Allegations of criminal violations by any law enforcement employee are serious and must be handled ___________ and ____________
expediently and judiciously
criminal misconduct by department employees are a breach of the department’s ________ and the Communities _________
values and trust
Law enforcement employees found to be engaging in criminal activity. Such employees will be subject to a wide range of _______ _______, and when appropriate, _______ ________ and ________ _________
Disciplinary options, Additional training and assistance programs
Where can criminal misconduct allegations originate?
Citizens complaints or internal sources
What does NRS 289.020 state?
If a peace officer refuses to comply with a request by a superior officer to cooperate with the peace officer’s own or any other law enforcement agency in a criminal investigation, the agency may charge the peace officer with insubordination
Off-duty officers who witness an alleged crime will not be threatened or charged with insubordination for failure to cooperate with a criminal investigation.
True or False
If an off-duty witness officer requests representation and the investigator elects to proceed with the interview, the representative will respond _____ ______
without delay
On-duty officers who witness an alleged crime are________ to ________ in the criminal investigation
obligated to cooperate
On-duty LVMPD members who are witnesses to alleged criminal acts are not entitled to a ____ notice.
Any employee who witnesses or becomes aware of criminal or suspected criminal misconduct by another LVMPD employee will immediately notify who?
their supervisor
If the employee’s supervisor is off duty or unavailable, the employee shall notify an ______ ________
on-duty supervisor
Any employee who is charged with or accused of a criminal violation or suspected criminal misconduct, except for minor traffic violations, regardless of the jurisdiction, will immediately
notify their supervisor
Any supervisor, or person acting in a supervisor capacity, being notified of criminal or suspected criminal misconduct by an LVMPD employee shall immediately notify who?
The watch commander and the criminal investigations section of IAB
When an LVMPD employee becomes aware of a citizen desiring to report a criminal violation involving a law enforcement employee from any agency, what action should they take?
LVMPD employees should immediately advise their supervisor or designee, regardless of the agency of employment
What actions should be taken in the event an LVMPD or outside law enforcement agency employee is charged with or accused of a criminal violation, excluding minor traffic violations?
The Sheriff or designee should be notified through the investigative unit’s chain of command, and they will determine further notifications.
In the context of criminal or suspected criminal misconduct involving law enforcement employees, what are some examples of situations that fall under this category?
detained as a suspect, charged as a suspect, identified as a suspect or person of interest, associating with persons engaged in criminal activity, or being accused of a criminal violation, regardless of jurisdiction.
What 3 steps will a supervisor do to field complaints?
- Ensure the complainant or reporting person is interviewed to determine the facts and circumstances of the alleged criminal misconduct.
- For reports of criminal or suspected criminal misconduct involving department employees, immediately notify the on-duty watch commander and Criminal Investigations Section of IAB.
- For reports of criminal or suspected criminal misconduct involving law enforcement employees of any other jurisdiction, immediately notify the on-duty watch commander and the appropriate investigative unit.
In cases where the criminal violation by a law enforcement employee is discovered during a long-term or covert investigation by an investigative unit, the notification will be made directly to ???
Criminal Investigations Section supervisor.