Exam Pt 7 Memory Flashcards
Stages of remembering
Encoding: putting stuff into the memory storage
Storage: where information lives
Retrieval: useing info from storage
**Types of memory*
Sensory memory:
short-term memory:
long-term memory:
working memory:
Sensory memory: imitate recording of sense
short-term memory: holds for a vary short time
long-term memory: info is now **in staorage* for what could be forever
working memory: Short term –> long term
Types of encoding
automatic processing:
Effortful processing:
spacing effect:
serial position effect:
Visual encoding:
Acoustic encoding:
Semantic encoding:
automatic processing: unconscious encoding
-core memories
Effortful processing: purposeful encoding
rehearsal: again and again and again and again and a-oh I remember it
spacing effect: spaceing things out is better for learning
serial position effect: its easyist to remeber stuff at the end and beging of stuff
Visual encoding: remebering images
Acoustic encoding: remebering sound
Semantic encoding: remebering Meaning
iconic memory:
echoic memory:
flashbulb memory:
mood-congruent memory:
chunking: splitt shit up into catagorie sthat make sense
iconic memory: remeber that piture for like 2 seconds
echoic memory: auditory remebring even when attention is elswhere for a second
-this is a pen. a what? a pen. a what? a pen. ohh a pen. This is a__
flashbulb memory: clear memory of significant events
-where were u when the queen died?
mood-congruent memory: memories with emotion attached
implicit memory:
explicit memory:
amnesia: memory loss
implicit memory: shit u unintentially remeber
-how to walk, ride a bike,
explicit memory: shit u intentionally recall
-to do lists
-that time in elemernty school u will NEVER forget cuz it keeps u up at night
recall: fill in the blanks
recognition: multiple choice
relearning: shorter time to learn somthing u have already learned and forgotten
repression: defence mechanism hiding away from embarsment, feeling, and memories
misinformation effect
source amnesia:
misinformation effect: adding stuff that didn’t happen to memories
source amnesia: cant remeber details
-who, what, where, when
Retrograde Amnesia
antrograde Amnesia
Retrograde Amnesia: can’t remeber past
antrograde Amnesia: can’t make new memories