Respiratory Test Flashcards
What do respiratory passageways do?
Purify, humidify, and warm incoming air
What are the organs of the respiratory system?
Nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, brochi, lungs, alveoli
What do the alveoli do?
Exchange gases with the blood
What does the nose do?
Contains sticky music to moisten air and trap debris/bacteria
What do ciliates cells do in the nose?
Move contaminants towards the throat to be swallowed
What is the pharynx?
The throat, the common passageway for food and air, contains the tonsils
What is the larynx?
The voice box, it routed air and food into the proper channels and plays a role in speech, contains the Adam’s apple, epiglottis, and vocal cords
Opens during breathing but closed larynx when you swallow food; it moves up to close the trachea
Vibrate with expelled air and allows for speech
Vocal cords
Smooth muscle tube lined with ciliates mucus and reinforced with c-shape cartilage rings
What do the rings on the trachea do?
Keep the lumen open
What are the right and left bronchi?
Tubes that go into the lungs
Wider, shorter, and straighter bronchi more inhaled objects get lodged here
Right bronchi
Bronchi branch into
Smaller and smaller tubes
What are the smallest bronchi tuned that connect with alveoli?
The apex is the what of the lung?
The top
The base is the what of the lung?
The bottom
Lung that has 2 lobes, and a notch for the heart
Left lung
Shorter lung with 3 lobes
Right lung
What covers the surface of both lungs?
Visceral pleura
What lines the thoracic cavity?
Parietal pleura
What allows the lungs to move and inflate?
Pleural fluid
Air sacs with thin layer walls covered on the outside with capillaries?
How does gas exchange occur in the alveoli?
Simple diffusion
Oxygen moves into
The blood from the alveoli
CO2 moves out of
The blood into the alveoli
Pulmonary ventilation
Gas exchange
Some shaped muscles under the lungs
When the diaphragm contracts it
Moved downward and enlarges the thoracic cavity…..this happens when you inhale
When the diaphragm relaxes
The cavity shrinks…happens when you exhale
Located in between the ribs
Intercostal muscles
When the intercostal muscles contract they
Pull the ribs outward which enlarges the thoracic cavity
When the intercostal muscles relax the thoracic cavity
Emotional feelings; releasing air in short expirations
Deep inhale; ventilated all distal alveoli
Forcing air upward back through the nasal passage; clears the upper passages
Forcing air upward against a closed glottis; clears the lower passages
Sudden inhale from spasms of the diaphragm while the glottis is closed
The # of times you inhale per minute at rest
Respiratory rate
What is the normal respiratory rate?
12-18 breaths per minute
What are the 3 types of breathing?
Diaphragmatic, thoracic, and clavicle breathing
Describe diaphragmatic breathing.
It extends the diaphragm downward and expands the lower area of lungs where most of the blood circulates and allows for a good mix of blood and air; it is very efficient
Describe thoracic breathing.
Expands the to cage and pushed the chest wall outward and fills the upper and middle areas of lungs, but not the lower area; air is not mixed as good with blood
Describe clavicle breathing.
Moves the top of the chest upward and usually only occurs when breathing to maximum capacity during heavy exertion or sobbing; not very efficient
What is tidal volume?
The amount of air moved in or out of your lungs at rest
What is inspiration reserve volume?
Bloke inhaled during forced breathing in after tidal volume in
Expiratory reserve volume?
Volume exhaled during forced breathing after a normal breath out
Residual volume?
Volume in the lungs at all time to prevent lung collapse
What is VC?
Tidal volume + IRV + ERV
What is total lung capacity?
All the air in your lungs….vital capacity and residual volume
What is a spirometer??
Measures respiratory capacities
What happens during carbon monoxide poisoning?
CO competes with O2 for hemoglobin in RBCs, CO crowds out and displaced the O2, can cause death, can treat with 100% oxygen
What sets out breathing rhythm and sends nerve impulses along the phrenic nerve and intercostal nerves to the respiratory muscles?
The medulla
Overdoses on sleeping pills, morphine, or alcohol does what?
Suppressed the medulla and respiration stops and death occurs
Inadequate oxygen delivery to body tissues
Bluish cast to skin when oxygen is low
What are the harmful products in cigarettes?
Tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide
How does nicotine affect your cardiovascular system?
Increases BP, increases HR, and vasoconstriction, increases platelet stickiness, increases blood viscosity
What does increased blood viscosity cause?
Heart attacks
Carbon monoxide decreases what?
The amount of oxygen RBCs can carry
Carbon monoxide also damaged what?
The lining of artery walls and contributes to atherosclerosis
How does nicotine affect your respiratory system?
Paralyzed cilia, increases mucus production, decreased VC, increases pulmonary infections, increases risk for lung cancer