Earths surface covered by sediments and sed rocks
Size shape, arrangement of sediments both its solid particles and void spaces between them
Uses of texture
1) Ability of sed rocks to store and transmit fluids
2) Susceptibility to Mass Wasting
3) Diagensis of Detrital seds
Wentworth udden scale is
Negative Base 2 Logarithmic Scale (-log2)
What did krumbein do to faciltate mathematical and statistical analysis of detrital sediments
Logarithmic Phi Scale equivalents
Phi fomula
Phi = -log2d
Coarse Fraction or grains
G and S
Fine Fraction or Matrix
In Folk classification of Detrital Sediments, these sediment or rcks contain 30% Gravel in their fraction
Gravel and Gravelstone
If gravel is more than 80%
Clast-suported Texture
Grvel that contains less than 80% of Gravel must have modifier of Sand- or mud-supported depending on sand:mud ratio
Matrix supported
Less than 30% Gravel and >1:1 Sand MudRatio
gS, gmS, (g)mS, (g)S, mS and S
Grave 5-30% >9:1 S:M
Gravelly Sandstone gS
Gravel 5-30% <9:1 S:M
Gravelly Muddy Sandstones gmS
Gravel <5%, >9:1 S:M
Pure Sandstone or Arenite (S)
Gravel <5% <9:1 S:M
Muddy Sandstone or Wackes (mS)
If either has traces of Gravel
Slighly Gravely Sandstone (g)S
Slightly gravelly Muddy Sandstone (g)mS
Gravel 5-30% <1:1 S:M
Gravelly Mud or Gravelly Mudrock gM
Gravel <5%, <1:9 SM
Pure Mud or Mudstone
Gravel <5%, >1:9 SM
Sandy Mud or Sandy Mudstone
Deviations of Folks SCZ
10-50-90 1:2 2:1
A graph which the wt% in each Phi Size class is plitted in the form of a vertical bar graph (Phi Size vs wt%)
The best-fit line plotted in the histogram for the same data (Phi Size vs wt%)
Frequency Curve
the cumulative weight percent of all size fractions coarser than and including the phi size fraction under consideration are plotted against the Phi size classes (Phi Size vs Cum Wt%)
Cumulative Frequency Curve
The most abundant particle size and is dertemined by histogram or frequency curve and is usually expressed in terms of the midpoint of the size class in which the largest wt% occurs (May pinakamaraming population)
Mode (ModeL - Popular)
when there are two size classes that are more abundant than those adjcent to them and thus have two modes
Bimodal Size Distribution
More abundant mode in a bimodal size disrtibution
Primary Mode