Soc 27- Engagement Patterns In Sport Flashcards
Which gender participate more in sport?
Women’s participation levels in sport
Increasing however there are still fewer women than men
How can gender affect participation in sport?
The idea that some sports are more ‘male’ and others more ‘female’ has mostly disappeared but still some sports offer more opportunities to one sex over the other.
How does Age affect someone’s ability to play sport?
Some competitive events may have age restrictions. For example, the minimum age to run the London Marathon is 18.
Work and family responsibilities and health problems may prevent an adult from participation.
Some activities may lend themselves to being more suitable for younger people such as gymnastics. Others may lend themselves to older people.
Example of how age might affect someones ability to play sport
Rugby might be too physically demanding for an elderly person
How do Socio-economic groups affect participation in sport?
People are less likely to participate in sport if they come from a low socio economic group. This is because Most activities have associated costs e.g. hire of facilities, lessons, equipment and clothing.
How can your socio economic group affect what sport you play?
Sports like polo, rowing and lacrosse are seen as ‘middle class’(high socio economic group) activities whilst football and boxing are thought to be ‘working class’(low socio economic group).
How Can someone’s Ethnicity and religion impact their participation in sport?
Racism is still an issue in sport despite huge efforts to promote racial equality.
In countries like Fiji, Tonga and Samoa rugby is part of their culture. On the other hand, there has been racist abuse against non-white players most notably in football.
Religious services on a Sunday.
How can disability affect participation levels in sport?
Unable to compete in certain activities/less clubs available
How are participation levels of people with disabilities changing?
Opportunities for disabled people in sport are increasing. This is due to adapted activities such as wheelchair basketball
2012 paralympics had record crowds
There are more role models in society
Who influences people’s participation levels in sport?
Family members
Same age and socio economic class
Role models - successful people in sport
What is deviance?
Behaviour that falls outside the norms of what is thought to be acceptable; goes against the moral values or laws of the sport
Negative deviance
Deviance that has a detrimental effect
Positive deviance
Deviance where there is no intention to cause harm or break the rules
Qualities of fairness, following the rules, being gracious in defeat or victory
Bending the rules/laws of a sport without actually breaking them
Examples of sportsmanship
Shaking hands at the end of the game
Being honest to officials
Examples of gamesmanship
Taking PED’s to enhance performance
Claiming a catch in cricket when you know the ball has bounced
Examples of deviance
Diving to win a penalty in football
Example of Positive deviance
Continues to play whilst someone is injured
Examples of negative deviance
Outside of the game situation someone could take a PED. Where the rules and regulations are broken and the referrer has to administer the rules.