Lvmpd will not require any waiting period to make a missing person report due to which act?
National Child Search Assistance Act of 1990
In accordance with the National Child Search Assistance Act of 1990 and the federally mandated Suzanne’s Law, entry into the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) will be made under the following circumstances:
- All juveniles, 17 years old and younger, will be entered into NCIC immediately upon receiving the required minimum data elements, not to exceed two hours.
- Missing persons 18 through 20 years old (even though legally considered adults) will also be entered into NCIC in accordance with the federally mandated Suzanne’s Law immediately upon receiving the required minimum data elements, not to exceed two hours.
What is the minimum data elements?
name, date of birth, sex, race, height, weight, hair color, eye color, date and time of last contact.
Adults may go missing for a variety of reasons. However, adults can only be entered into NCIC if they:
- have a disablity
- are in physical danger
- are a victim of a catastrophe or suspicious or involuntary circumstances (endangered).
Regardless of NCIC entry, all missing persons will be entered into ________
Entry into NCIC must be listed in one of the following categories as specified in the NCIC operating manual. What is:
- EMD - disability
- EME - Endangered
- EMI - Involuntary
- EMJ - Juvenile
- EMV - Catastrophe victim
- EMO - Other
When taking the P1 report for missing person what must be to indicate the entry was complete?
NIC number must be addded to the missing person tab.
If the juvenile is located, what must still be completed? Who must be notified of cancellation?
Report will still be completed. NCIC record must be cancelled by contacting Records, Fingerprinting Bureau - NCIC section
Who is the states clearing house for all missing children?
Attorney Generals office
When a PR files a report – either at RFB or police substation or via phone to RFB – the report taker will determine at that time if it requires immediate officer response. Report takers then will either contact the Communications Bureau for dispatch or generate an event in CAD requesting response. If the PR also alleges another crime occurred, What will happen?
An additional event number will be generated and kept seperate from missing person report.
What is the callout criteria for missing person?
a. The missing person is age 11 and under or the juvenile or adult has a documented diminished mental capacity equivalent to 11 and under.
b. The missing person, adult or juvenile, has a legal guardianship in place.
c. The missing person, adult or juvenile, has a physical or medical condition that would hinder their ability to care for themselves, posing a significant risk of death or serious bodily harm.
d. The missing person, adult or juvenile, is a possible victim of foul play.
e. The missing person, adult or juvenile, is actively threatening/attempting suicide.
f. The missing person, adult or juvenile, has a potentially life-threatening situation.
g. The missing child(ren) is involved in a child-custody situation where there is imminent physical harm or they could be taken out of state.
h. The missing child(ren) is involved in a child-custody situation and the purpose for response is to document the event in P1 if there is an already established active or ongoing Family Court case. (If there is no court case, the PR will be referred to Family Court and no P1 report will be taken.)
If the missing person meets the Missing Persons Detail callout criteria, ensure the NCIC entry reads: “If located, contact the on-call _______________ detective 24/7.”
Missing Persons detective 24/7
In situations where a parent/guardian is missing with their child(ren) and deemed not to be a custody issue, adhere to the following process:
a. The parent/guardian and child/children will be entered on the same P1 report but as separate NCIC entries.
b. Parents/guardians must be added as a “Person with Information” (PWI) using NCIC Missing Person – Person with Supplemental Information (LVMPD 510H) for each child’s NCIC entry.
What should law enforcement do if it is determined that a missing adult has a legal guardianship and diminished capacity?
Speak to the guardian and obtain documentation of the guardianship/medical condition.
Their name and contact information will be listed in NCIC and Scope
When a missing persons report involves a vehicle, the report taker will immediately call who? and enter the information where?
RFB’s Wanted Vehicle System Desk. enter the vehicle information in p1
When taking a runaway report involving numerous non-sibling juveniles, each runaway receives a :
separate event number and p1 report.
Multiple runaways can be reported under _ ______ if they have the same parents/guardians or live in the same household (and leave at the same time/together).
one report
Will you take a p1 report for a found person who has not been reported to NCIC?
No you will not.
If the subject is an adult not threatening suicide under volatile circumstances (e.g., subject has not threatened to harm another, is not a danger to the community, nor is a “suicide by cop” threat) Officers will:
a. If the adult has a cellphone, patrol supervisor will request a Kelsey Smith phone ping through Dispatch supervisor.
b. Contact Fusion Center for a workup.
c. Add pertinent details into patrol briefing.
d. Hourly broadcast with description of the subject to all area commands (and vehicle if involved).
e. Obtain latest photo and upload into OnBase.
f. Obtain social media accounts and usernames/passwords.
g. Check area for video.
If every attempt to locate the missing adult is exhausted. Complete an ICR, ensure its entered into NCIC to include if they possess a weapon. Missing person detail will follow up.
If the missing adult is threatening suicide under volatile circumstances, officers will contact:
Contact the on-duty or on-call patrol detective – not the on-call Missing Persons detective.
If the subject is a juvenile not threatening suicide under volatile circumstances (e.g., subject has not threatened to harm another, is not a danger to the community, nor is a “suicide by cop” threat) Officers will:
a. If the juvenile has a cellphone, patrol supervisor will request a Kelsey Smith phone ping through Dispatch supervisor.
b. Contact Fusion Center for a workup.
c. Add pertinent details into patrol briefing.
d. Hourly broadcast with description of the subject to all area commands (and vehicle if involved).
e. Obtain latest photo and upload into OnBase.
f. Obtain social media accounts and usernames/passwords.
g. Check area for video
Complete a report ensuring NCIC entry and NIC number. Add the following NCIC notification: “If located, contact the on-call Missing Persons detective 24/7.”
- For Suicidal Juvenile - Patrol Supervisor will:
- If the missing juvenile is threatening suicide under volatile circumstances, officers will:
- Notify the on-call Missing Persons detective for requested response.
- Contact the on-duty or on-call patrol detective – not the on-call Missing Persons detective.
What will happen to missing juveniles who become adults (21+ years) in NCIC
They will remain in NCIC. Their record will reflect their birthday and they are emancipated. Missing persons detail has authority to have them removed.
What will happen to a found runaway children from out of state and their parent can’t be contacted?
will be booked into Clark County Juvenile Hall (CCJH) on the child in need of supervision (CHINS) side of juvenile court intake,
If the missing person is a juvenile, officers will attempt to contact the parent/guardian. If contact cannot be made with the parent/guardian and no criminal charges exist, the juvenile will be transported to the ____ ______
Child haven
Child Custody cases
If the elements of a crime exist amid a custody matter, take a report for Detain/Hide/Remove Child from the biological parent, guardian, or court-appointed guardian.
Can patrol make a probable cause arrest? if not who can?
Only the Nevada Attorney Generals office.