Social Psychology Flashcards
pt 2
going crazy and losing yourself in a group
group polarization
ingroup bias
mirror-image perceptions
group polarization: us vs them extreme
groupthink: echo chamber
ingroup: the us ppl who share a common believes
outgroup: the them ppl opposing side who disagree with the us group
ingroup bias: tendency to favor your own group
mirror-image perceptions: each party views the other as evil and immoral while they themselves are good.
scapegoat theory
prejudice:attitude towards a group usually involving stereotype
stereotype: generalized belief about a group of ppl
discrimination: unjustifiable negative believes towards a group
scapegoat theory: theory that prejudices is an outlet for anger by making an enemy
other-race effect
its easier to recall faces of ppl of the same race
Graduated and Reciprocated
Initiatives in Tension-Reduction—a
strategy designed to decrease
international tensions.
social exchange theory
social trap
superordinate goals
social exchange theory:theory that social behaviour is an exchange
the goal is to maximize benefit and minimize coast
social trap: situation where conflicting parties become caught in mutually destructive behavior
superordinate goals: shared goals that need cooperation that override differences between people
the enemy of my enemy is my friend
a perceived incompatibility of
actions, goals, or ideas