Skeletal System Test Flashcards
Bone that is longer than it is wife; has a shaft and two ends
Long bones
What are the functions of bones?
Support, protection of vital organs, movement, forms blood cells, stores fat and calcium
What are examples of long bones?
Humerus and phalanges
Cube like bones
Short bones
What are examples of short bones?
Carpals and your ankle bones
Bones that are thin flat and curved
Flat bones
Examples of flat bones?
Sternum ribs and most skull bones
Bones that don’t fit into the other classes
Regular bones
What are examples of irregular bones?
Vertebrae, coxal, heal, and some skull bones
What is the long axis or shaft of a long bone called?
The diaphysis
What does the diaphysis contain?
A thick color of compact bone around a middle cavity
What is the cavity that contains the fat or yellow marrow?
Medullary cavity
What are the ends of long bones called that are mostly spongy bone?
The epiphyses
The outer layer of the diaphysis that anchors points for tendons and ligaments and contains osteoblasts?
Bone forming cells?
The inner layer of the diaphysis that surrounds the cavity contains osteoclasts?
The endosteum
Bone destroying cells?
What surrounds the epiphysis and cushions ends and observe stress?
What type of phone is made of two plates of compact bone with spongy middle and contains red marrow in the cavities it also has projections for muscle attachment or projections to help form joints?
Flat bones
The bone tissue that is dance and looks smooth
Compact bone
The bone tissue that has lots of open space and contains flat rods a bone called Trabeculae
Spongy bone
What is arranged in Lamellae around the canal system of arteries and veins called Haversian Canals?
The matrix
Which direction do haversian canals run up the bone?
What can now runs horizontally and Connects periosteum to the canals in the medullary cavity?
Volkmann’s Canal
One ring is made up of osteocytes with the little Chambers called lacunae
Mature bone cells
As bone cells grow they add concentric layers called what?
How are osteocytes connected to the haversian canals?
By tiny canals called canaliculi
What do canaliculi do?
Hello nutrients and waste exchange between cells and blood
A bone the brakes cleanly and does not penetrate the skin
Simple fracture
A bone in which the broken in protrudes through the skin and can cause possible infections?
Compound fracture
The bone fragments into many pieces in this generally happy ends with brittle bone elderly
Comminuted fracture
A crushed bone
Compression fracture
The broken portion of the bone is pressed inward
Broken bone ends are forced into each other
Impacted fracture
A ragged break from twisting
Spiral fracture
The bone breaks and completely it’s common in children
Greenstick fracture
What are the stages of bone repair?
Hematoform formation, fibrocartilaginous callus formation, bony callus formation, remodeling
Broken vessels causeblood-filled swelling
Hematoma formation
Form soft tissue, capillaries grow, start of granulation tissue
Fibrocartilaginous callus formation
Converts soft tissue to spongy bone
Bony callus formation
Spongy bone is converted to compact bone
A condition in which bone break down outpaces bone formation?
What are the symptoms of osteoporosis?
The bones weaken and can break easily
At what age is osteoporosis most easily seen?
How can osteoporosis be prevented?
By having a calcium rich diet
What are the interlocking, immovable joints that connects the bones of the skull?
True or false. The parietal bone forms the forehead.
What two bones form the pectoral girdle?
The scapula in the clavicle
Which of the following doesn’t connect to the pectoral girdle to the axial skeleton?
The patellar tendon
Who has the wider true pelvis size?
What is another name for the coxal bone in the pelvic girdle?
The hipbone
Is the mandible also known as your lower jaw
Is the hard palate located inside the mouth?
True or false. Fontanelles are Hyline cartilage yet to be ossified?
Babies pulse is found in its fontanelles?
Which is not a part of the forearm?
The tibia
The humorous is proximal to the ulna?
Are they 30 bones and each foot?
There are a total of 14 phalanges each foot true or false?
Kyphosis is an exaggerated cervical curvature?
The atlas and axis are a part of the cervical curvature true or false?
True or false. The four sinuses combined are called the paranasal sinuses?
What is the position of the sinuses?
They surround the nasal cavity
True or false. The phalanges are in the wrist?
True or false. The carpal bones are in the wrist?
What connects the femur with the leg bones?
The inter-osseous membrane
What does the tibia contain out it’s proximal into form the knee joints?
Medial and lateral condyle’s
The fontanelles develop into bone by two years old true or false?
The School becomes one eighth of total body length as an adult true or false?
Which is not a type of joint?
Axial joint
What kind of joint is found in your elbow?
The synovial/hinge joint
What ribs do not connect to the sternum?
Floating ribs
What is a typical flat bone, that results in the fusion of three bones?
Exaggerated thoracic curvature
Vertebral column is displaced laterally
Bottom part of back is curved wrong
Sinus over eyebrows
Sinus between nose and eyes
Sinus near the optic nerve and pituitary gland
Sphenoid sinus
Sinus in cheekbone
What are the parts of the the Sternum?
Manubrium, body, and Xiphoid Process
What are the parts of the coxal bone?
Ilium, ischium, pubis
How many vertebrae are cervical?
How many vertebrae are thoracic?
How many vertebrae are lumbar?
What are 3 differences between the male and female pelvic girdle?
- Females have a wider true pelvis.
- Females have an obtuse arch.
- Females have a larger hole.