Nervous System Test Flashcards
What makes up the peripheral nervous system?
The nerves outside the brain and the spinal cord; it extends down the arms, legs, and to the organs
The largest most complex Mass of nervous tissue in the body
The brain
What are the 4 major brain regions?
Cerebrum, diencephalon, brain stem, cerebellum
The right and left hemispheres of the brain
The hypothalamus and thalamus
Midbrain, pons, and medulla
The Brain stem
The cortex (outer layer) of the cerebrum is what?
Gray matter
The interior of the cerebrum is?
White matter
The cerebrum is involved in?
Logical reasoning, moral conduct, emotional responses, sensory interpretation, speech, voluntary muscle activity
The frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes are part of the?
The diencephalon is called?
The interbrain
What is the function of the thalamus?
It is the relay station for sensory impulses
What is the function of the hypothalamus?
Regulates body temp., water balance, and metabolism
What is the top of the brain stem called?
The midbrain
What is the middle of the brain stem?
The pons
What is the bottom of the brain stem?
What is the function of the brain stem?
Conveys impulses to the brain, controls HR, BP, breathing, swallowing, vomiting, and all necessary life functions
What does the cerebellum do?
It coordinates muscle activity and controls our balance and equilibrium
What are the membranes that cover the brain called?
Which layer of the menegie is the tough membrane attached to the skull?
Dura mater
Which is the middle, web-like layer of the menegie called?
Arachnoid mater
What is the delicate, inner layer of the menegie that clings to the brain?
Pia mater
The 2-way conduction pathway to and from the brain that is enclosed in the vertebral column
Spinal cord
How many pairs of spinal nerves come out of the cord?
The part of the spinal cord that looks like an H?
Gray matter
The white mater of the spinal cord is the?
Outer layer
The dorsal and central roots of the spinal cord project from the front and back of the cord and then go into the what?
Spinal nerves
The nerve cells that transmit messages from one part of body to another?
What are the messages sent from the brain called?
Nerve impulses
What are the parts of a neuron?
The cell body and processes
What contains the nucleus and organelles?
The cell body
The part of the neuron that includes the dendrites and axons?
The processes
The part of the neuron that brings electrical signals towards cell body, they receive incoming messages
The part of the neuron that conducts electrical signal away from the cell body
The axon terminal contains chemicals called what?
What are the gaps between neurons called?
What nervous system controls body activities automatically?
Autonomic nervous system
What is the function of the autonomic nervous system?
Regulates your smooth muscles, heart muscles and glands involuntarily
In control most of the time, calms body after sympathetic nervous system is aroused?
Parasympathetic nervous system
Prepares body to react to some threat; fight or flight response
Sympathetic nervous system
Rapid, predictable, involuntary responses to stimuli
What is the reflex arc?
The receptor reacts to stimulus, the sensory neuron carry impulses to the CNS, integration centers are the spinal cord and brain, motor neurons carry impulses to effector organs, and effector organs stimulate muscle or gland
What makes up the central nervous system?
The brain and spinal cord