Sensory Systems Flashcards
Sensory receptor cells
transduce physical/chemical stimuli into signals taht are transmittable/interpretable
Most sensory cells are ______ . specialized for different stimuli
modified neurons
Membrane receptor proteins
a component of sensory cells that detect a stimulus and respond by altering the flow of ions across the plasma membrane
Sensory cells transduce energy into
action potentials
First step in sensory cells is
activation of a receptor protein by stimuli
After the the stimuli is recognized, the receptor protein
opens/closes ion channels
response to pressure
response to taste/smell
responds to light…
The change in membrane potential causes the sensory cell to ____ or change its secretion of a ____ to a neuron that will fire the potential
fire an action potential ; neurotransmitter
Intensity of the stimuli is related to the ____ of the action potential
sensory cells form
sensory organs
sensory systems include
sensory cells, associated structures, and neuronal networks
Sensory data are basically
depolarization events
Sensory data can be interpreted in different ways depending on
the different places and cells in the CNS where messages arrive (heat, pressure, movement)
Information can be sensed without being conscious
ionotropic sensory detection
receptor protein is a part of the ion channel
How does a ionotropic sensory detector open and close channel pores?
changes it conformation
metabotropic sensory detection
receptor protein is link to a G protein
How does a metabotropic sensory detector work?
It activates a cascade of intracellualr events that open/close channels
Pressure involves ________ receptors while taste/smell and light involve ________ receptors
ionotropic ; metabotropic
To feel the stimuli, the receptor must trigger an _______ to be transmitted
action potential
A change in the resting membrane potential of a sensory cell in response to stimuli is
receptor potential
Primary sensory cells (example)
directly generates action potentials (exL crayfish stretch receptor)
Secondary sensory cells
induces the release of a neurotransmitter to generate action potentials
tolerance of a stimuli by a cell
Animals can ignore _____ stimuli but still be sensitive to ______ stimuli
continuous; changing
Categories of chemoreceptors
Olfaction- smellGustation-taste
Olfactory sensors are ____ embedded in a layer of _____ cells
neurons; epithilial cells
Olfactory sensors are located at the top of the ___
nasal cavity
Axons of the olfactory sensors project to the _____ of the brain
olfactory bulb
Dendrites of olfactory axons are on the
nose hairs (olfactory hairs)
Outside substances diffuse through ______ to reach the olfactory hairs
odorants are _____ that bind to the _____ proteins
chemicals; olfactory receptor proteins
When an odorant binds to a receptor it activates a
G protein
What does a G protein do
activates and enzyme that increases the level of the second messenger cAMP
After the G protein activates the enzyme cAMP, it opens a _____ channel
The opening of a cation channel in ordorant reaction leads to the ______ of the membrane to ______
depolarization; fire and action potential
Humans have how many olfactory receptor neurons?
20 million
Each olfactory receptor neuron in the nose expresses ____ type(s) of olfactory receptor
Humans have how many genes for olfactory receptors?
How many of the human OR genes actual make OR receptors?
What are the rest of the OR genes?
Pseudogenes with mutations
The number of ordorant molecules is less than the number of receptor proteins
Each odorant may bind to one or more specific RP’s
A specific orderant is distinguished according to
the different combo of cells it activates
higher concentration of orderant molecules means a higher _____ which means a stronger ______
frequency of action potentials- stronger small
How is the olfactory system like the immune system?
It characterizes unknown molecules
Taste buds
clusters of sensory cells recognizing taste
Humans have how many taste buds?
raised bumps of sensory cells on the tongue
_____ expose the tips of the sensory cells