Skull Flashcards
Occipital Bone
back of the head; inferior to parietal bone

Frontal bone
anterior dome of head

Parietal Bone
posterior dome of head

Temporal bone
lateral regions of cranial base

Zygomatic bone
cheekbones; form part of lateral wall of each orbit and cheeks

Sphenoid bone
butterfly shaped bone that forms the centerpiece base of cranium

eye socket

Ethmoid bone
wall between anterior floor of cranial cavity and roof of nasal cavity

Maxillary bone
form the central part of facial skeleton

lower jaw

Lacrimal bone
small paired bones that form part of medial wall of each orbit

Nasal bone
facial bone; left and right sides form “bony” bridge of nose

Hyoid bone
slender, curved bone located inferor to skull between mandible and larynx

Vomer bone
unpaired facial bone, runs vertically along midline of nasal cavity

Palatine bone
small bone w/ distinct L-shape that makes up hard palate, nasal cavity, and eye orbit

Lambdoidal suture
extends like an arc across the posterior surface of skull

Foramen magnum
foramen of the occipital bone; opening where spinal cord enters

Occipital condyles
two large protuberances on undersurface of occipital bone; located beside front half of foramen magnum

Hypoglossal canal
anteromedial edge of each occipital condyle

External occipital protuberance
bump on the back of the head

Groove for transverse sinus
run laterally in a groove along the interior surface of occipital bone

Sagittal suture
connects the left and right parietal bones almost exactly in the midline of skull

Coronal suture
runs a coronal plane that articulates between frontal and parietal bones

Supraorbital foramen
midpoint of each supraorbital margin of orbit in frontal bone

superior to nasal bones and between the orbits;

Internal auditory (acoustic) meatus
canal within petrous part of temporal bone of skull between posterior cranial fossa and inner ear

External auditory (acoustic) meatus
tubular passage within auricular

Squamosal suture
articulates the temporal and parietal bone

Petrous portion
pyramid shaped and wedged at base of skull between sphenoid and occipital bone

Squamous portion
lateral flat surface of temporal bone immediately inferior to squamous suture

Groove for sigmoid sinus
groove in posterior cranial fossa

Mandibular fossa (glenoid)
depression in temporal bone that articulates with the mandible

Temporal bone (3) processes:
1) zygomatic
2) styloid
3) mastoid
1) articulates w/ zygomatic bone to form zygomatic arch
2) attachment site for hyloid bone ligaments and muscles
3) cone shaped bone projection at base of skull posterior and inferior to ear

Temporal bone has 3 canals
1) Jugular foramen
2) Carotid canal
3) Stylomastoid foramen
1) between temporal and occipital bone (posterior to carotid canal)
2) petrous part of temporal bone
3) between mastoid and styloid processes of temporal bone

Temporal process
long, arched process projecting from the lower part of squamous portion of temporal bone

Superior orbital fissure
posterior part of orbit between greater and lesser wings of sphenoid bone

Sella turcica - hypophyseal fossa
bony enclosure around hypophyseal fossa; houses pituitary gland

Pterygloid process
vertical projections that begin at boundary between greater and lesser wings

Lesser wing of sphenoid
form part of anterior cranial fossa; contain optic canal

Greater wings of sphenoid
form part of middle cranial fossa and orbit

Foramen lacerum
foramen situated anteromedial to carotid canal

Foramen rotundum
circular hole in sphenoid bone that connects middle cranial fossa and pterygopalatine fossa

Foramen spinosum
just anterior to spine of the sphenoid bone and just lateral to foramen ovale

Foramen ovale
at the base of skull; posterior part of sphenoid bone; posterolateral to the foramen rotundum

Olfactory foramina
opening to crisiform plate of the ethmoid bone for passage of olfactory nerves

Crista galli
Upper part of perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone

Nasal conchae
scroll shaped bony elements forming the upper chambers of the nasal cavities

Perpendicular plate (part of nasal septum)
forms the superior portion of nasal septum

Cribiform plate
structure between anterior cranial fossa and nasal cavity

Interalveolar septum
bony ridges situated between dental alveoliin alveolar arches of upper and lower jaw bones

Incisive canal
a narrow branched passage that extends from floor of nasal cavity to incisive fossa

Palatine processes
either of a pair of horizontal plates of upper jawbones that form the front portion of roof of mouth

Infraorbital foramen
opening inferior to orbit in maxilla

Alveolar process
inferior portion of maxillae that house the teeth

Alveolar margin
extensions of mandible of maxima, either on roof of mouth between upper teeth and hard palate or bottom of mouth behind teeth

Mandibular angle
posterior border at junction of lower border of ramus of mandible

Mandibular notch
U-shaped depression between coronoid and condylar processes

Coronoid process
attachment of temporalis muscle

Body of mandible
anterior portion of mandible and is bound by two surfaces and two borders

Mandibular symphysis
the line of fusion of the lateral halves of the body of the mandible which splits inferiorly to form the mental protuberance

Mental foramen
inferior to second premolar on anterolateral surface of mandible

Mandibular condyle
head of mandible

angular extension of a bone relative to rest of surface

Mandibular foramen
medial surface of ramus of mandible

Lacrimal duct
a duct located inside corners of upper and lower eyelids

Horizontal plate
plate of the palatine bone that is situated horizontally, joins the bone of the opposite side, and forms back part of hard palete

Palatine foramina
greater and lesser in which perforate horizontal plate