Shift supervisors are responsible for ensuring the reports are ________ and the ________ of the report is acceptable
Completed and the Quality
Officers may, after notification and approval of a ___ __, exercise discretion regarding continuing with the booking process if it has been determined that the arrestee needs medical attention
Watch commander
In situations where an officer chooses not to book an arrestee and there is a need for medical care, what may the officer do?
call for private medical transport via ambulance
When officers decide not to book an arrestee and medical care is needed, what is the key principle they must follow before considering release?
Officers must ensure that the arrestee has been provided an option for obtaining medical care before making the decision to release them.
In cases where the arrestee’s medical condition is not life-threatening and they need to be taken to a hospital or emergency room, what is the appropriate procedure when officers are transporting?
Officers should release the arrestee to the care of hospital personnel and not just drop them off at the front door of the medical facility.
In cases where an arrestee needs medical assistance and it’s determined that they will be transported either by private transportation or by the officer, what options do officers typically have regarding the arrestee’s citation or arrest warrant?
Officers may cite the arrestee prior to releasing them to medical personnel or submit for an arrest warrant before the end of the shift.
Officers will not release arrestees anywhere other than:
- CCDC (booked or released to private medical transportation)
- Las Vegas City Jail
- Henderson Jail
- Hospital or emergency room.
In situations where an arrestee signs an Against Medical Advice form with paramedics or medical personnel, what is the appropriate response from the officer?
They may leave, The officer will not interfere
In CLV, suspects may be booked for all appropriate misdemeanor offenses. Arrestees will not be booked for any misdemeanors when being booked for felony or gross misdemeanors except in the following circumstances:
a. Suspects committing a crime(s) against an officer may be booked on those offenses in addition to any other offense(s).
b. When an arrest is mandated by statute for certain misdemeanors (i.e., domestic violence or driving on a Driving While Intoxicated revoked license).
c. Suspects may be booked for a misdemeanor (combined with a felony or gross misdemeanor) when it is the charge that results in a search leading to a felony or gross misdemeanor arrest. (For example, if a suspect is arrested for Disturbing the Peace and a subsequent search incident to arrest reveals Possession of a Controlled Substance. In this case, the suspect can be booked for the felony and misdemeanor).
d. Charges will be combined for suspects being booked for one or more violent crimes.
In Clark County, when an arrest involves multiple alleged offenses (excluding violent crimes), what is the required procedure for booking on additional charges, and how should the approval of the authorizing supervisor be documented?
Officers should request approval from the authorizing supervisor to book on additional charges and list approved charges on the TCR, with the supervisor’s initials and P Number documented on the TCR and in subsequent reports
When will officers turn in their reports to a supervisor?
No later than the end of shift.
In the absence of the officer’s immediate supervisor, the officer will have the AR Package reviewed by the _____ ________. If the ________ _____ is not available, the AR Package must be reviewed by any available Community Policing, Tourist Safety, or Investigative Services Division supervisor
Shift LT.
Supervisors when contacted by an arresting officer regarding releasing an arrestee to medical personnel, ensure that the arrestee is not released from custody if the following charges are applicable:
6 reasons
a. Crime(s) against an officer.
b. Domestic violence or driving on a DWI revoked license or any other charge where arrest is mandated by statute.
c. Any violent crime against person with significant injury.
d. Any violent crime involving the use of a deadly weapon.
e. Sexual Assault.
f. Kidnapping.
What is the time frame for NCF’ing a charge
48 hours prior to the submission of the arrest information
If the NCF occurs outside the timeframe. Release must be coordinated with?
DA screening, as the authority for release is now out of LVMPD control
In CLV, suspects may be booked for all appropriate misdemeanor offenses
In Clark County, where more than one offense is alleged, request approval of the _______ ________ to book on additional charges (with the exception of violent crimes) and list those approved charges on the TCR. How do you document this?
Authorizing Supervisor.
The initial and P# of supervisor will be noted on TCR and in Subsequent reports