8.166 DRUG FREE WORKPLACE Flashcards
what is the responsibility of an employee regarding medication and job performance?
The employee should consult their physician to determine if medication might impair their job performance.
An employee _____ _____ report for duty or remain on duty while impaired due to alcohol, prescription drugs, or over-the-counter medicine usage.
will not
The odor of an alcoholic beverage on an on-duty employee and/or articulable impairment will be cause to initiate an investigation and conduct a what?
Field Sobriety Test and PBT
What concentration of alcohol is per se impairment?
.02 %
When it comes to purchasing alcoholic beverages, what is the policy for on-duty or uniformed off-duty employees?
They are not allowed to enter any business to purchase alcoholic beverages.
What is the consequence for department employees who are determined to be impaired while driving a department vehicle, whether on or off duty?
They will be financially responsible for all damages resulting from a collision.
What is the consequence of testing positive for THC according to the policy?
Termination of employment.
what should employees with reasonable suspicion of another employee’s impairment or involvement with prohibited drugs do according to the policy?
Immediately report the facts and circumstances to a supervisor
When using prescription or over-the-counter medication with the potential to cause impairment, what is the requirement for department employees according to the policy?
Employees must notify the Health and Safety Detail.
What documentation must an employee provide to the Health and Safety Detail upon their return to duty after using prescription or over-the-counter medication that has the potential to cause impairment?
Either a copy of the prescription, a copy of the paperwork from the pharmacy, or the completed Medical Evaluation (LVMPD 74)
What is the requirement for annual prescription renewal according to the policy, and what happens if an employee fails to renew their prescription?
Prescriptions must be renewed annually, and failure to do so will result in the presumption that the employee is no longer taking the medication, and approval will be rescinded.
Who prescriptions submitted will be reviewed by who?
The departments MRO
How can an employee voluntarily self-identify as an abuser of prescription or over-the-counter drugs or alcohol according to the policy, and what is the obligation of those who receive such self-identification?
An employee can self-identify through any supervisor in the chain-of-command or an association representative, and they have an obligation to report it to the Office of Labor Relations.
What consequences will an employee face when they voluntarily self-identify as an abuser?
- The employee will participate in a mandatory rehabilitation program, and the cost will be shared between the employee and/or the appropriate health insurance carrier.
- They will also be subject to a Last Chance Agreement with unannounced testing for a two-year period.
How long will a Last Chance Agreement remain in an employee’s personnel file?
Consistent with a department’s purge policy for a major suspension.
Thereafter the document will be maintained in a seperate file in the Office of Labor Relations and can be acted upon if subsequent drug-related offenses arise.
What is the consequence for an employee who fails to meet the provisions of the Last Chance Agreement, according to the policy
Any failure on the part of the employee to meet the provisions of the Last Chance Agreement will be cause for termination.
An employee will be subject to termination (or an applicant will be disqualified) for:
- Refusal to submit to a required drug or alcohol test.
- Evidence of sample tampering, alteration, adulteration, or substitution.
- A positive drug test indicating prohibited drug use.
What is the policy regarding the confidentiality of records related to department-required drug tests
All records about department-required drug tests will remain confidential and will not be provided to other employers or agencies without the written permission of the person whose records are sought
Upon becoming aware or developing reasonable suspicion of an employee’s impairment, a supervisor will contact Internal Affairs Bureau (IAB) immediately.
A supervisor will:
- Conduct a preliminary investigation (which may include an FST). The supervisor should request a secondary supervisor to observe any indicators of impairment to confirm the reasonable suspicion.
- Coordinate administrative steps with IAB and transport the employee without delay to the IAB office, unarmed.
- Complete the Reasonable Suspicion Document provided by IAB.
- Contact the on-call Police Employees Assistance Program (PEAP) supervisor to follow up with the involved employee.
When reasonable suspicion exists for alcohol or illegal substances, what type of test will be required according to the policy
An evidentiary test (breathalyzer or blood test) for alcohol.
Blood, urine, or hair test for illicit substances
Upon completion of the sample collection, the employee will be released to a supervisor in their chain of command.
What happens next?
- If the employee is suspected of using alcohol and/or a prohibited drug, the bureau commander or designee will place the employee on suspension
a. If the test returns positive for alcohol and/or a prohibited drug, the employee will remain on suspension of police powers pending completion of an IAB investigation.
b. If the test returns negative for alcohol and/or a prohibited drug, the bureau commander may return the employee to duty after consultation with the Director of Risk Management.
How much advance notice will the sample collector provide to the squad’s supervisor before the test, according to the policy?
45 minutes
What action will the sample collector take if employees subsequently request leave after being notified of a Random Drug Test and do not report to duty, according to the policy
The sample collector will notify IAB of employees who subsequently request leave after the notification and do not report to duty.
In what circumstances will all commissioned personnel be subject to alcohol and drug testing according to the policy? What are the exclusions?
In instances of officer-involved shootings or conduct that results in death or the substantial bodily harm of another person.
Exclusions include: Animal Shoots, accidental discharges not resulting in injury
When will commissioned supervisors be subject to alcohol and drug testing, according to the policy?
Immediately following a traffic accident wherein the supervisor is considered at fault while driving a department vehicle that causes death or substantial bodily injury.
In the context of an official investigation, what is the status of individuals who volunteer to be drug tested, according to the policy
They will only be considered volunteers during that particular investigation and will not be placed into the random rotation.
Who oversees sample collection, and who delivers the sample to the LVMPD Forensic Laboratory, according to the policy?
Sample collection is overseen by IAB personnel, and IAB delivers the sample to the LVMPD Forensic Laboratory.
Drug and Alcohol Testing as Provided by Nevada Law and Collective Bargaining. Who delievers blood samples to the Forensic lab after critical incident
Reasonable Suspicion Sample Collection is overseen by who?
IAB personnel
What action will the Director of Risk Management take in the case of a positive result from a random drug test, according to the policy
will initiate a Statement of Complain
Results obtained by the other independent testing laboratory will be provided to the LVMPD Forensic Laboratory. The LVMPD Forensic Laboratory will forward the results to who?
Director of Risk Management
How long will positive samples from toxicology testing be retained in department custody after testing by the LVMPD Forensic Laboratory, according to the policy
Positive samples will be retained for three years in frozen storage