Sensation Flashcards
In-order to feel temperature we rely on what receptor(specifically)
Describe the Trypv1 mechanism (how the body senses pain/ temperature)
Temperature causes confirmational change in structure of Tryp1—>signal to brain
Poke breaks cells releasing molecules that bind to TrypV1 activates cell—>signal to brain
what are the 3 types of nerve fibers
A-beta (fast)
{Acronym: Alphabetical A-B, A-D, C} [Fast, Medium Slow}
what factor causes one type of nerve fiber to vary in speed from another
Level of Myelination
What is the gate control theory
non-painful input closes the”gates” to painful input
prevents pain sensation from reaching the central nervous system
How do we smell?
100 of different olfactory epithelial each sensitive to one particular molecule. They
all send projections to one glomerulus respective to their specialization. Then they
synapse onto a mitral/tufted cell which signals to the brain
labeled line theory of olfaction
describes a scenario where each receptor would
respond to specific stimuli and is directly linked to the brain
vibrational theory of olfaction
Says that different vibrational frequencies of molecules give odor profile
Steric theory or shape theory of olfaction
states that molecules shape fits receptors like lock and key
inability to percieve odar
Anosmia (Acronym:
aNOSEmia = Smell)
what are the 5 main tastes ?
bitter, salty, sweet, sour, and umami (ability to taste glutamate
what is another word for the outer ear?
Theory of hearing which state that our preception of sound depends on where each component of frequency produces vibrations along the basal membrane
Place theory
what is your somatosenory Homunculus?
It is a “topographical” sensory map of your body located in the “sensory strip” of your brain
what region of the brain is the Humunculus located?
inside the sensory cortex. located in the cortex/perietal lobe
what is the sens that is responsible for balance and posture?
what is the name of the little receptors located in our muscles that contribute to our proprioception sence
what are the differences and similarities between Kinaesthesia and Proprioception
both tell us where are body is in space
Kinaesthesia- sense of movement
Proprioception- sense of balance and position