Al-Rich modifier
Ca-Rich modifier
Cr-Rich modifer
Fe3+ - Rich
how are minerals divided into classes?
Depending on dominant Anion or anionic Group
Reasons supporting that minerals should be classified based on their anionic group
1) minerals having same anion have unmistakable family resemblance which is stronger compared to minerals who share dominant cation; 2) Minerals related by dominan of same anion tend to occur together in the similar geol envi; 3) Such scheme of classification agrees well with current chemical practice in naming and classifying inorganic cmpds
Families of minerals are subdivided in terms of what?
Chemical Types
Groups of minerals in the same family are subdivded in terms of what?
Structural similarity
General Properties of Sulfides?
Majority are ore minerals, opaque, with distinctive colors,and characteristically colored streak
Non-Opaque Sulfides with extremely high refractive indices and transmit light only on thin edges?
Cinnabar, Realgar, and Orpiment
General formula of Sulfides
XmZn where X is the metallic while Z is the non metallic sulfide
Sulfides that have regular octahedral coordination?
Galena (NaCl type)
Sulfides that have regular tetrahedral Coordination?
- Polymorphs of ZnS
Sphalerite and Wurtzite
Difference between Sphalerite and Wurtzite
Sphalerite have face centered cubic latice (Diamond like) while Wurtzite have hexagonal closest packing
- A rare sulfide which is isostructural with sphalerite
Greenockite (CdS)
The structure of this minerals is derived from Sphalerite by regularly substituting Cu and Fe ions for Zn
Chalcopyrite (CuFeS2)
The structure of the mineral is based on Sphalerite in which layers of orered Fe and Sn alternate with layers of Cu
Stannite (Cu2FeSnS4)
This mineral has a combination of Tetrahedral and triangular coordiation?
- What is the difference in terms of occurence with FeS2 polymorphs?
Marcasite is said to occur over a range of low to med temp in Sed Rocks and Metalliferous types while Pyrite occurs as magmatic (High T) const.
A mineral that has a structure derived from marcasite in which one S per unit formula is replaced by As
Arsenopyrite (FeAsS)