Appendicular bones Flashcards
Head of Humerus
hemispherical head that articulates with the glenoid cavity of the scapula

Anatomical neck of humerus
indistinct groove that marks location of former epiphyseal plate; between tubercles and head of humerus

Surgical neck of humerus
narrowing of bone immediately distal to the tubercles, transition from head to the shaft
“surgical” because it is a common fracture site
Humerus tubercles - greater/lesser
adjacent to the head
greater: positioned more laterally and helps form the rounded contour of shoulder
lesser: smaller and located more anteromedially

Intertubercular sulcus
between tubercles; a depression that contains the tendon of hte long head of the biceps brachii muscle

Deltoid tuberosity
extends along lateral surface for about half the lenth of humerus

Capitulum (lateral condylea)
one of two curved surfaces meant for articulation with bones of forearm; located laterally and articulates with the head of radius

Lateral and medial epicondyle
bony side projections on the distal humerus that provide surfaces for muscle attachment

Trochlea (medial condyle)
pulley shaped and located medially and articulates with the trochlear notch of ulna

Coronoid fossa
accomodates the coronoid process of ulna

Olecranon fossa
posterior depression; accomodates the olecranon of the ulna when the elbow is extended

Radial fossa
anterolaterally placed; accomodates the head of radius

Lateral and medial supracondylar ridge
distally where the linea aspera branches into
lateral or medial?

Head of radius
proximal end of radius has a distinctive disc-shaped head that articulates with the capitulum of the humerus.

Neck of radius
narrow bone separates the radial head form the radial tuberosity

Ulnar notch
on distal medial surface of radius where medial surface of radius articulates with the distal end of ulna

Radial tuberosity
attachment site for biceps brachii muscle; where neck of radius separates the radial head from

Styloid process
at distal end of ulna, shaft narrows and terminates in a knoblike head where this is located posteromedial

Olecranon process
prominent projection on posterosuperior aspect of trachlear notch

Semilunar notch (Trochlear notch)
proximal end of ulna, C-shaped interlocks with the trochlea of humerus

Coronoid process
inferior lip of trochlear notch; articulates with humerus at cornoid fossa

Radial notch
lateral to cornoid process; smooth and curved and accomodates the head of the radius and helps form the proximal radioulnar joint

Head of ulna
distal end of ulna, the shaft narrows and terminates in a knoblike bone that has a postermoedial styloid process

Styloid process of ulna
at distal end of ulna that is posteromedial and is in relation to the head of ulna

Scaphoid (Navicular)








Metacarpals (1-5)

Digits (1-5)

Head of femur
spherical head of femur articulates with os coxae at acetabulum

Neck of femur
located distal to the head, elongated and constricted; joins the shaft of the femur at an angle

Fovea capitis
small depression within head of femur

Trochanter - greater/lesser
two massive, rough processes originate near the proximal end of the femur and serve as insertion sites for gluteal and thigh muscles
greater: projects laterally from junction of neck and shaft
lesser: located on femur’s posteromedial surface

Intertrochanteric crest (posterior)
where the greater and lesser trochanters are connected on the posterior surface of the femur; a thick oblique ridge of bone

Intertrochanteric line (anterior)
on anterior side, a raised line that extends between the two trochanters and marks the distal edge of the hip joint capsule

Gluteal tuberosity continues posteriorly as Linea aspera
gluteal tuberosity marks the attachment of the gluteus maximus muscle and merges proximally to the linea aspera, elevated midline ridge located on posterior surface of shaft

Medial and lateral condyles of femur
on distal, inferior surface of femur are these two smooth, oval articulating surfaces

Medial and lateral epicondyles of femur
projections that are superior to each condyle of the femur

Intercondylar fossa/notch
distal posterior surface of femur, deep fossa that separates the two condyles

Patellar surface
articular surface can be seen from posterior aspect and articulates with the patellar surface of the femur

Medial and lateral condyles of tibia
two relatively flat surfaces on broad superior head that articulate with the medial and lateral condyles of femur

Intercondylar eminence
prominent ridge that separates the medial and lateral condyles of tibia

Tibial tuberosity
rough anterior surface of the tibia near the medial and lateral condyles; can be palpated just inferior to the patella and marks the attachment site for the patellar ligament

Fibular notch of tibia
located on distal posterolateral side of tibia; where the fibula articulates and forms the inferior tibiofibular joint

Medial malleolus
a large prominent process at the medial border of tibia

Anterior border of tibia
ridge that extends distally along the anterior tibial surface from the tibial tuberosity

Head of fibula
rounded, knoblike part of fibula is slightly inferior and posterior to the lateral condyle of tibia

Lateral malleolus of fibula
distal tip that extends laterally to ankle joint

Base of patella
located superiorly and broad appearance on patella

Apex of patella
located inferiorly of base; pointed

Articular facets of patella
two shallow depressions on posterior surface of patella; articulates with lateral condyle of femur





Cuneiforms (3) - Medial, intermediate, and lateral

Metatarsals (1-5)

Digits (1-5) of the foot