Semester 2 Final Exam Flashcards
blood typing system; depends on what antigens and antibodies an RBC has
formed element in blood; large; does not have hemoglobin; defends against pathogens, removed toxins and wastes, and destroys damaged or abnormal cells
white blood cells
formed element in blood; formed from megakaryocytes(pockets of cytosol that start the clotting process); lifespan of 9-12 days; if not used, engulfed by phagocytes
blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart
pulmonary vein
a large vein that carries deoxygenated blood from the lower/middle portion of the body into the heart
inferior vena cava
valves that prevent blood from flowing back into the pulmonary trunk or aorta
thickest layer of the wall of the heart; contains cardiac muscle cells, blood vessels, and nerves
layer of the wall of the heart wall that makes fluid; outer layer is made up of simple squamous and inner layer is made up of loose connective tissue
composed of loose connective tissue and lots of lymphocytes(WBCs); has a hard, fibrous capsule around it (cannot expand)
lymph node
located behind and to the left of the stomach; filters blood–>cleans it from pathogens, bad cells, debris, etc.
located/sitting at the top of the heart; produces thymosins–>activate/produce/screen T cells; most active at the age of 2; largest at 10 years old and begins falling apart after this age(is mostly gone by age of 50); gets smaller with age
blood vessel that carries deoxygenated blood from the right side of the heart to the lungs
pulmonary artery
the largest artery in the body that carries blood out of the heart to the rest of the circulatory system
chemical secreted by basophils that inflames surrounding tissue during clotting process
receives oxygenated blood from pulmonary veins
left ventricle
pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs
right ventricle
part of bone that contains blood stem cells that become RBCs, WBCs, or platelets
red bone marrow
bilirubin leaks back into blood and goes into body tissues, causing skin and scleras of eyes to turn yellow
rope-like fibers that are attached to ridges of muscle along the ventricle wall
chordae tendinae
a segment of the large intestine that passes horizontally across the abdomen and sits beneath other organs in the abdominal cavity
transverse colon
a sphincter that controls the flow of material from the ileum into the cecum
ileocecal sphincter
part of the pharynx that lies between the soft palate and hyloid bone; part of where food passes through to get to the esophagus
muscular sphincter that regulates the flow of chyme between the stomach and small intestine
pyloric sphincter
part of the small intestine that is supported by a sheet of mesentery; most chemical digestion and nutrient absorption occurs here; about 8 ft(2.5 m) long