Technique used to determine Isotope Ratios
Mass Spectrometry
Application of Isotope Studies
1) Source of Rock Studies
2) Origin of Water
3) Source Rocks for PetGeol
4) Changes in Ocean water Temp, Biological productivity and circulation
5) History of ice age glacial expansions and Contractions
6) Timing of Orogenies involving intrusions and metamorphisms
Contain nuclei that do not tend to change spontaneously and their nuclear configurations remain constant over time
Stable Isotopes
What are the stable isotopes of Oxygen?
Oxygen-18, Oxygen-17, Oxygen-16
What is the atomic number of Oxygen?
Relative proportion of Oxygen Isotopes on Earth
O16 99.7%
O18 0.2%
O17 Rare
What oxygen isotope ratio gives info on earth’s history
What is the isotopic signature of the atmosphere during evaporation
enriched with O16 (low O18/O16 ratio)
What is the isotopic signature of seawater during evaporation
enriched with O18 (High O18/O16 ratio)
What is the implication of GLACIAL EXPANSION in O18 and O16?
O16 which has more affinity to the atmosphere will be trapped in Glacial Ice and thus making Sea water saturated with O18
Whats the working principle on Glaciation and Oxygen Isotope?
MAXIMUM GLACIAL PERIOD = PEAKS of O18 in Marine Sediments
Unit of O18/O16 ratio
part per thousands (mils)
A period where there was an unusually warm period and unusually high evaporation leading to high O18/O16 ratio on marine seds
The standard in for Carbon Isotope study
Cretaceous Pee Dee Belemnite
Naturally Occuring Isotopes of Carbon
Carbon-12, Carbon-13, Carbon-14 (Radioactive)
Atomic Number of Carbon
Relative abundance of Carbon Isotopes on Earth
Carbon-12 98.9%
Carbon-13 1.1%
What carbon isotoped is preferentially utilized by orgamism to synthesize organic molecules?
C12 (low C13/C12)
What carbon isotope is preferentially concentrated in the water column
C13 (High C13/C12)
When sediments have enriched with C13/C12 is implies that the water column is enriched with C13
Stagnant Circulation in the Oceans
Information or application of C13/C12
Global Ocean Circulation
Eveolution of New Group and Extinction of Old Groups
A period of warming that exist in the boundary of Paleocene and Eocene
Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
What happens during PETM
emergence and rapid radiation of mamals
extinciton of deep sea benthic forams
What may have caused PETM
Melting of clathrates - Frozen water which contain methane, methano and another trapped organic carbon molecule
Isotopes with unstable nuclei whose nuclear configuration tends to be spontaneously transformed
Radioactive Isotopes
Spontaneous transformation of Nuclear Configuration of an isotope
Radioactive Decay
The Isotope with unstable nucleus
Parent Isotope
Product of spontaneous transformation
Daugther Isotope
Ejection of alpha particle plus gamma rays from the nucleus
Alpha Decay
Equivalent Proton and neutron of Alpha Particle
2 neutron 2 proton
What will be the resulting daughter nuclear configuration?
Daughter isotope AN -2 AM -4 (2N+2P)
Example of Alpha decay
U238 to Th234
Ejection of Beta Particles plus heat from the nucleus
Beta Decay
A high speed electron
Beta Particle
What happens when a beta particle is emitted
A neutron is converted to proton (n - e = p)
Resulting daughter isotope will have a nuclear configuration of?
AN +1
AM is conserved since loss of neutron is compensated by addition of proton
Example of Beta Decay
Rb87 St87
Addition of a high speed electron to the nucleus w/ release of heat in the form of gamma rays
Electron Capture
Resulting nuclear configuration of the daughter isotope?
AN - 1
Am conserved loss of proton is compensated by addition of Neutron (p+e=n)
Example of Electron Capture
The time required for one half of the radioactive isotope to be converted to the daugther isotope
Half life
The stable isotope of U238
Lead 206
How many steps will it take for U238 to be converted to Lead 206?
14 steps
What is the primary use of U238 Pb206 Isotope?
the ratio of it Determines crystallization ages for minerals especially those formed in precambrian
Process which convert Radioactive isotopes to Nuclear Enegry?
Nuclear Fission (I for energy)
Uranium isotope which causes lung cancer
radon 222
If radon is diluted in water, it will form
The proportion of radioactive atoms that will decay per unit of time
Decay Constant (Lambda) unit is /year
Relation formula of half life and decay constant
Half Life = ln2/ decay constant (Lambda)
Formula for remaining Radioactive Isotope
Nremaining = Noriginal x e^-lambda*lapse time since formation
Nremaining = Noriginal x (1/2)^lapse time since formation / half life
Formula for age of sample
Age = (1/lambda) ln (D/P +1)
2 radioactive isotopes of Uranium
238 and 235
Dating of Zircon, Titanite and Monazite
238U 206Pb
Pb pair of U235
207 Pb
Pair of Pb 208
Half life of U238 to Pb 206
4.47 Ga
Half life of R87 Sr 87
48.8 Ga
Rb: K substitute = Sr:
Ca Substitute
Line of constant age
Use of Initial 87Sr/86Sr
Identification of source regions from which magmas are derived
The temperature below which a crystal lattice traps radioactive daughter products
Blocking or Closing temp
Most reliable technique for rocks with ages exceeding 10Ma
U-Pb (4.47 Ga)
Minerals which can be analyzed for U-PB
Zircon, Titane and Monazite
What rocks are analyzed for Monazite and Sphene
Met Rocks
ZrO2 minerals
Baddeleyite or Zirconia
Upper curve of concordia represents
Age of orig magma or Inherted zrcons
Lowe curve represents
Met age
If points do not plot close to the statistically dertemined line
Mixing line/Scatterchron line
87Sr/86Sr ratio of Middle to upper continental crust
> 0.706
Useful in detremining source of magmas for plutons ad volcanic rocks and to reconstruct ancient continental margins
Rb-Sr (48.8 Ga)
Usefuk for determination of uplift of a rock mass and determination of age of fine grained met rocks
K-Ar (1.2 Ga)
Best used to dertermine ages of basaltic rocks and is most commonly employed to provide a model age for the time of separation of a magma from parent mantle and sea water contamination
Sm-Nd (106 Ga))