CPR Flashcards
cessation of spontaneous and effective perfusion/ circulation from heart stoppage
cardiac arrest
cessation of spontaneous and effective ventillation
respiratory arrest
cardiac arrest+ resp arrest =
CPA; cardiopulmonary arrest
what happens first, resp arrest or cardiac
resp arrest causes cardiac arrest
CAB is the acronym for
Basic Life Support (Circulation, Airway management, Breathing)
how we reestablish circulation (so tissue can perfuse to restore normal function; most important factor for return of spontaneous circulation ROSC)
Chest compressions
studies show that even when done perfectly, chest compressions only produce ab __% normal CO
recumbency for large-med dog compressions
barrel chested dogs
small dogs and cats
L-M dogs= R lateral recumb
Barrel-chested dogs= dorsal recumb
small dogs and cats= R lateral recumb
hand positioning for compressions: L-M dogs Barrel-chested keel-chested dogs, small dogs,cats
L-M dogs= hands over widest part of chest(thoracic pump method)
Barrl-chested dogs= hands over sternum
keel-chested dogs=diectly over heart (cardiac pump method)
small dogs/cats= directly over heart
how to place hands on toys, puppies, kittens, cats
finger on “down” thorax, thumb on “up” side over heart(one handed)
compress thorax __%
how many compressions per min
100-120 comp/min
switch out w a new person while giving compressions how often
every 2 min
if you are alone (no one to bag or switch out), give ___ compressions then ___ breaths
30 compressions, and 2 breaths
pro of intermittent abdominal compressions
helps venus blood return to heart (no pooling)
how to preform intermittent abdominal compressions
compress abdomen laterally, alternating w chest compressions, 1 abdominal compression every 15 cardiac compressions (use two hands for small d or c, two people for L-M dog)
to check EKG, to check effectivness of compressions, you must
stop compressions
how aiway managment is done (cAb)
give 1 breath every __ -__ compressions
if giving positive pressure ventillation via an Ambu bag or rebreathing bag, give 1 breath every __-___ sec (how many per min?)
10-12 sec, 12-20 per min
how to give breaths if animal is not intubated
mouth-snout after every 30 compressions (blow 2 breaths into nares)
what D and E stand for in Advanced Life Support
drugs and electricity (defibrillation)
what is an intraosseous catheter
catheter placed directly in bone marrow
what vassopressors do, why they would be used
cause vasoconstriction
increase blood flow to core, increases rate and force of contraction
what epinephrine/ adreniline is used for
jumpstart heart (is a vassopressor)
examples of antiarrythmic drugs
lidocaine, amiodarone
examples of respiratory stimulant drugs
doxapram, dopram, respiram
why high-dose corticosteriods would be used in ALS
give during CPR to maintain BP (has severe neg side effects)
neg side effects of corticosteroids
GI ulceration/ bleeding, immunosupression, hypoperfusion of kidney
what is alkalinization therapy
body pH drops below normal (7.4)= acidosis, give sodium bicarbonate IV
who is at risk of acidosis
patients in prolonged arrest (10-15min)
what is ventricular fibrillation
ventricle muscles quiver, contractions not effective
in what case would defibrillation be done
those in ventricular fibrillation, stops heart via electrical charge, allows for pacemaker to takeover
how long to give compressions prior to defibrillating
2 min
to defibrillate set machine to
2-5 J/kg
where to place defribrillation paddles
R and L side of thorax