Small Animal- Neonatal and Pediatric Care Flashcards
what ages are pediatric?
up to 12 weeks
what is normal heart rate at birth for puppies?
> 200 bpm
what increases respiration after birth?
physical stimulation
what is USG prior to 8 weeks of age?
what is meconium?
first stool
combination of amniotic fluid, mucous, bile, epithelial cells
when can ileus occur in pediatrics?
when temperature is <96 degrees F
when is the liver fully mature in pediatrics?
by 10 weeks
when do pediatrics stand?
3 weeks
when do eyelids open?
by 10-16 days
what should you do for healthy whelped puppies?
remove fetal membranes
clamp and ligate umbilicus
dry puppy, mild stimulation
what should you check in a neonatal physical exam?
lack of cleft palate
normal umbilicus
patent urethra and anus
pink and moist mucous membranes
suckle reflex present
squirming/rooting and vocalizations are normal
why is thermoregulation important for pediatrics?
high surface area:body mass ratio
no body fat
unable to shiver or vasoconstrict immediately
what does hypothermia induce?
what is normal blood glucose at birth?
> 50 mg/dl
2.9 mmol/L
what are the signs of hypoglycemia?
failure to suckle
lethargy or depression, mental dullness
agitation or vocalizations rarely
tremors or seizures
what is best to evaluate hydration with in pediatrics?
urine color
skin tenting not reliable
when do neonates double in birth weight/
by days 11-12
what usually causes neonatal conjunctivitis?
staph or strep spp
what is onset of signs like with canine herpesvirus?
sudden onset at 1-2 weeks of age
what does necropsy of canine herpesvirus show?
hemorrhagic lesions/petechiae on lungs, kidneys, liver, spleen
white focal lesions on (underdeveloped) placenta
what is a neonate?
0-2 weeks
what is a puppy?
3-9 months
what is a juvenile?
3-6 months
what is the blood pressure like of pediatrics/puppies?
birth: 54/30
4 weeks: 70/45
cardiac flow through _______________ until birth
ductus arteriosus
what stimulates surfactant?
increased fetal cortisol
stress of birth
when do testicles descend in dogs?
4-6 weeks
what is the GI tract like at birth?
sterile: rabidly colonized by maternal flora
what is the liver like in dogs?
immature at birth
rapidly develops first 4 weeks
mature by 10 weeks
what is the musculoskeletal development like of pediatrics?
change from flexor to extensor dominance at 5 days
stand at 3 weeks
walk at 4 weeks
run at 6 weeks
when is sight evident?
by 3 weeks
when do dog eyelids open (ankyloblepharon)?
10-16 days
when do ear canals open?
12-14 days
ears fully developed by 5 weeks
what is total protein like in young dogs?
decreased until 6 weeks
low albumin due to immature liver function
when are neonatal mortality rates greatest?
first week of life
what is reflex bradycardia in newborns?
normal protective mechanism
do not use atropine
epinephrine can be used in emergencies
what drugs can be given to the dam after a C section?
tramadol or single dose of NSAIDs
oxytocin SQ to stimulate uterine involution
what is normal temperature of a 1 week old?
what is normal temperature of a 3 week old?
why is overheating a problem in neonates?
when are antibodies (IgG, IgM, IgA) absorbed from colostrum?
first 24 hours
what is in colostrum?
antibodies: IgG>IgM, IgA
proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, no carbs
why do pediatrics have high metabolic rates?
large brain:body mass ratio
minimal glycogen stores
limited glycogenic precursors
renal glucose loss
what is normal blood glucose at one month of age?
> 100mg/dl
what are some causes of hypoglycemia?
what deficiency should you watch for in a queen postpartum?
when should you aim to finish weaning?
by 8 weeks
what are the energy requirements from 5-8 weeks?
200-220kcal metabolizable energy per kg body weight
how much weight should puppies and kittens gain a day?
lose 10% in first 1-2 days
what are the causes of sepsiss?
failure of passive transfer
umbilical infection- oomphalitis
what are the core vaccines?
what is anasarca?
water baby: congenital, comes with other issues
who is swimmer syndrome seen in?
dogs with underdeveloped appendicular skeletons and short legs
what can immaturity/runting be associated with?
inherited or acquired congenital defects
what causes toxic milk syndrome?
occult mastitis: Staph, E. coli, Proteus, Strep, Klebsiella
how are litters exposed to canine herpesvirus?
transplacental or transvaginal
can you administer dewormers during pregnancy?
yes- some
how prevalent are intestinal parasites?
how early can roundworm/hookworm treatments be started?
2 weeks of age
repeat every 2-3 weeks
tapeworms, fleas, heartworm at 8-10 weeks
how can you treat coccidial diarrhea?
supportive care