Weathering vs Erosion
Weathering process involve insitu breakdown of rock material in a particular location while
Erosion is the removal of rock material from a geographic location which intitiates its transport to another location
Disintegration vs Decomposition
Disintergration - physical breakdown into smaller fragments of same composition can be caused by mechanical or bioligical processes while Decomposition - breakdown of rock material that changes its chemical composition and alters rock mineralogy
Factors that affect Rate and Type of Weathering
- Climate
- Rock Type
- Slope
- Time
Climate of Disintegration
Cold and Dry Climate
Climate of Decomposition
Warm and wetter Climate
Source of Sed Rocks
What type of slope favors long term decomposition?
Gentle Slopes
Fractures with no tangential movement has taken place
Joints during weathering are mostly formed due to
Decrease in Confining Pressure
another name for hoodos
Pressure exterted on buried rock objects
Lithostatic or Confining Pressure
Decrease in Lithostatic Pressure
Unloading or decompression
When rocks expand by this much they tend to fracture
Rocks fractures that open sub-parallel to Earth’s Surface and tend to form under upwardly convex surfaces such as domes and ridges in homogenous rocks like granites
Sheet joints
In rocks experience sheet joints what is the direction of the maximum tensile stress
Perpendicular to the convex Surface
Used to describe sheet joints that resemble the curved surface of an onion
occurs when preexisting fractures and weak surfaces are enlarged by the expansion of water as it freezes
Frost Action or Shattering
Frost Wedging vs Frost Heaving
FW occurs along fractures oriented steeply (Perpendicular) to Earth’s Surace FH occurs on surfaces parallel to the earth’s surface
Process which may pry rock material apart as the crystal grows in farcture or pore spaces
Crystal Growth
Occurs when minerals such as clays and micas EXPAND when wetted
This results from daily or seasonal changes in rock temperature and may cause significant amounts of disintegration
Thermal Volume Change (Insolation)
Disintegration of rock due to heating or change in temp
How does Disintegration enhances decomposition
By increasing the surface area
An interplay between Disint and Decom in which massive, well jointed rocks such as granite, grabbro and basalts weather in spheroidal forms
Spheroidal Weathering
this is wehere three chemical active faces intersect
The most significant agent in decomposition
Downwad Percolating Water
Occurs when a mineral or other soil component is wholly or partially dissovled during chemical decomposition
When CO2 gas dissolves in water this form
Carbonic Acid H2CO3 (aq)
When carbonic acid reacts with calcite it produced calclum ions dissolved in Bicabonate Ions in the process called
In what place is karst topography named after?
Karst Region, Slovenia
Occurs when ions are directly exhanged between a mineral and a solution
Ion Exchange
IN what climate is feldspar decomposition faster?
Warm because soil waters are rich in H-ions and thus acidic
Most abundant mineral in the crust
Removal of Potassium from Illite converts it into
Kaolinite common in acidic soils
A chemical reaction between a mineral and water in which dissolved Hydrogen ions and/or hydroxyl ions are added to form one or more new minerals
In most hydrolysis reaction whats mostly the orig mineral?
What mostly is the resulting product?
Hydroxide or Clay Mineral
The most abunant group of new minerals produce during chemical decomposition and the most abudant constituent of mud fraction of detrital sediments in soil
Clay minerals
Size of Clay sediments
Hydrolysis of Mn bearing olivine produceds
Pyrolusite (MnO2)
This involves addition of water to a crystal structure during reaction between a mineral and the aqueous solution
Reverse of hydration and reults from the removal or loss of water
When hematite undergo hydration it produces what mineral? Hydrated Hematite
A chemical reaction in which one or more electrons are transferred from a cation in the mineral to oxygen thus increasing the valence cation.
Is the production of an oxide mineral required in oxidation reaction?
No, only the loss of electron
Oxidation of Fayalite results to
During such reaction the valence of iron increases from what to what
Fe+2 to Fe+3
Oxidation of Manganese Silicate (Rhodonite) results to the formation of
Oxidation of Pyrite results to the formation of
Reaction which involve the loss of electrons
Example of Reduction reaction
Hematite to Pyrite Tranformation
Organic hydrocarbon ring complex produced directly by LICHEN (algae) and indirectly by deacy of humus and which tend to bind metallic elements thus removing them from solution
Process w/c often involves the exchange of Hydrogen ions from the chelating agen to the soluton and metal ions from the solution to the chelate (Hydrogen in excange of Metal)
Implication of the release of hydrogen ion and addition to soil water
Lowers the pH of the Solution and makes it more acidic
The higher the CO2 content of the soil
The more acidic the soil water would be since there is a higher conc. Of dissolved Hydrogen
Concenration of dissolved solids in mineral water
concentration of dissolved solids in Rain water
Addition of this mineral in soluble form is used to produce water in breweries
large scale dissoluton result in the formation of large cavities known as that frequently contain underground streams that enter the subsurface down disslution features and emerge as cave springs
Circular ovoid depression formed by dissoluton or collapse
Dolines or sinkholes
Solid inorganic components of residual soils
Detrital Seds
Detritas which are residual minerals and lithic fragments of orig parent rock which have survived decomposition
New Mineral produced by Oxidation?
Hem, Goethite, Pyrolusite
New minerals produced by Hydrolysis?
Minerals that resist decomposition are
chemically stable
What is the bond of resistant minerals
Chemical stability of minerals depend on
1) Climate
2) Soil Geochem
Inverted Bowens and applied to geological processes involving mienral stability
Goldich Stability Series
What is Goldich Rules
Susceptibility of Common Igneous Minerals is inversely proportional to their crystalliztaion Temp.
Minerals which crystallizes at high temp is prone to dissolution and or less table under surface temp
High temp minerals which are unstable at lower temp and low pressure environments at the surface
Oli, Pyx, Amph Ca-Plag
Mineral which becomes depleted from the resistate Population
Halite, Calciete, Olivine, Pyx
Minerals which are enriched in the resitate po
Qtx, Clay, FeO
Malakas Grp
Hematite, Gibbsite, Qtx, Rutile, Toutmaline, Zircon
Saks Group
Clay, Muscovite, Orthoclase, Biot, NaPlag, Amph
Mahina Grp
Ca Plag, Pyx, Oliv, Halite, Calcite
What is the relationship between erosion rates and population or distribution of Unstable Minerals?
The lower the erosion rate the lesser the concentration of Unstable minerals in the resistate because of enanced decomposition
Higher Erosionn rates promote dispersion of unstable mienrals in areas of deposition and thus higher proportion
Factors affecting Erosion (RVPEA)
Erosional Agent
How do relief affect erosion
High Relief High Erosion
How does vegetation affect erosion
High Vegetation Low Erosion Rate