Partial Melting
Partial Melting Produces
1) Melt with Low Temp constituent
2) Resitite enriched in higher temp refractory elements
Heat Source of Earth
1) Heat realeased from the early accretion and differetiation
2) Heat generated by radioactive Breakdown of Unstable Nuclides
Modes of Heat Transfer
1)Radiation - waves
2) Conduction - Direct Contact
3) Convection - Fluid caused by molecular motion
?A type of melting in which no other chemical components are neither added or removed from the environment
?Requires continuous contact between the melt and restite
?Over all composition of the system remains the same with evolving compositions of the melt and solids
Equilibrium Melting
What can cause incomplete equilibrium Melting
Large Crystals
High Viscosity
Low ion migration
What can be produced by incomplete equilibrium melting?
Zoned Crystals
Implies that Solids and Melt SEPARATE into isolated fractions that do not continuously react together during the melting process as is for equilibrium melting
Fractional Melting (Disequilibrium Melting)
With small degrees of partial fractional melting of ferile source rocks , the melt is said to be enriched in
Low Temp Constituents
High degress of partial melting will
Deplete the melt with low temp constituents thus becoming more evolved
Factors in Partial Melting
1) increase in temp
2) Decompression
3) Induced Volatilization
sloping line of increasing temperature with depth
Geothermal Gradient
Is geothermal gradient uniform vertically or laterally?
Geothermal Gradient
25 degC/km for the upper 10km
Geothermal Gradient in Old Continental Lithosphere
5-10 degC/km
Geothermal Gradient in hotspots, MOR, Volcanic Arcs?
30-50 degC/km
Another term for decompression melting?
Adiabatic Melting
Pressure within that corresponds to 10Km depth
3.3 Kbars
Explain decompression melting
Since melting temperature is proportional to pressue,
Decrease in pressure within lithospheric thinning in externsional environments effectively decrease melting temp of rocks
What type of melts are produced by adiabiatic melting of Mantle Peridotites?
Basltic Magmas at MORs and Continental Rifts
an agent that reduces the melting temperature of a material or substance
Why does increase in volatile content induce partial melting?
Increase in H2O causes the bonds in silicates to weaken (Network Modifier) thus progressively lowering the melting teperature
Other effects of addition of H2O in terms of melting?
?Allows rocks to melt over a wide range of temperature regardless of lithostatic pressure
?Melts are less mafic than the source rock due to decreased amounts of FeO and MgO
What minerals are dehdyrated that caused the partial melting of the Mantle Wedge through Induced Volatilization