Shock Flashcards
what is shock
critical imbalance between delivery of O2 and nutrients to cells and utilization of O2 and nutrients by cells
untreated shock (all forms) can cause
1) decreased peripheral ciculation (cold/pale)
2) decreased CO, decreased BP, weak pulse
3) decreased urine production (bc low BP= low functioning liver/kidney)
4) tissue anoxia/ death
earliest signs of shock (all forms)
depressed/ anorexia, tachycardia, tachypnea
what kind of shock is hypovolemic shock
fluid loss
possible causes of hypovolemic shock
- deacreased blood volume in circulation= blood loss, dehydration, plasma loss (burn victims epithelial tissue not holding in moisture)
- severe diabetes (hypoglycemia from increase in insulin)
- v/d
signs of hypovolemic shock
all bc of peripheral constriction (shuts down peripheral blood vessles)= prolonged CRT, weak pulse, pale/cyanotic MM, cool extremeties
What kind of shock is Cardiogenic shock
lack of O2 delivery bc poor cardiac funciton
possible causes of cardiogenic shock
heart disease (like cardiomyopathy), heart failure, vascular disorders, heartworm, tumors, hardware disease
signs of cardiogenic shock
weak pulse, hypotension, pale MM, pulmonary edema (lungs filled w fluid) or acites (free fluid in abdomen)
how hypovolemic shock is treated
restore intravascular volume (fluids or tranfusion)
ways to treat cardiogenic shock
antiarrythmics, diuretics (remove fluid)
why cardiogenic shock can cause pulmonary edema or acites
heat inefficiency causes an increase in venous pressure
inefficiency on right side of heart v left
R= blood backed up in vena ceva (dilates and leaks)-> acites L= blood backed up in L atria and pulmonary vein (dilates and leaks) -> pulmonary edema
what is altered blood flow/ distributive shock
conditions that cause generalized vasodilation (and blood pooling) caused by inapropriate blood flow
possible causes of altered blood flow/ distributive shock
drug side effects, heart stroke (dilates blood vessels), sepsis (systemic infection), anaphylaxis, CNS trauma