Differenatiate Calcareous and Carbonaceous?
Calcareous are used to describe sediments which soliidy to form limestones which are rich in CaCO3 while Carbonacous are used fro materials rich in carbon such as coal
How would you differentiate quartz from calcite?
Calcite is soft with hardness of 3 and can be scratched easily by pen-knife while quartz is 7 and is harder than the metal blade.
How many % of mg to qualify for low and high-Mg Calcite?
Low: <4%,
High: 11-19%
Organisms that have high Mg Calcite?
Echinoderms, Barnacles, Foraminifers
Difference between calcite and aragonite?
Calcite is hexagonal while aragonite is orthorhombic. Aragonite is more densely packed and isthus denser with G=2.95. Calcite is 2.74-2.94. Aragonite is harder (3.5-4).
Inverterbrates which has aragonitic composition for hard parts
Bivalves and Corals
Chemical formula of dolomite?
CaMg (CO3)2
When you stain dolomite with Alizarin Red-S, what would be the contrast with other carbonates?
No change in color but for makes other carbonates pink
This dye is used to distinguish between ferroan and non-ferroan carbonates?
Potassium ferricyanide
What would be the color if iron in the carbonate reacts with potassium ferricyanide?
How can you make thin sections for carbonates?
Acetate peels
Organisms which usually appear as single crystals?
Crinoids, Echinoids and calcareous sponges
Homogenous crystals?
Trilobites, Ostracods, and molluscs
Lamellar form?
primsatic form?
Foliated form?
brachiopods and other moluscs
granular form
Foraminifera and mollluscas
Radial form?
modern calcitic bivalves
oysters and scallops
molluscs which have distinct coiled form and have calcitic or aragonitic layered structure
have layered shell structure, which includes modern nautilus and the coiled chambered ammonites
A cephalopod that has cigar-shape guard of radial fibrous calcite which is common in Mesozoic Sed Rocks
shelly organisms with 2 shells similar to bivalves but are made up of low magnesium calcite nad a two-layer structure of fibrous crystals which may be preserved
The exoskeletons of these organism as made up of prisms of calcite that are elongate perpendiular to the edges of the plates
Examples of Arthropods?
Triblobite and Barnacles
sea urchins?
Sea lilies?
small single celled marine organisms which range from few tens of microns in diameter to tens of mm
Contrast planktonic and Benthic?
Planktonic means floating while benthic are those which live on the sea floor
Hard outer parts of forams made up possibly of high and low mg calcite
What is the class of corals?
Whats the contrast between older and younger corals?
Older are made primarily of calcite while the
younger ones are aragonite-rich
Corals which have symbiotic relationship with algae that require clear, warm, shallow marine waters
Hermatypic Corals
Corals that do not have algae and can exist in cooler, deeper water?
Ahermatypic Corals
Singe-celled protozoans w/c are mainly encrusting organism made up of aragonite and/or high mg calcite
sedentary organisms that may form hard parts of calcite which some may also be of silica or protein composition
Sponges (Porifera)
Calcareous sponges that were common in Palaeozoic
Annelid worms which secrete tubes of carbonates (Calcitic, or aragonitic) as they encrust pebbles or other hard parts of other organisms
A carbonate producing alage which isknown as corraline algae which have a layered structure and are effective at binding soft substrate
Red algae (Rhodophyta)
Algae that have calcified stems and branches and often sgmented which contribute fine grains and rods of Calcite when the organism dies
Green Algae (Chlorophyta)
these are spherical bodies of few tens of microns made of of plates which are important constituent of pelagic limestone such as cret chalk
These are flat or domes structures formed by trapping of finegrained carbonates by the filaments and stick surfaces of cyanbacteria. These are also considered as some of the earliest lifeforms on Earth
Cyanobacterial communities which have an irregular form
irregular concentric structures mm to cm accross formed of layers bound by cyanobacteria found as clasts w/in carbonate sediments
The action of cyanobacteria to alter original structure of a shell into fine-grained micrite
spherical bodies of CaCO3 less than 2mm in diamter which have an internal strucure of concentric layers which suggest precipitation of CaCO3 aroun the surface of the sphere
what may be the nucleus of an ooid?
a carbonate materials or a clastic sand grain
A rock made up of carbonate ooids?
Oolitic Limestones
How does ooids form?
Chemical precipitation out of agitated water saturated in CaCO3 in calcium cabonate in warm waters
How can you differentiate Pisoids from ooids?
Pisoids have a dimater of over 2mm and are more irregular in shape but similar in form and origin to ooids
Round particles made up of fine-grained clacites found in sediments which do not show any concentric structures and didnt grow in water
Peloids or Faecal Pellets
What organisms usually produced these particles which are less than a mm across?
fragments of CaCO3 material that has been partly lithifed, an then broken up an reworked to form a clast which is incorporated into the sediment
rounded carbonate grains consisting of several fragments of CaCO3 cemented together
Fine -grained carbonate particles less than 4microns across which may be purely precipitated from CaCO3 saturated water, from breakdown of skeltal framents or algal or backerial origin
Lime Mud,Carbonate Mud or Micrite
the most widely used schme for limestone description in the field both in mesoscopic and microscopic scale which is based on texture, including the proportion of carbonate mud present and the overall framework of the rock
Dunhman Classficcation
A rock consisting entirely of ooids with no matrix?
OOlitic Grainstone
Rock with 75% shelly fragments in a matrix of carbonate mud
bioclastic packstone
In limestone petrographic analysis, a high proportion of fine-grained carbonate materials imply that?
rock was formed in a relatively low-energy setting
Absence of mud in a limestone imply that?
High energy environment of roc formation
What does high concentration of ooids indicate?
Shallow, wave-dominated coastl setting
What would be the depositional evnrionment of a rock composed of biogenic material of same group of organisms such as bivalves or gastropods?
Lagoonal Setting
What would be the indicator if shells are composed mainly of aragonite or high mg calcite?
When primary fabric is lost due to recrystallisation
organism which te to retain primary structures
LowMg Calcite such as brachiopods and Bivalves
Minerals formed by precipitation our of solutions as ions became more concentrated when water evaporates?