Legs and Abs Muscles Flashcards
Gluteus maximus
largest of the three gluteal muscles and one of the largest muscles in the body

What is the origin point of gluteus maximus?
ilium, sacrum, coocyx

What is the insertion point of gluteus maximus?
gluteal tuberosity of femur

What is the action of gluteus maximus?
Major extensor of thigh; laterally rotates thigh
Gluteus medius
located deep to the gluteus maximus

What is the origin point of gluteus medius?

What is the insertion point of the gluteus medius?
greater trochanter of the femur

What is the action of gluteus medius?
Abduction and medial thigh rotation
Tensor fasciae lateae

What is the origin point of tensor fasciae lateae?
iliac crest and anterior superior iliac spine

What is the insertion point of tensor fasciae latae?
iliotibial tract - the fascia lata that ensheathes all the muscles of the thigh

What is the action of tensor fasciae latae?
steadies trunk on thigh
Biceps femoris
two headed muscle that attaches to the lateral side of the leg

What is the origin point of biceps femoris?
ischial tuberosity and femur

What is the insertion point of biceps femoris?

What is the action of biceps femoris?
extends thigh, flexes knee; laterally rotates thigh
deep to the semitendinosus; extends from the ischial tuberosity to the medial side of the leg

What is the origin point of semimembranosus?
ischial tuberosity

What is the insertion point of semimembranosus?
medial condyle of tibia

What is the action of semimembranosus?
extends thigh. flexes knee; medially rotates thigh
superficial to the semimembranosus and is attached to the medial leg

Vastus lateralis
forms the anterolateral surface of the thigh

What are the origin points of vastus lateralis?
greater trochanter and linea aspera

What are the insertion points of vastus lateralis?
patella and tibial tuberosity

What are the actions of vastus lateralis?
extends knee
Rectus femoris
located on the anterior surface of the thigh; this muscle proximally attaches the os coxae

What are the origin points of rectus femoris?
anterior inferior iliac spine

What are the insertion points of rectus femoris?
patella and tibial tuberosity

What are the actions of rectus femoris?
extends knee and flexes thigh
Vastus medialis
forms the anteromedial surface of the thigh

What are the origin points of vastus medialis?
linea aspera

What are the insertion points of vastus medialis?
patella and tibial tuberosity

What are the actions of vastus medialis?
extends knee
a collective of psoas major and iliacus to merge and attach to the femur; work synergistically to flex the thigh

long, thin muscle that crosses over the anterior thigh anf helps flex the thigh

What are the origin points of sartorius?
anterior superior iliac spine

What are the insertion points of sartorius?

What are the actions of the sartorius?
flexes and laterally rotates thigh; flexes knee
one of the six muscles located in the medial compartment of the thigh

What are the origin points of gracilis?

What are the insertion points of gracilis?
medial tibia

What are the actions of gracilis?
flexes knee; adducts and flexes thigh
one of the six muscles located in the medial compartment of the thigh

What are the origin points of pectineus?

What are the insertion points of pectineus?
posterior femur

What are the actions of pectineus?
adducts, flexes thigh
Adductor magnus
one of six muscles that are located in the medial compartment of the thigh

What are the origin points of adductor magnus?
ischium and pubis

What are the insertion points of adductor magnus?
linea aspera of femur

What are the actions of adductor magnus?
adducts, flexes and medially rotates thigh
Adductor femoris
same as adductor magnus but in cats i’m assuming

Tibialis anterior
primary dorsiflexor of the foot at the ankle and is attached to the medial plantar side of the foot

Wha are the origin points of tibialis anterior?
lateral condyle and tibial shaft

What are the insertion points of tibialis anterior?
medial cuneiform and first metatarsals

What are the actions of tibialis anterior?
prime mover of dorsiflexion; inverts foot
Fibularis longus
long, flat muscle that is a superficial lateral muscle that covers the fibula

What are the origin points of fibularis longus?
head of fibula

What are the insertion points of fibularis longus?
first metatarsal and medial cuneiform

What are the actions of fibularis longus?
plantarflexion and foot eversion
most superficial muscle of the superfical later of posterior compartment; has two thick muscle bellies, the lateral head and the medial head, that collectively form the prominence known as the calf

What are the origin points of gastrocnemius?
medial and lateral condyles of femur

What are the insertion points of gastrocnemius?
via calcaneal (achilles) tendon onto calcaneus

What are the actions of gastrocnemius?
plantarflexes foot; flexes lower leg
broad, flat muscle deep to teh gastrocnemius that resembles a flat fish

What are the origin points of the soleus?
head of fibula and tibula

What are the insertion points of the soleus?
calcaneal tendon onto calcaneous

What are the actions of soleus?
plantarflexes foot
Rectus abdominus
these muscles and intersections are referred to as six pack abs

What are the origin points of rectus abdominus?
superior surface of pubis near symphysis

What are the insertion points of rectus abdominis?
costal cartilages of ribs 5-7 and xiphoid process

What are the actions of rectus abdominis?
flexes vertebral column
External oblique
located on the outer surface on the sides of the abdomen

What are the origin points of the external oblique?
inferior 8 ribs

What are the insertion points of the external oblique?
linea alba and iliac crest

What are the actions of the external oblique?
flexion and rotation of vertebral column; lateral flexion
Internal oblique
an abdominal muscle in the abdominal wall that lies below the external oblique muscle and just above the transverse abdominal muscle.

What are the origin points of the internal oblique?
lumbar fascia; inguinal ligamen; iliac crest

What are the insertion points of the internal oblique?
inferior 4 ribs; linea alba; pubic crest

What are the actions of the internal oblique?
flexion and rotation of vertebral column; lateral flexion
Transversus abdominis
broad paired muscular sheet found on the lateral sides of the abdominal wall

What are the origin points of transversus abdominis?
iliac crest, cartilages of inferior 6 ribs

What are the insertion points of transversus abdominis?
linea alba and pubic crest

What are the actions of transversus abdominis?
flexion of vertebral column; lateral flexion
What is the origin point of semitendinosus?
ischial tuberosity

What is the insertion point of the semitendinosus?
proximal medial surface of tibia

What is the action of the semitendinosus
extends thigh, flexes knee; medially rotates thigh
Vastus intermedius
positioned deep to the rectus
femoris and sandwiched between the other two vastus muscles

What are the origin points of vastus intermedius?
anterolateral femur

What are the insertion points of vastus intermedius?
patella and tibial tuberosity

What are the actions of vastus intermedius?
extends knee