6.2 Persiapan Pernikahan Flashcards
Is it right that …
Apa betul
Is it right that this is the marketing office?
Apa betul ini kantor pemasaran?
Sorry, you dialled wrongly
Maaf, Anda salah sambung
Looks at T with a confused look
Melihat T dengan pandangan bingung
It seems …
It seems the number you gave (me) is mistaken
Kayaknya nomor yg kamu berikan keliru
How is method of payment
Bagaimana cara pembayaran
Pay cash.
Bayar kontan
Have 10% discount
Ada 10% korting
Down payment
Uang muka
Then remaining can be paid in 2 installments
Lalu sisinya bisa dicicil dua kali/dibayar 2 cicil
When downpayment has to be paid
Kapan uang mukanya harus dibayar
At least 3 months before the event
Paling tidak 3 bulan sebelum acaranya
Please put down my name for that day
Tolong catat nama saya untuk hari itu
Press number button
Tekan tombol nomor
Why these people still can smile and survive (life)?
Mengapa orang2 ini masih bisa tersenyum dan bertahan hidup?
What is there in their thoughts?
Apa yang ada dalam pikiran mereka?
compete to get buyers
Bersaing untuk mendapatkan pembeli
handphone rings
telepon berbunyi
akan tetapi
Can pay in installments school fees
Boleh mencicil uang sekolahnya