Soc 25- Energy Use, Diet, Nutrition And Hydration Flashcards
What is a balanced diet?
A diet contains a variety of different foods and nutrients essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle
What are the 7 elements of a balanced diet?
Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins, Vitamins, Minerals, Water, Fibre
What are macronutrients?
Macronutrients are the types of food that you need in large amounts in your diet: carbohydrates,Fats,Proteins
Stored in the muscles and the liver as glycogen, which is quickly converted into glucose to provide energy.
Complex carbohydrates
Starch is found in natural foods such as bananas, brown rice, wholemeal bread and potatoes.
Simple carbohydrates
Sugars are found in their natural form in fruit and vegetables, and in their refined form in biscuits, cakes, chocolate, and confectionery
Provide energy and together with glycogen help muscles to work. Examples include bacon, cheese and nuts. Should be 30% of your diet.
Macronutrients intake for Sumo wrestlers
More fat for weight
Macronutrients intake for marathon runners
More Carbohydrates for energy
The parts of your food that you need for normal growth, but only in small amounts (vitamins and minerals)
Why do we need vitamins and minerals?
Vitamins and minerals are essential for a healthy body and to prevent certain diseases
What is Vitamin C for?
Healing wounds
What are the different factors affecting optimum weight?
Height- A taller person is more likely to be heavier than a shorter person
Bone structure- People with a heavier bone structure would normally be heavier in weight
Muscle girth- People with bigger muscles will weigh more
Gender- A man is more likely to have a higher optimum body weight than a woman at the same height
The loss of water and salts essential for normal body function
Take on water
Metabolic rate
The rate at which metabolic processes take place; the rate at which a body uses up energy
Being hydrated means the body has the correct amount of water in cells, tissues and organs to function correctly. The average recommended daily intake is 2.5 litres of water for men and 2 litres for women
Making you produce more urine
Proteins are important to help build muscles and to repair damaged tissue. Important to strength athletes.
Examples of foods that have protein
Chicken, eggs, lentils, beans
A balanced supply of vitamins is essential for the body to function properly
Essential for a healthy body- 3 key minerals for a sportsperson are calcium, iron and zinc
Accounts for around half of your bodyweight. It holds oxygen and it is the main component of many cells
Fibre helps to reduce cholesterol levels and prevent constipation
What is carb-loading?
A strategy athletes use to maximise their stores of glycogen (energy) in their muscles and liver
Why do power athletes require more protein than other athletes?
Because of the role it plays in stimulating muscle growth which is essential for generating power.
When is it best to consume protein?
Immediately after exercise
What is energy balance?
The basis of weight control. It means taking in and using up an equal amount of calories
How should a long distance cyclist hydrate for a race?
Pre hydration 1 to 2 hours prior to stage.
Drink at regular intervals using a bidon
What is the importance of the mineral calcium?
Calcium is required to keep bones strong/increases bone density which will help prevent fractures
What is the importance of the mineral Iron?
Iron is linked with haemoglobin, the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood and the formation of red blood cells. Without it the blood would not be able to carry oxygen around the body
What can lack of Iron lead to?
Anaemia which causes tiredness, loss of breath and palpitations(irregular heart beat)
What can a lack of calcium lead to?
Increased risk of fracture, Osteoporosis