Socialising (Tutorial Pelajaran 1) Flashcards
Meet/get acquainted with new friend
Berkenalan dengan teman baru
What’s your name? ; Whats the name of Teguh’s friend?
Siapa namanya? / Siapa nama Anda? ; Siapa nama teman Teguh?
Who is that? / That is bahasa indon teacher
Itu siapa? / itu dosen bahasa indonesia
Please come in / sit
Silakan/ Ayo masuk/duduk
What is this? That is pisang goreng
Ini apa? Itu pisang goreng
What’s the name of that bahasa indon teacher? (literally who name teacher that) / Her name is Pak Agus
Siapa nama dosen bahasa indonesia itu? / Nama dia Pak Agus
Adi comes to Teguh’s boarding house. That house belongs to Teguh’s aunt, Bu Lani.
Adi datang ke rumah kos Teguh. Rumah itu milik tante Teguh, Bu Lani
This is Adi, my good friend
ini adi, teman saya.
Bu takes small snacks and drinks
Bu mengambil makanan kecil dan minuman
You’re welcome
Adi eats what?
Adi makan apa?
Apple juice / biscuit
Jus apel / biskuit
Teguh converses with Bu.
Teguh bercakap-cakap dengan Bu
Can i ask? / Of course!
boleh saya bertanya? / Tentu saja!
Where does Dian stay?
Dian tinggal di mana?
Bu, is there a supermarket near here/Bu’s house?
Bu, apa ada supermarket di dekat sini/ Rumah Ibu?
Where is the post office? / Hows the post office? /Post office is small.
Di mana kantor posnya? OR Kantor pos ada di mana? / Bagaimana kantor posnya? / Kantor posnya kecil
post office is near bank, at Melati street
kantor pos ada di dekat bank, di Jalan Melati
near here / far from __
di dekat sini / jauh dari ____
clean / dirty
bersih / kotor
BIG / small
BESAR (think jalan besar altho its not v big) / kecil
good / not very good
bagus :) / kurang bagus
student dormitory
asrama mahasiswa
picture / illustration
railway station
stasiun kereta api
I have to leave / Wait awhile. Why so fast???? / Sorry I have to go home now. I have to do hw.
Saya permisi dulu OR Saya mau pamit / Tunggu dulu. Mengapa cepat-cepat? / Maaf, saya harus pulang sekarang. saya harus membuat PR :(
See you later / tomorrow! OR bye!
Sampai nanti/besok OR mari!
Why does Dian have to go home so fast?
Mengapa Dian cepat-cepat pulang?
Dian ask who permission to leave? / Dian ask permission Teguh and Bu.
Dian pamit pada siapa? / Dian pamit pada Teguh dan Bu.
work / study
bekerja / belajar
ulang tahun