gender and income distributions
Social Epidemiology
the social aspects of epidemiology
according to conflict theory: society evolves through what 3 stages
1) feudalism
2) capitalism
3) socialism
(in a FEUD you CAP the SOCIALIst)
in conflict theory: term that refers to individuals of a social class that have wealth, power and influence (upper class)
think Wealthy people have BOUjee stuff
in conflict theory:
term that refers to individuals from working class, worth determined by ability to perform(lower class)
think PRO (before) LETARate( reading) poor people cant read
in conflict theory: term refers to realization by lower class that there was a major discrimination in economic status,
This intern led to ___
led to Anti-Thesis(desire of workers to change thesis)
Theorist expanded on Marx proposal of society ,
said society is shaped by war and cultural and ethical conflicts
Ludwig Gumplowics
think GUM on Plow crashing into people
what is the difference between Class, Prestige/Status and Power?
CLASS- persons economic position in society
STATUS/PRESTIGE- persons social honor or popularity
POWER- Persons ability to get their way despite resistance
what are the two forms of social constructionism?
How are they different?
WEAK- propose that social constructs are dependent on Brute Facts and Institutional Facts
STRONG- all Knowlege is a social construct and there are no brute facts
aspect of weak social constructionism:
something that is not defined by something else
brute facts
aspect of weak social constructionism: are created by social conventions and do rely on other facts
Institutional facts
think INSTITUTIONS are built UP
what are the 2 people responsible for symbolic interactionsim?
George Herbert Mead
Herbert Blumer
(think flowers blooming in mead is a symbol)
Men Constitute the governing body and heads of families and communities
what is another name for mellenials and what year were these people born?
Gen Y
people that are born in 1995-2003 are?
Generation Z
sister likes to catch her ZZZ’s
People that are born 1946-1964
Baby Boomers
people born in 1925-1945(before baby boomers)
Silent Generation
Ratio that compares people the are less than 14 y/o and greater than 65 y/o and compares them to # of people in the the labor force (15-64)
dependency ratio
a holistic perspective that calls attention to developmental processes and other experiences across a persons life
Life-course Theory
theory that suggests age is a way of regulating behavior of a generation
Age Stratification Theory
think meteros entering stratosphere only the young will adapt to survive
Theory that looks at how other generations look at themselves. Certain activities need to be replaced so elderly can be engaged
Activity Theory
Theory that states older people and society seperate (elderly people still involved in society are not adjusting well)
Disengagement Theory
Theory that states people try to maintain a basic structure throughout there lives
Continuity Theory
Think( try to maintain continuity through out life)
what is the difference between race and ethnicity
Race - defined by physical differences
Ethnicity- defined by cultural factors like language, nationality, history and religion
group of people are forcefully moved
population transfer
minority group is segregated and exploited
think segregated as Seperated inside the COLONY
minority group is absorbed into the majority
___encourages racial and ethnic variation in population
same biological sex and gender
cis gender
biological sex and gender don’t match
trans gender
gender queer
dont identify as male or female
rejecting gender categories
gender fluid
moving across genders
not identifying with specific gender
third gender
cultures that recognize non-binary gender
biological traits that society associates with being male or female
cultural meanings attached to being masculine and feminine
secual attraction, practivices and identity
theory that explains how people should be gendered in society (what constitutes male and female characteristics)
gender schema theory
how we expect men and females to do
gender script