Pectoral and Pelvic Girdle Flashcards
Vertebral (medial) border
the edge of the scapula closest to the vertebrae

Scapula superior border
pointed part of the scapula between the superior and medial borders

Subrascapuiar notch
in the superior border and provides passage for the suprascapular nerve

Glenoid cavity
articulates with the humerus; cup shaped and shallow

Supraglenoid tubercle
small, rough projection superior to the glenoid cavity near the base of the coracoid process

Acromion process
continuation of the scapular spine, and hooks over anteriorly

Supraspinous fossa
depression superior to the spine

Subscapular fossa
broad, relatively smooth, anterior surface of the scapula; slightly concave and relatively featureless

Axillary (lateral) border
begins above at the lower margin of the glenoid cavity, and inclines obliquely downward and backward to the inferior angle

Scapular inferior angle
located between the medial and lateral borders

Scapular superior angle
pointed part of the scapula between the superior and medial borders

Scapular lateral angle
head of the scapula; shallow pyriform, articular surface, the glenoid cavity, which is directed lateralward and forward and articulates with the head of the humerus

Infraglenoid tubercle
near inferior edge of glenoid cavity

Coracoid process
small hook like structure on the lateral edge of the superior anterior portion of the scapula

Scapular spine
a ridge of bone on the posterior aspect of the scapula; easily palpated under the skin

Infraspinous fossa
lies just inferior to the spine of the scapula; comprises majority of the posterior surface of the scapula

Pelvic brim
a continuous oval ridge that extends from the pubic crest, peritineal line, and arcuate line to the rounded inferior edges of the sacral ala and promontory; subdivide the entire oelvis into a true pelvis and a false pelvis

True pelvis/Lesser pelvis
inferior to pelvic brim; encloses the pelvic cavity and forms a deep bowl that contains the pelvic organs

False pelvis/greater pelvis
lies superior to pelvic brim; enclosed by the ala of the iliac bones; forms the interior region of the abdominal cavity and houses the inferior abdominal organs.

the socket that articulates with the head of the femur

Obturator foramen
large opening created by the ischium and pubic bones of the pelvis through which nerves and blood vessels pass.

Iliac crest
superiormost ridge of the illium; palpate the posterosuperior edges of the hips

Sacroiliac joint
links the pelvis and lower spine; made up of sacrum and illium of pelvis

Iliac fossa
depression on the medial side of the ala

Posterior superior iliac spine
a projection where the iliac crest extends posteriorly

Posterior inferior iliac spine
inferior to the ala of the ilium and adjacent to the greater sciatic notch

Anterior superior iliac spine
projection where iliac crest arises anteriorly

Anterior inferior iliac spine
located inferior to the ala of the ilium;

Greater sciatic notch
adjacent to the posterior inferior iliac spine; through which sciatic nerves travel to the lower limb

Auricular surface
a large, roughened area on the posteromedial side of the ilium; where the ilium articulates with the sacrum at the sacroiliac joint

Ischial spine
posterior to the acetabulum; prominent triangular spine projects medially

Ischial tuberosity/sitz bones
a roughened projection on the posterolateral border of the ischium; support the body when seated

Lesser sciatic notch
a semicircular depression inferior to the ischial spine

Pubic tubercle and crest
Tubercle: an attachmetn site for the inguinal ligament; on the anterosuperior surface of the superior ramus
Crest: a roughened ridge on the anterosuperior surface of the superior ramus and ends at the pubic tubercle

Pubic symphysis/Symphysial surface
roughened area on the body of the pubis; denotes the site of articulation between the pubic bones

Differences between male and female pelvis
Male: pubic arch < 90 degrees, round obturator foramen, round pelvic brim
Female: pubic arch > 90 degrees, oval obturator foramen, oval pelvic brim