Exam pt. 3 Consciousness Flashcards
Sates of consciousness
- Conscious:
- Unconcuous:
- semi-conscious:
- Conscious: awarness of ourselves and envirnment
- Unconcuous:
- semi-conscious:
Dual prossessing:
High track:
low trak:
Dual prossessing: info is processed simultaneously on separate conscious and unconscious tracks
High track/conscious:stuff we think to do
low track/unconscous trak: stuff we don’t think to do
Ex. when catching a ball you will raise your arms (high) and calculate the tragectory and impact of the ball (low)
selective attention:
inattentional blindness:
cocktail party effect:
change blindness:
choice blindness;
selective attention: focusing on something so you block out another thing
selective inattention/inattentional blindness: missing something while focusing on another
cocktail party effect: singling out important info from other information
change blindness: change goes noticed after interuption
choice blindness: convinced the thing u chose is correct
Blindsight: unable to see but still using your eyes
-high track cant process visual perception but low track can
-happends when there is damage to the visual cortex
circadian rhythm:
sleep cycle:
Stages of sleep:
sleep: periodic, natural, reversible loss of consciousness
circadian rhythm: biological clock regulates bodily rythems
sleep cycle: cycling through the stages of sleep
Stages of sleep: distinct patterns of brain waves associated w/diffrenet consciousness and sleep
Stages of sleep
Stage 1 Alpha waves:
Stage 2 light sleep
stage 3 delta waves
stage 4/rem sleep
sleep paralysis:
paradoxical sleep:
rem rebound:
Stage 1 Alpha waves:
slow waves that relax ppl into sleep
Stage 2 light sleep
stage 3 delta waves: deep sleep
stage 4/rem sleep:
rapid eye movements
-dreams happen
sleep paralysis:
-during rem
-brain stem blocks the motor cortex
paradoxical sleep:
-brain is active
body immobile
rem rebound:
-rem sleep makes more sleepy after repeated interuption
Theories of why we sleep
Restoration Theory:
Ecological Theories (hibernation theory):
Restoration Theory: repair + restore the body
evidence: sleep deprivation and its effects + killing rats
Ecological Theories (hibernation theory): keep us safe
evidence: night = danger as caveman
-sleep uses less energy
-evolution and shit
What are the Effects of sleep?
What are the effects of sleep loss
Effects of sleep:
-reinforce memory
-help solve problems
Effects of sleep loss:
-immune system sad
-metabolism slows
-higher blood pressure
-stomach issues
-everything bad you can imagine
Sleep Disorders
- Insomnia:
- Narcolepsy:
- Sleep apnea:
- night terrors:
- Sleepwalking/talking
- Insomnia: can’t fall/stay asleep
- Narcolepsy: falling asleep at random times
- Sleep apnea: Can’t breath in sleep
- night terrors: nightmares but worse
- Sleepwalking/talking: sleeping and walking in your sleep SHOCKER I know.
-Keith parks the guy who killed while sleep walking
Sigman Fraud’s theories of sleep
- Latent content:
- Manifest content:
Dreams: in REM sleep
- Latent content: The meaning of dreams
-symbols - Manifest content: The story of the dream
post hypnosis suggestion:
hypnotic induction;
psychoactive drugs:
Hypnosis: a person suggest perceptions that will spontaneously occur
-you are getting vary sleep blah blah blah
post hypnosis suggestion: suggestion made during hypnosis but carried out after hypnotic session
-used in therapy sometimes
hypnotic induction; leading someone into a hypnotic state
psychoactive drugs: drugs that alter mood, perception, and other conscious experiences