SGT WILL Compilation Flashcards
Investigative Responsibilities – Use of Deadly Force or Force Resulting in Death or Substantial Bodily Injury
The first-arriving supervisor will:
The first-arriving supervisor will:
a. Act as incident commander until relieved and will:
1) Ensure medical attention is provided for those in need.
2) Ensure the crime scene is safe and secure, preventing the possibility of contamination or alteration.
a) This responsibility includes the removal of unauthorized persons, including officers from the inner perimeter of the crime scene. A degree of tact and good judgment must be exercised to avoid alienating potential witnesses who may possess information of value.
3) Update Dispatch and request that notifications be made.
a) Dispatch will update the CAD event accordingly.
4) Coordinate the search for outstanding suspects.
5) Oversee the identification and isolation of witnesses.
6) Ensure witness officers and subject officers are separated and placed in a secure environment with a monitor officer
b. Provide FIT detectives on the names and locations of the subject officers and potential witness officers. If there is concern that an officer is not a witness officer, but a subject officer, the ranking FIT supervisor will make the final determination regarding the status of the officer(s).
c. Remain on scene, and do not leave until released by the FIT supervisor.
Investigative Responsibilities – Use of Non-Deadly Force
A supervisor will:
a. Respond, without delay
b. Determine the level of force
c. Conduct an investigation by interviewing the subjects, officers, medical personnel, and witnesses.
d. Ensure photographs are taken and placed into Blue Team
e. Review of body worn camera video
f. Check the surrounding area for any video surveillance, obtain a copy, and ensure the third-party video is impounded as evidence and noted in Blue Team
g. Review all applicable reports to ensure accuracy and completeness.
1) Document how a use of force has been determined to be appropriate and in adherence to department policy. If the use of force is determined to not be appropriate, it will be sent through the chain of command to decide if a Statement of Complaint (SOC) is necessary. If other misconduct is identified, the supervisor will document how it was addressed.
2) Document training deficiencies and how they were corrected.
h. When an ECD has been used:
1) Ensure the data record has been uploaded into Blue Team.
2) Verify the probes, wires, and cartridges are properly impounded, and arrange for replacement cartridges (accidental discharges will not require impounding unless there has been an injury).
i. Document the investigation in a Citizen Contact (CC) in Blue Team when alleged use of force is determined to be unfounded.
Patrol supervisor will:
- Acknowledge and self-dispatch to the call as a STAR de-escalation protocol. If unavailable to respond, will ensure Communications requests a sergeant or lieutenant from another area command to respond.
- Ensure proper tactics for response and proper supervision of the ShotSpotter event.
- Ensure the deployment of personnel and resources matches the type of event initiated by ShotSpotter.
- Notify the on-duty watch commander, when warranted.
- Notify appropriate area command detectives and supervisors, when warranted.
- Ensure a Central Intelligence Notification and an Incident Crime Report is completed for all ShotSpotter events in which a crime is confirmed to have been committed, including all pertinent information and any recommendations for follow-up.
Star Protocol
Patrol supervisor will:
- Announce their acknowledgement and self-dispatch to the call. If unavailable to respond, will ensure Communications requests a sergeant/lieutenant from another area command to respond.
- Manage tactics and supervision of the incident
- Make the determination for the use of a shotgun, rifle, arrest team, less lethal option, or other tools/resources (i.e., shield, Air Unit, K9, and SWAT).
- Ensure rifle deployment is carried out within department policy
5. Ensure an officer or Communications contacts Fusion Watch to get a complete work-up on the subject when necessary. - Maintain the STAR de-escalation protocol, unless the first-arriving unit confirmed the incident no longer meets the criteria of a STAR de-escalation protocol response.
a. In incidents determined to no longer meet the criteria of a STAR de-escalation protocol, supervisors will ensure units advise Communications of the reasoning and that Communications updates the event accordingly. - Advise Communications via radio of applicable STAR code (F5 or L5 only).
- If the call resulted in a legitimate threat, ensure the information regarding a hazard on property and the subject involved is completed in an Area Command Investigative Summary Report (LVMPD 1050).
Barricaded Subject
Patrol supervisor will:
- Upon arrival, assess the situation and take command by prioritizing and communicating objectives.
- Reinforce the inner perimeter and establish a secondary perimeter based on the nature of the incident.
- Direct units to stop any inbound foot or vehicle traffic.
- Assign officers as an immediate-action team (designating roles such as verbal communication, low lethality options, hands on, etc.) to control the subject should they exit the structure.
- Gather intelligence, make a determination for the need of SWAT and negotiators to respond, and make the requests via Communications (when possible, the patrol supervisor should also communicate telephonically with the SWAT tactical commander).
- Evacuate or shelter-in-place bystanders and injured persons from the vicinity around the suspect’s location.
- Designate an officer with strong verbal skills to make contact with the subject to determine the subject’s intent. If contact is made with the subject, ensure officers remain in a tactically sound position, using effective cover and concealment. Efforts should be made to persuade the suspect to voluntarily surrender.
- Request a dedicated radio channel with a dispatcher, if required.
- Communicate with and direct subsequent arriving supervisors to perform other tasks that require handling.
a. Any subsequent arriving supervisor will assess and determine where they are needed and establish communication with the first arriving supervisor to provide support. All supervisors on-scene have a responsibility in the command and control process. - Designate an officer to record names and addresses of persons and residences evacuated.
Hostage Plan
Patrol supervisor will:
- Upon arrival, assess the situation and take command by prioritizing and communicating objectives.
- Reinforce the inner perimeter and establish a secondary perimeter based on the nature of the incident.
- Direct units to stop any inbound foot or vehicle traffic.
- Assign officers as an immediate-action team (designating roles such as verbal communication, low lethality options, hands on, etc.) to control the subject should the subject surrender, release the hostage, or exit the structure.
- Evacuate or shelter-in-place bystanders and injured persons from the vicinity around the suspect’s location.
- Designate an officer with strong verbal skills to make contact with the hostage taker to determine their intent and solicit information on the well-being of hostages. If contact is made with the subject, ensure officers remain in a tactically sound position, using effective cover and concealment. Efforts should be made to persuade the suspect to voluntarily surrender.
a. Prior to the arrival of SWAT/CNT, there will be no negotiations for the supply of weapons, ammunition, drugs, alcohol, or exchange of hostages. - Request a dedicated radio channel with a dispatcher, if required.
- Communicate with and direct subsequent arriving supervisors to perform other tasks that require handling.
a. Any subsequent arriving supervisor will assess and determine where they are needed and establish communication with the first arriving supervisor to provide support. All supervisors on-scene have a responsibility in the command and control process. - Designate an officer to record names and addresses of persons and residences evacuated.
Locating a BOMB
Field supervisor will:
- Respond to and assume command of the scene. The field supervisor or senior officer in charge will remain at the scene to brief the ARMOR supervisor of all relevant matters. Establish Incident Command System and completes ICS-AAR as required.
- Contact the ARMOR supervisor through Communications supervisor.
- When requesting ARMOR, advise a responsible person from the establishment of the potential for explosion and initiate an evacuation of the premises. At least two floors above and below the device should be evacuated in a high-rise building.
a. Failure to respond to an evacuation order is a violation of NRS 475.070.
b. If a person is not readily available or able to easily be evacuated and is not in harm’s way based on the information of the threat and is outside the mandatory evacuation zone listed on the FBI Bomb Threat Stand-Off Card, the person may shelter in place. However, if they are in the mandatory evacuation zone, they must be evacuated to safety.
4. Assign an additional officer to the primary location to assist in communications. - Remain at scene with the additional officer to assist ARMOR and prevent unauthorized access to the location of the device.
Scene of Detonation
Patrol supervisor will:
- Contact the ARMOR supervisor through Communications supervisor.
- Coordinate with ARMOR for instructions regarding adjustment of the perimeter and other scene control concerns.
- Determine the appropriate support personnel needed for security of the scene.
- Maintain the perimeter until released by the ranking member of ARMOR, or the investigator functioning as liaison for ARMOR.
- Determine the need for an EDD to search for a second device (this request can come from ARMOR)
First supervisor on the scene will:
- Establish a command post (at a safe distance upwind from the scene).
- Assign second or third unit arriving at the command post to check the immediate area for possible secondary devices. The officer(s) conducting the check should not touch suspicious objects. The locations that have been thoroughly checked should be marked so the explosive-detector dogs or bomb squad can eliminate those not marked as threats.
- Review established security perimeter and ensure no personnel are deployed in a designated contaminated area without proper protective equipment.
- Determine the need for an outer perimeter depending on the circumstances of the incident.
- Coordinate the evacuation of the area downwind of the spillage or suspected spillage, with the ARMOR Section or fire department, in accordance with the Table of Isolation and Evacuation Distances found in the ERG. Department members will not conduct rescues without utilizing the proper protective equipment and being trained in its use.
- Request Communications to make notifications.
Field Force Extraction
IC will:
- Establish ICS.
- Arrive at scene, determine if a criminal offense has occurred, and assess the need to have protesters immediately removed from the area.
a. Request the locked protesters to release themselves and disperse. If they refuse, issue the dispersal order.
b. If protesters still refuse to release and disperse, request the HSST through Dispatch. - Direct officers to create and maintain a buffer zone, ensuring inbound foot and vehicle traffic is diverted.
- Designate an arrest team to take custodial arrest and complete booking of protesters once released from their devices by HSST (consider notification to DSD if multiple arrests).
Sergeants will:
- If the first arriving supervisor on-scene, make entry with the initial officer(s), providing direction and overall command and control. Utilize the 4 C’s concept: contain, control, communicate, coordinate.
- Upon additional supervisor response, establish a formal Incident Command Post. Consider utilizing NCORE TAC channels for the establishment of unified command.
- If one of the first arriving officers has taken IC, determine if a transfer of command needs to occur from the officer to the sergeant. This will be based on the size, type, and complexity of the incident.
- Upon arrival of fire department personnel, establish a unified command.
- Determine the need for additional Incident Command System (ICS) command and general staff positions based on the size, type, and complexity of the incident.
- Ensure the watch commander has been notified in the absence of an area lieutenant.
DV investigations
The supervisor will:
- In cases of mutual arrest, ensure that every attempt has been made to try and determine a primary physical aggressor and that probable cause exists for both arrests prior to giving approval for any mutual arrest.
- In cases meeting the Family Justice Center (FJC) call-out criteria, immediately notify FJC detectives. Current criteria can be obtained through the Dispatch supervisor. For cases that do not meet the FJC call-out criteria, contact the area command on duty or on-call PD detective squad.
- If parties involved are believed to be a pimp and prostitute, immediately notify the Vice Section.
- In cases when a law enforcement employee of any agency is involved as a suspect or victim of domestic violence, immediately notify the watch commander (if unavailable, contact the Criminal Investigations Section supervisor) and the area lieutenant to respond.
- Review all reports for accuracy and consistency, including jurisdiction, elements of the crime, and probable cause.
Developing RS for Employee for Impairment
A supervisor will:
- Conduct a preliminary investigation (which may include an FST). The supervisor should request a secondary supervisor to observe any indicators of impairment to confirm the reasonable suspicion.
- Coordinate administrative steps with IAB and transport the employee without delay to the IAB office, unarmed.
- Complete the Reasonable Suspicion Document provided by IAB.
- Contact the on-call Police Employees Assistance Program (PEAP) supervisor to follow up with the involved employee.
Supervisor will:
- Ensure the complainant or reporting person is interviewed to determine the facts and circumstances of the alleged criminal misconduct.
- For reports of criminal or suspected criminal misconduct involving department employees, immediately notify the on-duty watch commander and Criminal Investigations Section of IAB.
- For reports of criminal or suspected criminal misconduct involving law enforcement employees of any other jurisdiction,
Employee’s Immediate Supervisor will:
- Address the employee’s behavior through:
a. Discipline; and/or
b. Counseling, training, or care programs. - Ensure any reduction in discipline, wholly or in part, due to the successful completion of court-referred treatment retains the designation of the initial discipline. For example, “40 hours suspension - reduced to a 20-hour suspension with option, plus 20 hours in abeyance, due to the satisfactory completion of a court-referral program.”
- Coordinate any voluntary follow-up care for the employee through PEAP
Supervisor receiving or initiating a complaint will:
- Interview the complainant to determine the facts and circumstances of the alleged misconduct. If the complaint is not an allegation that involves a violation of department policy or violation of law, handle the matter as a customer service dispute that will be documented on a citizen contact. If it does involve a violation of LVMPD policy or law, an SOC will be opened.
a. The SOC will document the nature of the complaint, the person making the complaint and any witnesses to the allegation. If the complainant only provides partial information, they will be advised that there may be a delay in the completion of the investigation.
b. Once the SOC is completed, it will be forwarded to IAB. If the complainant insists on making a complaint that may not equal misconduct in the supervisor’s estimation, an SOC will be completed and forwarded to IAB for review and conclusion. - Explain the investigatory process to the complainant.
- If the complaint only involves the complainant’s disagreement with an established and proper department policy, procedure, rule, regulation, law, or practice, a supervisor conducting the inquiry will:
a. Explain to the complainant department policy, procedure, rule, regulation, law, or practice and how the issue does not rise to misconduct.
b. Document the discussion in Blue Team as a citizen contact.
Supervisory Support Positions
Organization Level - Title - Support Position
Incident Commander -
Officer -
Chief -
Director -
Supervisor -
Strike Team Leader -
Incident Commander - DEPUTY
Officer - Assistant
Chief - DEPUTY
Director - DEPUTY
Supervisor - N/A
Leader - Manager
Strike Team Leader - Single Resource Boss.