3.110 USE OF FORCE POLICY Flashcards
The Department respects the ____ of every human life
Officers will, when feasible use ______, ________, _________, and other tactics as alternatives to higher levels of force
Advisements, Warning, Verbal Persuasion
Duty to Intervene
- The officer will ______ report these observations and the effort made to intervene to a supervisor.
- If the supervisor is using unjustified force, the officer will report to the _____ ______ of supervison
- If observing officer is a supervisor they will issue a _____ order to stop the violation
- Reporting officer will document in writing no later than ____ days. And with what details?
- Promptly
- next level
- direct
- 10 days with:
A. Date time and location
B. Identity if known and description of the participants
C. Description of the actions taken as a result of the observation.
Name the levels of Resistance and Levels of Control.
- Coal - Compliant, Obstructive, Assaultive, Life Threatening
- Low Level, Intermediate, Deadly Force
What is VCT and does it require a use of force report?
Vehicle containment technique and it does require a UOF report.
Non-Uniformed commissioned Personnel the rank of _____ and below are required to carry what?
one intermediate force option.
Are officers allowed to use physical force on a person to stop them from swallowing a substance?
Officers will NOT use force
Whats the exact verbage for when an arrestee complains his handcuffs are too tight. The officer having custody of the subject will, as soon as ______ ________ check the handcuffs
reasonably possible.
OC Spray
Disapproved uses:
- OC Spray will not be used on a handcuffs subject unless the subject is displaying ________
__________ - OC spray _____ _____ be used on a driver of a vehicle
- assaultive resistence.
- Should not
ECD will not be used:
1. on a ______ person
2. When the officers know a subject has come into contact with what?
3. On a person with known ________ conditions
- Can officers draw an ECD and Firearm at the same time?
- handcuffed
- flammable liquids
- heart
- Officers WILL NOT
Does blocking require a use of force report? If there is contact with the suspects vehicle who does the investigation and with what form?
No blocking does not require UOF report. Traffic will investigate and complete a LVMPD 42
Use of force with vehicles
When is a PIT deadly force?
- speed of more than 40 mph
- When used on a high center of gravity vehicle likely to roll over such as vans suvs
UOF vehicles
PIT approved uses include: 1 and 2
Disapproved Uses of pit include: 3
1) Continued movement of the pursued vehicle would place others in danger of substantial bodily injury or death.
2) Other tactical options have been considered and rejected as impractical (e.g., continue to follow, stop sticks, or use of the Air Unit).
3) Officers driving department trucks or non patrol SUV’s and on Motorcycles.
What are the tactical considerations regarding the use of PIT or ramming a vehicle. Starting with Environmental factors? 7 total
And subject factors?
1) Areas with pedestrians
2) Other vehicle traffic
3) Parked vehicles
4) Telephone/utility poles
5) Bridges/overpasses
6) Areas adjacent to paved roads with a significant elevation change
7) Significant curves in the roadway
Subject factors: VCT is prohibited on vehicles occupied by 3 at least one of who is not directly associated with original crime.
What are supervisors responsibilties for PIT?
a. Immediately acknowledge the officer’s notification over the radio.
b. Order discontinuation of the PIT when the necessity for apprehension is outweighed by the dangers of the PIT.
PIT requires what reports?
**Use of Force Report and Pursuit Report. **
Officers will not discharge their firearm at a moving vehicle unless:
a. A person in the vehicle is an imminent deadly threat to officers or others by means other than the vehicle (such as an occupant firing a handgun at an officer).
b. The driver is using the vehicle as a weapon to inflict mass causalities (such as a truck driving through a crowd).
Humanely Euthanize Injured or Dangerous Animals:
Approved use:
3 total
1) Only after attempts have been made to request assistance from the agency responsible for the disposal of animals (e.g., Humane Society, animal control, or game warden)
2) If the animal’s owner is present and does not wish to transport the animal to veterinary care.
3) When the animal is so badly injured as to require humane relief from further suffering.
What are the four reasons to deploy a rifle?
And what will a supervisor do? Two things
1) There is a potential for deadly force or the subject is armed with a deadly weapon.
2) Distance and the use of cover are considerations due to the suspect’s location.
3) The suspect is barricaded.
4) The deployment has been pre-approved (e.g., Airport Bureau or officers assigned to a special event).
Supervisor will:
1) Proceed immediately to the incident and assume tactical control.
2) Ensure proper deployment of rifles and address over-deployment and crossfire issues.
A Use of Force Report is required by each officer and Civilian who uses reportable force in an incident. Use of Force Reports will be completed by ____ ___ _____ and reviewed through the chain of command within ____ days
End of shift
30 days
Who completes the Use of Force reports for OIS or Use of Deadly Force Incidents, and when applicable The Pursuit Report? Will this unit also do one for Low Lethality Shotguns?
At the discretion of CIRT LT they will also do UOF on Low lethal shotgun as well.
Who will complete the Firearm Discharge report on:
a. Any discharge at a person regardless of injury.
b. The discharge of any firearm (other than at a human being) which includes dog or animal shoots in self-defense or to humanely euthanize.
Who will complete the firearm discharge on:
c. Negligent discharge of a firearm whether on or off duty.
A and B: CIRT.
Who investigates non-deadly use of force?
Officers chain of command.
Supervisors involved as subject officers in a reportable use of force incident will not investigate themselves or other subject officers; investigative duties will be relinquished to the next level of supervision in the officer’s chain of command.
If the next level of supervision in the officer’s chain of command is unavailable, the supervisor involved in the use of force incident will notify the on-duty _____ ______. The _____ _________ will delegate the next level of supervision responsible for the use of force investigative duties.
Watch Commander
What will happen for all reportable use of force regardless of visible injury?
Photos will be taken and downloaded into blue team.
Investigative Responsibilities – Use of Non-Deadly Force
A supervisor will:
9 steps
a. Respond, without delay, to an incident in which reportable force is used
b. Determine the level of force; if deadly force was used or if there is substantial bodily injury
c. Conduct an investigation by interviewing the subjects, officers, medical personnel, and witnesses.
d. Ensure photographs are taken and placed into Blue Team, to include the subjects, the scene, officers involved, and collect any evidence.
e. For the review of body worn camera video,
f. Check the surrounding area for any video surveillance, obtain a copy, and ensure the third-party video is impounded as evidence and noted in Blue Team
g. Review all applicable reports to ensure accuracy and completeness.
1) Document how a use of force has been determined to be appropriate and in adherence to department policy. If the use of force is determined to not be appropriate, it will be sent through the chain of command to decide if a Statement of Complaint (SOC) is necessary. If other misconduct is identified, the supervisor will document how it was addressed.
2) Document training deficiencies and how they were corrected.
h. When an ECD has been used:
1) Ensure the data record has been uploaded into Blue Team.
2) Verify the probes, wires, and cartridges are properly impounded, and arrange for replacement cartridges (accidental discharges will not require impounding unless there has been an injury).
i. Document the investigation in a Citizen Contact (CC) in Blue Team when alleged use of force is determined to be unfounded.
Investigative Responsibilities – Use of Deadly Force or Force Resulting
The first-arriving supervisor will:
3 key factors
a. Act as incident commander
b. Provide FIT detectives on the names and locations of the subject officers and potential witness officers. If there is concern that an officer is not a witness officer, but a subject officer, the ranking FIT supervisor will make the final determination regarding the status of the officer(s).
c. Remain on scene, and do not leave until released by the FIT supervisor.
The Public Safety Statement (PSS) is a series of questions asked of the shooting officer to obtain information to determine if an immediate threat to public safety exists. The PSS must be taken in a timely manner and appropriate action conducted based on the information received from the PSS.
When practical, only the shooting officer and a supervisor should be present during the PSS. If multiple officers are involved, the PSS should be done separately with each officer. The questions below will be read directly from the PSS card (no unauthorized form will be used). A supervisor will write down the officer’s response. The PSS should not be recorded on a body worn camera.
In the event where the supervisor is involved in an officer involved shooting and no other supervisor is immediately available to take the PSS, the _______ ________ on scene will conduct the PSS.
_senior officer