Digestive System Test Flashcards
Describe the alimentary canal.
Continuous, coiled, hollow muscular tube that winds through the central body cavity and is open to the external environment on both ends, it digests food, absorbs fragments into blood, and defecates
What are the two main groups of digestive organs?
Alimentary canal and Accessory Organs
What are the organs of the alimentary canal?
Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small/large intestines
What are the accessory organs?
Teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, pancreas
The site of food entry, a muscles membrane lined cavity, and oral cavity
Protect its anterior opening
Forms the lateral walls
The bony area on the roof of the mouth
Hard palate
The soft part of the roof of the mouth
Soft palate
Helps control speech, mix food w/ saliva, forms food into a bolus, and initiated swallowing
A compact mass of food
Secures the tongue to the bottom of the mouth, limits posterior movements
Lingual Frenulum
Passageway food, fluids, and air; muscles in the wall move and propel food to the esophagus
The muscular tube, 10 inches long from the pharynx to the stomach, collapsed when not involved with food propulsion
What are the 4 basic tissue layers?
Mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, serosa
The membrane that lines the lumen from the mouth to the anus
Mucosa layer
Ct located beneath mucosa contains blood vessels, nerve endings, lymph nodules, and vessels
Muscular layer that propels food
Protective outermost layer
The site for physical breakdown of food and chemical breakdown of proteins
A creamy semi-fluid
What much does the stomach hold?
4 liters (1 gallon)
When the stomach is empty it is..
What are the folds inside the stomach called?
What do the gastric glands in the lining of the stomach produce?
Mucus, hydrochloric acid, enzymes, and hormones
What is the ph range of the stomach?
What are gastric ulcers?
Erosions of the stomach wall
Major digestive organ, all nutrient absorption occurs here, convoluted, 8-20ft
Small intestine
What are the 3 subdivisions of the small intestine?
Duodenum, jejunum, ileum
The beginning of the small intestine
The middle of the small intestine
The end of the small intestine
Dries out indigestible food residue by absorbing water and eliminating these residues as feces
Large intestine
What are the 7 subdivisions of the large intestine?
Cecum, ascending, transverse, descending, sigmoid, rectum, anal canal
The 1st pocket of the large intestine
Moves up the right side
Ascending Colon
Moved across to the left side
Transverse Colon
Moves down the left side
Descending Colon
The s shaped end back to the middle
Sigmoid Colon
The end of the colon
Opens to body exterior
Anal Canal
Tear and grind food into fragments
What are the primary baby teeth called?
How many teeth are in a full set?
The bulk of the tooth is bonelike what?
Surface has papillae
What are the 3 types of papillae?
Filiform, fungi form, and circumvallate
Most numerous papillae, provide rough surface
On the sides of the tongue and on top (taste buds)
10-12 large projections in a v shaped row at the back of the tongue(Tatar buds)
Produces saliva in order to clean teeth, dissolve food, and taste it, it aids in bolus formation, has enzymes for chemical breakdown
Salivary glands
What are the 3 salivary glands?
Paratoid, sublingual, submandibular
Glands by the front of the ears
Gland under the tongue
Gland by the jaw
Largest gland in the body, under the diaphragm, produces bile
Green muscular sac located under the right love of the liver, it stores and concentrated bile
Triangular gland behind the stomach, the main enzyme producing organ, produces hormones
What are the activities of the GI Tract?
Ingestion, propulsion, mechanical, chemical digestion, absorption, defecation
Taking food into the tract
Moving food through the tract
Voluntary propulsion
Involuntary propulsion
Peristalsis(wavelike contractions that move food)
Physically prepared food for chemical breakdown
Mechanical digestion
What are some forms of mechanical digestion?
Chewing, mixing w/ saliva, mixing in stomach, and mixing in small intestine
Large food particles are broken down into monomers to be absorbed
Chemical digestion
Transports the digested particles to the blood, mostly in small intestines
Elimination of indigestible substances from the body
Chemical digestion of starched begins in the…?
What enzyme splits starches?
What makes up saliva?
97-99% water Electrolytes Amylase Mucin IgA Lysosomes
What secretes intrinsic factors?
That stomach empties about how many hours after a meal?
In the stomach fluids pass _____ and solids stay and mix with Gastric juices until they become and liquid state.
What region acts as a filter?
The pyloric region
What can pass through the pyloric valve?
Only liquids and small particles
Protein digestion starts in the…?
What enzyme brakes down protein?
What substances are absorbed in the stomach?
Aspirin, alcohol, and some drugs
How long does it take chyme to go through the small intestine?
3 to 6 hours
Where are nutrients absorbed?
The small intestine
What enzyme breaks down lipids?
Bile helps breakdown what?
What does bile do?
It breaks fat globules to small droplets
What happens when bike is decreased?
Cholesterol may crystallize forming gall stones
What occurs when bike blocks ducts?
Jaundice: yellowing of the skin
How long does food residue remain in the large intestine?
12 to 24 hours
What is the only thing that breaks down food in the large intestine??
What are the small pocket-like sacs called?
Absorption in the large intestine is limited to?
Water, vitamins, and electrolytes
What is feces made up of?
Undigested food, mucus, bacteria, and some water
If the large intestine is removed what happens to the ileum?
It’s brought out to the abdominal wall and food residues are collected in a sac
A genetic disease affecting lungs and pancreas; mucus accumulates and blocks ducts and airways
Cystic fibrosis
Enlarged veins in the lining of the anal canal
Self induced vomiting
What are problems that occur due to bulimia?
Pancreatitis, swollen salivary glands, liver, and gall bladder problems; damage to stomach and esophagus, HCL erodes tooth enamel, can kill, electrolyte imbalance puts heart at risk to fail, the stomach can rupture and cause internal bleeding