Cranial Nerves: characteristics Flashcards
*attached to the cerebellum
*contain sensory info for sense of smell
*originate in the upper nasal cavity and penetrate the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone to synapse in the ___________ bulbs of the brain then–>then to ____________ centers
*carry sensory visual info from the eyes–>through _______ foramen–>intersect at ______ chiasm–>right and left thalamus–>visual centers
*motor nerves innervate 4 of the 6 muscles that move the eye(superior, medial, and inferior rectus and inferior oblique muscles in the eye)
*also carry autonomic fibers to intrinsic eye muscles that control amount of light entering eye and shape of lens
*smallest cranial nerve
*innervate(motor nerves) of the superior oblique muscles of eyes
*lie in midbrain
*name refers to the pulley-shaped sling through which the tendon of this muscle passes to reach its attachment on the eyeball
*largest of the cranial nerves
*mixed nerve
*sensory info from head and face(3 branches of sensory nerves: ophthalmic branch, maxillary branch, mandibular branch(also provides motor control over the chewing muscles))
branch of NV: sensory info from orbit of eye, nasal cavity, and sinuses; skin of forehead, eyebrows, eyelids, and nose
ophthalmic branch
branch of NV: sensory info from lower eyelid, upper lip, cheek, nose, upper gums and teeth, palate, and portions of pharynx
maxillary branch
branch of NV: sensory info from skin of temples, lower gums and teeth, salivary glands, and anterior portions of the gums; also provides motor control over the chewing muscles
mandibular branch
*innervates(motor neurons) the lateral rectus(6th muscle of extrinsic eye muscles)
*name is based on the action of this nerve’s innervated muscles(it abducts the eyeball causing it to move more laterally, away from the midline of the body)
*sensory neurons monitor proprioceptors(positions of muscles) of facial muscles, provide deep pressure sensations of the face, and taste along the anterior 2/3 of the tongue
*motor neurons–>produce facial expressions by controlling superficial muscles; also carry autonomic neurons that control tear and salivary glands
*also called acoustic nerves–> monitor receptors of inner ear
*has 2 parts(__________ and __________nerves)
part of NVIII: originates in the ____________ and conveys info on position, movement, and balance
vestibular nerve
part of NVIII: monitors receptors of __________; responsible for sense of hearing
cochlear nerve
*sensory nerve provides taste sensations from the posterior 1/3 of the tongue; monitors BP and dissolved gas concentrations(O2 and CO2 in major blood vessels)
*motor nerve controls ____________ muscles involved in swallowing
*these nerves also carry autonomic functions that control parotid salivary glands
*sensory nerves that provide sensory info from ear canals, the diaphragm, and taste receptors in the pharynx and from visceral receptors along the esophagus, respiratory tract, and abdominal organs (the last portions of LI)
*the sensory info is vital to the autonomic control of visceral organs
*motor nerves control/innervate muscles of the soft palate, pharynx, and esophagus and affect cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and glands of the esophagus, stomach, intestines, and gall bladder
*sometimes called the spinal _____________ nerves
*motor nerves that innervate structures in the neck and back
*different in the place where the nerves originate in the medulla oblongata and others originate in the lateral gray horn of the 1st 5 cervical sections of the spinal cord
*has internal and external branches
branches of NXI: joins the vagus nerve and innervates the voluntary swallowing muscles of the soft palate and pharynx, as well as the laryngeal muscles that control the vocal cords and produce speech
internal branch
branches of NXI: controls the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius
external branch
*motor nerves that provide voluntary control over skeletal muscles of the tongue