Lecture 1 Flashcards
Good morning/afternoon/evening/night
Selamat pagi/siang/sore/malam
Excuse me, what’s your name?
Maaf, siapa nama Anda?
My name is …
Nama saya …
How do you spell your name?
Bagaimana mengeja nama Anda?
Nice to meet you
Senang bertemu dengan Anda
You are a student in my mathematics class yes?
Anda mahasiswa di kelas Matematika saya ya?
Can you come to my office tomorrow morning?
Apa Anda bisa datang ke kantor saya besok pagi?
I must bring many books to class tomorrow morning
Saya harus membawa banyak buku ke kelas besok pagi.
Can! Ok!
I will go to the (ibu’s) office tomorrow morning.
Saya akan datang ke kantor ibu besok pagi.
Where do you (inf.) want to go?
Kamu mau pergi ke mana?
I (inf.) want to go to the library.
Aku mau pergi ke perpustakaan.
I (inf.) want to study there.
Aku mau belajar di sana.
I want to meet my friend in the canteen.
Aku mau bertemu dengan teman di kantin
He/She is there now.
Dia ada di sana sekarang.
He/She is waiting there now.
Dia menunggu di sana.
She works in the NUS campus
Dia bekerja di kampus NUS
Eat, drink, watch TV
Makan, minum, menonton TV
Apartment, house
Apartemen, rumah
Bank, post office
Bank, kantor pos
Bus terminal, bus stop
Terminal bus, halte bus
Book shop, student lodging
Toko buku, asrama mahasiswa
Cinema, restaurant
Bioskop, restoran