Mechanically Separable part of the system
display the stability fields for various phases separated by lines representing conditons under which phase changes occurs
phase stability diagrams
Represents conditions at which phase changes occurs
In a Phase diagram the vertical axis represents
increasing Temp
the horizontal axis represent
variation in composition
Phase Boundary (Line) the temperature above which the system exist 100% liquid andbelow which it contains some crystals
Phase Boundary (Line) that seperates the all-solid crystals stability fied from stability which contains at least some melt
The space between the solidus and liquidus represents
a system which consists two types of stable phases both liquid and solid
Gibbs Phase Rule formula
Phases (P)
eto ung mechanically separable parts (Ilang solid individual identity) can have same component pero di magkakamukha
Components ?
Minimum number of chemical componens required to define a phase in the system usually expressed as oxides. RULE: The lowest number of components that if i-mix will form all the phases
Degrees of Freedom or Variance (F)
The number of independent factor that can vary (T, P, Comp) without altering te phases that are in equilibrium in one another
ito ung number of factors na pwede mong iadjust ng hindi nagbabago ung stability ng system
2 factors (Along stability fields)
1 Factor (Along Phase boudnaries)
no factor (Along eutectic point)
Conditions under which LIQ. Is equilibrium with 2 DIFFERENT SOLIDS
the composition of the first melt
Eutectic Pt
Conditiona under which a RECTION occurs bweteen a PRE-EXISTING SOLID PHASE and a LIQUID MELT to produce a NEW SOLID PHASE
2 melts of same composition produced by 2 rocks of different intial composition (isang anak 2 magulang)
Invariant Melting
When a solid mineral phase is melted which produce a melt and a different mineral phase with different composition from the initial mienral
Incongruent Melting
Mineral crystals and melt react to produce completely different mienral and there exists a NEGLIGIBLE solid soln between minerals
Discontinuous Reaction
Mineral crystals and melt react continuously and incrementally chang the composition of both which requires a mineral solid soln series
Continuous reactions
Phase Boundary or line that separates conditions in which complete solid sold occurs within a mineral series from conditions under which solid soln is limited. (A boundary na naghahati sa portions of na may complete solid soluton at sa portion na limited lang)
Silica is what type of Diagram
One Component Phase Diagram
low temp low press quartz
alpha qtz
High temp quartz, low press quartz
Beta qtz
Low press high temp silica
Tridymite, Cristobalite
High Pressure Varieties usually found in the dep mantle
High Pressure High Temp quartz associated with meteorite impact
Invariant, only 1 set of TP condition exists and there is no freedom
Univariant, on the phase boundaries. 1 way only of Freedom as T change P will change and Vice Versa
Divariant, on Phase Stability Fields, can change T and P invariably without affecting the stability of the system
Plagioclase is an example of
Two Phase Diagram with complete solid solution
Represents the composition of the two phases in equilibrium with each other at that temp
Tie Line
How to know the Albite Anorthite composition of the crystals and Melt in a two component plag system
1) Composition of 100% Solid and Liquid will always be that of the Isopleth or the reference vertical Line
2) Compositions at the melt+crystal stability field can be determined by projecting a horizontal line from the desired temperature of cooling.
?The intersection of the TIE LINE with the liquidus curve represents the melt composition
?The intersection of the TIE LINE with the solidus curve represents the initial crystal composition
This rule states that the proportion of the tie line on the solidus side of the system represent the liquid% while the proportion of the tie line on the liquidus side composition represents Crystal%
Lever Rule
At the liquidus, %liquid is
Diopside-Anorthite is an example of
Binary System with no Solid Solution
Mimum liquidus temp for an anorthite-diopside system, which is the eutectic point
An 42, 1274 deg cel
For 100% solid An 100 the temp is
1553 deg cel
For 100% solid Di100 the temp is
1392 deg cel
For Dio-Anorthite, at what An composition will a melt + Anorthite exist?
> An42
The point at which two liquidus line intersect with the solidus or which represents equilibrium between a liquid and two solids
Eutectic Pt
At eutectic crysallization how much of the crystal is Anorthitic and Diopsidic in composition?
Thru Lever Rule
42% Anorthite
58% Diopsde
what is the final rock composition
%An and %Di Crystals based on the isopleth
Continuous crystallization of Diopside makes the melt what
More anorthitic
Truths based on Two component eutectic systems in terms of crystallizatio and rock formation
1) Which mineral crystalize first depends on the melt composition
2) Separation of crystals to melt generally cause the melt composition to change towards the eutectic
3) Multiple minerals can crystallize simultaneously at the same time
Truths based on Two component eutectic system in terms of Melting and magma generation
1) Composition of first melt is same for a wide variety of system compositions. Always at eutectic
2) degrees of partial melting caused the composition of the melt to change
3) Changes in liquid composition depend on the compsition of crystaly being incorporated in the melt (kaya mas nagiging less anorthitic kasi diopside crystals ang inaadd)
What is invariant melting
Same melt composition but different rocks melted due to influence of degree of partial melting
At this temp, a complete solid solution exists between orthoclase and albite
> 670deg cel
This marks the stability fields <670 deg cel where the complete solid soln between ortho and albite has been limited
Miscibility Gap
A phase boundary that separates the conditions under which a complete solid soln is stable from that under which solid soln are limited
When is solvus temp the highest?
When both end memers have the highest conc.
unmixing of a complete solid solution to two separate solids
when an initially K-felds rich solid soln the result upon exsolution is
Perthite Plag (K-felds crystals with blebs of Albite)
When an initially Na-Felds rich solid soln exsolves the results will be
Antiperthite Plag (Albite crystals with blebs of Orthoclase)
Convesion of Cristobalite to Tridymite at 1470 is through?
Isothermal Inversion
The intermediate compound between Nepheline and Silica is
What is the ratio of nepheline and silica to produce albite
When is a system said to be silica exactly saturated
2/3 Silica%
Evidence for silica oversaturation
Presence of Tridymite, Qtz and Plag
Evidenc for Silica undersaturation
Presence of low silica feldspathoids such as Nepheline
Evidence for Exact Saturation of Silica
Presence of feldspar and absence of both Silica and Feldsphathoids
What kind of phase diagram is silica nepheline
Two side by side eutectic phase diagram
One for undersaturated <2/3 % Silica
One for Saturated >2/3% Silica
Eutectic of albite and silica
1060 deg cel Si77%
Eutectic of albite and Nepheline
1070 deg cel Si 62%
Intermediate between Forsterite (Mg-Olivine) and Quartz
Enstatie (Mg-Pyroxene)
A reaction where earlier forme minerals react with melt to form different minerals like what occurs between olivine and pyroxene
Discontinuous Reaction
A point on the liquidus line which represents the conditions at which an earlier formed mineral react with melth to form a new mineral
Peritectic Point
Peritectic Point of Olivine-Pyx system
1585 deg cel at 35%Silica
Silica % when the Oli-Pyx system is exactly saturated and all crystals that will be formed at peritectic is Enstatite
Forsterite and Feldsphatoid cystallization implies that the system is Silica ___________
When melting of one crystalline material produces both a new crystalline material and a melt of different composition
Incongruent melting
The Eutectic Pt is at
1540 dec cel @46% Silica
Conversion of Forsterite to Enstatie at peritectic is through?
Isothermal Conversion
Diopside and Anorthite
An42 @1274 deg C
Max solvus of Orthoclase and Albite
670 deg
Nepheline Albite
Si62 @1070 deg C
Albite Silica
Si77 @1060 deg C
Inversion of Cristobalite to Tridymite
1470 deg C
Peritectic of Foresterite-Silica
Si 35@1585 deg C
Eutectic of Enstatite -Silcia
Si 46 @ 1540 deg C