A neraly circular depression produced by the ejection of rock during volcanic eruptions
Elonagted Linear features from which lava is erupted onto the surface
Fissure Vents
A volcanic eruption in which lava is ejected on the sides or base of a volcano which may inolve fissures or isolated cylindrical vents
Flank Eruptions
Smaller Volcanoes that are produced along the summit, side or base of larger volcanoes during low discharge flank eruption
Parasitic Volcanoes
Large generally circular to oval depression caused by subsidence of earth’s surface due to very large volcanic eruption size is >1-2km
Type of caldera formed by collapse of the summit of a volcanic volcano following an explosive eruption of silica-rich pumice and ash fragmets
Crater-like Caldera
Collapse of the top of a shield volcano caused by subtrarrenean draianage from a central magma chamber
Hawaiian-type Caldera
Collapse of very large area caused by collosal volumes of silca rich pumice and ash along fractures
Yellowstone Type Caldera
Volcaoes that had eruption in historic time last 600 years
Has oral and written folklore history w/c suggest eruption
Shows seismic activities
has volcanic deposits with ages <10,000 years old
Landform is young looking geomorphically
Low degree of erosion and dissection
Presence of young vent features, little or no vegetatio
w/suspected seismic actvities
Potentially Active/Dormant
No Record of eruptions for the last 10,000 years
form is beginning to change by weathering and eruption
Formation of deep and long gullies and valleys
What is/are the controls of the size of a volcanic landform?
Frequence and Duration of Eruptions
What are the controls of the shape and explosiveness of a volcano?
Volatile Content
What is the analogy of viscosity of Rhyolitic lava?
Smooth Peanut Butter
What is the analogy of viscosity of Basaltic lava?
the product of outpourings of Low Viscosity (Very Fluid) BASALTIC lava that enevlop hundreds of thousands of Square kilometers
Flood Basalts/
Large Igneous Provinces
Differentiate Oceanic Flood Plateus an Continental Flood Plateaus
Oceanic:Hotspots in marine Settings
Continental: hotposts on Land
Example of Oceanic Flood Plateaus
Ontong Java Plateau, W.Pacific
Kergeulen Plateau, Indian Ocean
Exmaple of Continental Flood Plateaus
Deccan Traps - India
Siberian Traps/Flood Basalts - Russia
Karoo Flood Basalts - East Africa
Columbia River/Snake River Plain Flood Basalt - N. Am
Largest Flood Basalt of All which includes both marine and continental deposits distributed thoughout the Atlantic Ocean recording the break-up of Pangaea
Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP)
Youngest Flood Basalt
Columbia River (17Ma)
What are lava plateaus?
Formed when lava flood fill in lower areas and cools into a relatively flat surfaces
How long is the Ocean Ridges which consists of long global network of submarine rift mountains characterized by horizontal extension and basaltic volcanism
65,000 Km
MOR above sea level which represents underlyin hotspots
Galapagods Island
Azores Islands