Who is responsible for investigations of all located explosives, bomb threats, extortions with the use of bombs, and other found or suspected devices pertaining to terrorism, including weapons of mass destruction, biological agents, chemical agents, radioactive agents and other lethal agents, toxins, and delivery systems that threaten the security of our community.
Southern Nevada Counter Terrorism Centers(SNCTC), All Hazard Regional Multi-Agency Operations and Response (ARMOR), in conjunction with Counter Terrorism Section
What does the Presidential Decision Directive 39 do?
Assigns FBI as primary agency for terrorist incidents
According to FBI Standoff Card. What is explosive capacity, mandatory Evacuation Distance, Shelter-in Place zone, and preferred evacuation distance for: Pipe Bomb
- Explosive Capacity: 5 Ibs
- Mandatory Evacuation Distance: 70 Ft
- Shelter in place zone: is in between 2 and 4 so 71-1199
- Preferred Evacuation: 1200
According to FBI Standoff Card. What is explosive capacity, mandatory Evacuation Distance, Shelter-in Place zone, and preferred evacuation distance for: Suicide Bomber
- Explosive Capacity: 20 Ibs
- Mandatory Evacuation Distance: 110 Ft
- Shelter in place zone: is in between 2 and 4 so 111-1699
- Preferred Evacuation: 1700
According to FBI Standoff Card. What is explosive capacity, mandatory Evacuation Distance, Shelter-in Place zone, and preferred evacuation distance for: Briefcase/Suitcase
- Explosive Capacity: 50 Ibs
- Mandatory Evacuation Distance: 150 Ft
- Shelter in place zone: is in between 2 and 4 so 151-1849
- Preferred Evacuation: 1850
According to FBI Standoff Card. What is explosive capacity, mandatory Evacuation Distance, Shelter-in Place zone, and preferred evacuation distance for: Car
- Explosive Capacity: 500 Ibs
- Mandatory Evacuation Distance: 320 Ft
- Shelter in place zone: is in between 2 and 4 so 321-1899
- Preferred Evacuation: 1900
According to FBI Standoff Card. What is explosive capacity, mandatory Evacuation Distance, Shelter-in Place zone, and preferred evacuation distance for: SUV/VAN
- Explosive Capacity: 1000 Ibs
- Mandatory Evacuation Distance: 400 Ft
- Shelter in place zone: is in between 2 and 4 so 401-2399
- Preferred Evacuation: 2400
According to FBI Standoff Card. What is explosive capacity, mandatory Evacuation Distance, Shelter-in Place zone, and preferred evacuation distance for: Small Delivery Truck
- Explosive Capacity: 4000 Ibs
- Mandatory Evacuation Distance: 640 Ft
- Shelter in place zone: is in between 2 and 4 so 641-3799
- Preferred Evacuation: 3800
According to FBI Standoff Card. What is explosive capacity, mandatory Evacuation Distance, Shelter-in Place zone, and preferred evacuation distance for: Container/Water Truck
- Explosive Capacity: 10,000 Ibs
- Mandatory Evacuation Distance: 860 Ft
- Shelter in place zone: is in between 2 and 4 so 861-5099
- Preferred Evacuation: 5100
According to FBI Standoff Card. What is explosive capacity, mandatory Evacuation Distance, Shelter-in Place zone, and preferred evacuation distance for: Semi-Trailer
- Explosive Capacity: 60,000Ibs
- Mandatory Evacuation Distance: 1570 Ft
- Shelter in place zone: is in between 2 and 4 so 1571-9299
- Preferred Evacuation: 9300
When responding to a bomb threat, unattended item, or suspicious item, officers should conduct
25 and 100 foot searches conducted from low-to-high in a 360 degree manner
If LVMPD receives initial information of a bomb threat/extortion, the _______ ______ or _______ will be notified by detectives as soon as possible.
Target individual or establishment
Who is responsible for making decisions regarding compliance with extortion demands in an establishment?
Management or their designees are responsible for making these decisions.
3.520.2 Bomb Threats/Extortions
Patrol officer responding to scene will:
- Perform an initial threat assessment.
- Respond to the scene and confer with the senior representative or key employee of the establishment. The representative must make the following decisions: whether to conduct a search (using establishment personnel); whether to evacuate during a search; if further action should be taken if no device or suspected device is found; and if the area is safe or free of explosives. LVMPD personnel will not make these decisions or judgments. On any specific threat where the representative of an establishment is willing to evacuate the premises and conduct a search, the explosive detection dog (EDD) can be deployed to provide a more comprehensive search
- While adhering to the mandatory standoff distance for the perceived threat, update the event in CAD and/or notify Dispatch via radio or cellphone. Personnel are cautioned against radio transmissions and cellphone use in the vicinity of a device.
- Take an Incident Crime Report (ICR) and, if appropriate, complete a brief Officer’s Report.
3.520.2 Bomb Threats/Extortions
On any specific threat where the representative of an establishment is willing to evacuate the premises and conduct a search. What can be utilized?
Explosive Detector Dog. But only for bomb threats. Located or suspect devices EDD will only be used to search for secondary devices.
3.520.3 Threats Against Vehicles
Officer will:
- Conduct a threat assessment prior to making any approach
- Attempt to determine the existence of a device through a prompt preliminary investigation prior to requesting ARMOR.
- Conduct a visual inspection of the inside and underside of the vehicle without opening doors, trunk, or hood.
- Request ARMOR supervisor through Communications supervisor if anything suspicious is located
3.520.4 Nonspecific Threats (Bomb Threats)
Patrol officer will:
- Contact the PR, if available.
- Document the situation detailing the circumstances, threats, and other significant information in ICR
- Forward all documents to ARMOR
3.520.5 Threats Against LVMPD Headquarters
What is the protocol in the event of a bomb threat called in against LVMPD HQ
radio silence will be maintained. HQ operations will not be disrupted, and personnel will not be evacuated without justification as determined by officers on scene.
HQ security Detail will conduct searches
dispersal device
Any device that disperses any chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear material to cause injury, fear, death or denial of any area. This can also incorporate explosives as a means of dispersal.
homemade explosives
Finished explosive material that is ready to be utilized in an improvised explosive device. Homemade explosives can be made utilizing household chemicals through a chemical process or combined to produce an explosive material that is intended for use
improvised explosive device (IED)
A homemade explosive device designed to maim, harass, or kill. An IED will contain a power source, initiator, explosive material and switch or chemical mixture to create a hypergolic reaction.
incendiary device
Any material, substance, device, or combination thereof that is capable of supplying the initial ignition and/or fuel for a fire and is designed to be used as an instrument of willful destruction.
Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED)
An explosive device placed in a car or other vehicle and then exploded.
What precaution should personnel take when in the vicinity of a device, such as during a bomb threat response?
Personnel should avoid radio transmissions and cellphone use.
Located Explosive Devices and Explosive Substances
Patrol officer will:
- Respond to the scene and conduct preliminary investigation.
- Perform an initial 25-foot search around the arrival area, then a 100-foot search around the arrival area, to include the CP and staging area.
- Establish a perimeter utilizing the FBI Bomb Threat Stand-Off Card (distances should be based on the recommendations of the Threat Description section on the card).
- Search the area around the CP for secondary devices.
- Gather and control witnesses as well as start voluntary statements.
Located Explosive Devices and Explosive Substances
Field supervisor will:
test question
- Respond to and assume command of the scene. The field supervisor or senior officer in charge will remain at the scene to brief the ARMOR supervisor of all relevant matters. Establish Incident Command System (ICS) in accordance with LVMPD 3.500, Major Incident and All Hazard Plan and completes ICS-AAR as required.
- Contact the ARMOR supervisor through Communications supervisor.
- When requesting ARMOR, advise a responsible person from the establishment of the potential for explosion and initiate an evacuation of the premises. At least two floors above and below the device should be evacuated in a high-rise building.
a. Failure to respond to an evacuation order is a violation of NRS 475.070.
b. If a person is not readily available or able to easily be evacuated and is not in harm’s way based on the information of the threat and is outside the mandatory evacuation zone listed on the FBI Bomb Threat Stand-Off Card, the person may shelter in place. However, if they are in the mandatory evacuation zone, they must be evacuated to safety. - Assign an additional officer to the primary location (see Command and Control section) to assist in communications.
- Remain at scene with the additional officer to assist ARMOR and prevent unauthorized access to the location of the device.
Two command and control locations will be established when a device or suspected device is located. What are they?
- Tactical Operations Center
- Field Command Post CP
What is the Tactical Operations Center?
will be in the vicinity of the device determined suitable by ARMOR supervisor. Command of the primary location and all personnel assigned to it will rest solely with the ranking ARMOR member. The overall incident command will remain with the patrol IC.
What is the Field Command Post
will be operated and staffed, and a staging area established as for any unusual occurrence, by LVMPD personnel, who will oversee all field operations in connection with the explosive. Investigative personnel will report to the field CP or staging area as directed, when arriving at the scene.
Scene of Detonation
Patrol supervisor will:
- Contact the ARMOR supervisor through Communications supervisor.
- Coordinate with ARMOR for instructions regarding adjustment of the perimeter and other scene control concerns.
- Determine the appropriate support personnel needed for security of the scene.
- Maintain the perimeter until released by the ranking member of ARMOR, or the investigator functioning as liaison for ARMOR.
- Determine the need for an EDD to search for a second device (this request can come from ARMOR).
Scene of Detonation
Patrol officer will:
- Respond to the scene and provide any emergency assistance as required.
- Conduct preliminary investigation.
- Establish, at a minimum, 300-foot perimeter from any item that they can visually identify as evidence.
- Conduct 25-foot and 100-foot searches around the perimeter for secondary devices.
- Search CP for secondary devices.
- Gather and control witnesses and complete voluntary statements.
- Complete ICR.