single celled eukaryotes Flashcards
single celled eukaryotes
for the flagellates; the flagella are mostly
for the flagellates, how many flagella per cell
usually 2 or more
flagellates mitochondria is
highly modified
difference between flagella and cilia
cilia; short, lots of them, fast beating, rotating cell, short
flagellum: long, threadlike, 1-10, wave-like, undulating beat, slow beat
what are the 2 subgroups of flagellates that we considered
diplomonadida and euglenozoa
diplomonads mitochondria
DON’T HAVE ONE! possess mitosomes, but not used for ATP generation, they lack plastids
diplomonadida characteristics
-long lineage
-most anaerobic (life in low oxygen)
-most symbiotic and many are parasites
important member of flagellates in diplomonadida subgroup
-human and animal intestinal parasite
-resistant cysts contaminate water supplies, cysts can survive in cold water/ ice
-diarrhea in cats, dogs, caged birds
“eyes” are nuclei, around 10 flagella
-trophozoite stage (diagnostic stage)
-cyst stage (infective stage)
euglenozoa symbiosis?
many free living, some parasitic
what is a type of parasite euglenozoid and what are their characteristics
kinetoplastids, named this bevause mitochondrian has large circular DNA body: kinetoplast
free living and parasitic species
what is an extremely important species of kinetoplastids (parasitic euglenozoids, flagellates)
responsible for nagana in animals and sleeping sickness in humans, chagas disease
how is sleeping sickness and nagana transmitted by tryansoma (an euglenozoid, flagellate)
tstetse fly
what are the groups of single celled eukaryotes we considered
1) the flagellates,
2) the ciliates, apicomplexans and others
3) plants and algae
4) amoebae
5) opisthokonts
what kind of parasite are aplicomplexans
obligatory parasites
what are aplicomplexans named after
their apical complex that is used to invade cells
what is an apicomplexans special organelle that is like a chloroplast but lacks chlorophyll
how do apicomplexans move
no visible apparatus for locomotion, apical; complex secretes organelles and molecules from anterior end, flow along body= movement, glide, aslo reply on flow of medium for most movement
what is an important apicomplexan
babesia, invades red blood cells, babesiosis in cattle transmitted by cattle tick
what is tick fever in cattle caused by
2 species of babesia (apicomplexans) and 1 species of prokaryote