Perception, Prejudice and Bias Flashcards
theory that tries to explain how we understand/explain others behaviors
attribution theory
whats another name of internal attribution)
dispositional attribution
what does dispostional attribution mean?
about them
what does external attribution?
model that attempts to explain if a behavior is due to an internal or external factors
Assessed by consistency, distinctiveness and consensus
co-variation model
think vatiation between internal and external factors
high consistency means
attribution to internal factors
high distinctiveness means
attribution to external factors
high consensus
attribution to external factors
we are victims to circumstances but others are will full actors
actor-observer bias
over attribution of others behavior to internal causes
fundamental attribution error
belief that bad things happen to others, but not to us
optimism bias
attributing certain thought/cognition to a group of individuals and overgeneralizing
self fulfilling fear that one will be evaluated based on a negative stereotye (causes a decrease in performance)
stereotype threat
stereotype can lead to behaviors that affirm the original stereotype
self-fulfilling prophecy
what 3 components make up prejudice
1) cognition (stereotype)
2) affect/ emotinal (prejudice towards minority)
3) discrimination (behavior towards Minority)
this personality type is very prejudice , they’re obedient to superiors, but dont have much sympathy for those they deem inferior to themselves
authoritarian personality
what other characteristics characterize the authoritarian personality type
1) obedient to superiors
2) opressive
3) inflexible view points
hypothesis that states frustration(from any source) can lead to prejedice
Frustration Aggression Hypothesis
hypothesis that states that a prejudice can be developed when denied something you feel entitled too
Hypothesis of Relative Deprivation
extreme disapproval/discrediting of individual by society
social stigma
2 types of stigma
social stigma
stigma associcated with an attribute that is devalued
social stigma
related to stereotype, prejudice and discrimination
stigma that results from internalizing negative stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination
what is the distinction between 1)stereotype, 2)Prejudice, 3)Descrimination
1) over generalizing about a population
2) emotion asspciated with stereotype(typically negative
3) Action
Bias that give first impressions too much weight(emphasis)
Primacy bias
similar to memory
Bias that gives too much weight (emphasis) to Last impressions
recency bias
similar to memory
effect that results from a really good first impression. This really good first impression causes us to get a false sense that the person is better at other tasks than they actually are
Halo effect
effect that results from a really bad first impression. This really bad first impression causes us to get a false sense that the person is worse at other tasks than they actually are.
Devil effect
reverse Halo effect
judging a culture from the position of your own culture
our culture is superior
fucked up ethics
judging a culture from the position of that culture
cultural relativism
the group that we ( psychologically connected to)
in group
the group that is different from the in group
out group
friendly to ingroup neutral to out group
In group favoritism
friendly to ingroup mean to out group
out group derogation
study of particular people and places
judging another culture as superior to ones own culture
MNue(z no is a little weak alien that feels inferior)
the deliberate imposition of ones own cultural values on another culture (pushing your culture on someone)
Cultural imperialism
MNue(imperialist conquoring another culture)