This contains lattice nodes only at the corners
Primitive (P)
Contains lattice nodes at the corners and at the center
Body-centered (I)
Contains an additional lattice at the center of 2 opposite sides
Base-Centered (C)
Contains additional lattice at the center of ech face
Face-Centered (F)
Differentiate plane lattice from space lattice
Plane lattice is repeating pattern in 2 directions while Space lattice is translation in 3 direction
How are bravais lattice distinguished?
1) Unit translation vectors
2) Angle between vectors
3) Whether they are primitive or others
How do bravais lattice form?
When each of the five plane lattice are reapeated in three directions
what are the five plane lattice groups?
2) Rectangle
3)Centered Rectangle
5) Oblique
Bravais Lattice for Triclinic
Bravais Lattice for Monoclini
Bravais Lattice for Orthorhombic
Bravais Lattice for Tetragonal
Bravais Lattice for Hexagonal
P , Rhombohedral
Bravais Lattice for Cubic
P, I, F
Produced by translating an oblique plane lattice at distance c not at right angles to either a or b. The unit cell dimensions are of different length
S Triclinic
Produced by translating a primitive rectangular plane lattice at a distance equal to c, so that angle B >90 and angle A=90
P Monoclinic
Produced by translating a centered rectangular plane lattice at a distance c so that angle B >90 and A=90
C Monoclinic
Produced by vertical translation of a primitive rectangular lattice at distance equal to C and angles A and B = 90
P Orthorhombic
Produced by translating a primitive rectangular lattice at a distance equal to 0.5c vertical, 0.5b right, 0.5a back. Every second lattice plane is alligned vertically at distance c.
I Orthorhombic
Produced by translating vertically at distance c a centered rectangular plane lattice and angles A and B=90, has nodes in the center of the top and bottom faces
C Orthorhombic
Produced by translating a centered rectangular plane lattice a distance equal to 0.5c up, 0.5b right and 0.5a back. Alternate place lattices are aligned vertically at distance c
F Orthorhombic
Produced by vertical translation of a hexagonal plane lattice at a distance equal to c. The unit cell has a rhomb-shape cross section with internal angle of 60deg and 120 deg
P Hexagonal
produced by translating hexagonal plane lattice on a diagonal distance equal to 1/3 up and 2/3a cos 30 back, at right angles to the b axes
P Rhombohedral or P Trigonal
Produced by translating a square plane lattice at distance c which is not equal to the distance of a=b
P Tetragonal