How much of the seds and seds rocks are Gravelstones or Rudites?
Depositional Agent that forms Gravelstones
Glaciers and Debris Flows and some water-laid seds
Whats the minimum percentage of Gravel-sized population to be considered as a rudite?
at least 30%
Subrounded to rounded, gravel or sand supported, with one composition of clasts
Oligomictic Conglo
Subrounded to rounded, gravel or sand supported, with multiple composition of clasts
Polymictic Conglo
Subagular to angular, gravel or sand supported, with one composition of clasts
Oligomictic Breccia
Subangular to angular, gravel or sand supported, with multiple composition of clasts
Polymictic Breccia
Mud-supported Rudites
Single composition clast mud supported rudite
Oligomictic Diamictite
Angular Clasts
Rounded Clasts
Single Composition of clast
Multiple compositions of clast
What does breccia texture suggest
Minimal Transport and nearby provenance
Breccia Environemtns
1) Fault zones
2) Talus Slopes due to Rock Falls
3) Impact Craters- Impactities
4) Karst Collapse of Carbonate Rocks
5) Upper portions of Alluvial Fans where Debris Flows are Commons
6) Whereve cohesive mud clasts are eroded and transporte a short distance by streams, currents or gravity flows
Clast-Supported Framwework where clasts are in contact and therefore support one another
Orthoconglo-forming environments
Principle: Dapat continuous ung travel ng sand and mud or finer particles and napagiwanan ang mga gravel
1) Aqueous envi - Stream Channels, Beaches and Marine Shoals where sand and mud is continuously tranposted while gravel accumulates
2) Alluvial Fans and Ephemeral Braided Rivers Stream in which fines are removed and settled as SIEVE DEPOSITS
3) In areas where sands are entrained by winds from the surface leaving Gravel as LAG DEPOSITS
A matrix supported rudite with the matrix composed mostly of sand
Environments of a sand Supported Rudite
Principle: Dapat pwedeng mag accumulate together si Sand and Gravel
1) Alluvial Fans
2) River Channels, Braid Bars, Point Bars
3) Beaches, Marine Shoals, Storm Deposits
4) High conc sed gravity flows
Mud-supported Matrix
Diamictite or Paraconglomerate
Environments of Mud-Supported/Diamictites/Paraconglo
1) Glaciers - Tillites (Gravel + mud rich till)
2) Mudflows and Debris Flows including Lahars
3) Gravel-bearing sed gravity flows deposited in mud rich areas
4) tectonic Melanges at Covergent Plate Boundaries
Typical Composition of Oligomictic
Compositionally/Mineralogically Mature and so Quartz Rich
Specific examples of Oligomictic Breccias
Fault, Collapse and Rockfall Breccias
What infor can Polymictic conglo give?
Significant and easily accessible info concerning the nature of the rocks in the source areas