Soc 13- Joints, Tendons, Ligaments Flashcards
What is a joint?
A joint is a place where two or more bones meet.
What are the four types of joints?
Ball and socket
Condyloid joints
Ball rests against the end of a bone, rather than inside a socket. This allows circular motion. An exmaple is the wrist.
Pivot joint
The Pivot Joint allows bones to rotate. In a pivot Joint, one bone shaped as a Cylinder rotates inside another bone or ligament. There are 3 pivoted Joints in the body, neck, wrist and elbow
Hinge Joints
A hinge Joint allows only backward and forwad motion just like the hinge on a door. There
are multiple hinge Joints -Knee, elbow, Ankle.
Ball and socket joints
The rounded head of a long bone fits into a cup shaped hole. Some examples of these are hip and shoulder joints.
What does a ligament do?
Connects bone to bone
What does a tendon do?
Connects muscle to bone
Movement around a single axis or pivot joint
Bending movemnt that decreases the angle between body parts
Straightening movement that increases the angle between body parts
Dorsi Flexion
Bending or flexing the toes up, closer to the shin( tibialis anterior)
Plantar flexion
Extending or pointing the toes down, away from the shin(gastrocnemius)
Movement that pulls towards the midline of the body
Movement that pulls away from the midline of the body
Moving in a circular or conical shape