Plutons oriented parallel to the pre-exitsing layering (or if no visible layering to the earth’s surface) are said to be
Plutons that cuts across the country rocks or if it is inclined at an angle to the surface of the Earth
Stocks are plutons with surface exposure of
less than 100 sq.km
Batholiths are irregularly shaped plutons with surface exposure of
more than 100 sq. km
will the total size of the pluton matter?
No, only the exposed parts
Divergent margin and hotpot Batholits and Stocks are composed of
Convergent Margin batholits are generally
Intermediate to silicic
Qtx Diorite
or Granite
A batholith pattern with alternating mafic and felsic mineral layers which may involve multiple dike like intrusion and/or fractionation
Pinstripe Pattern
A tabular concordant pluton that parallels the country rocks and have a mutually perpendicular long and hort dimension caused by injection of magma along a plane of weakness parallel to the layering in thre country rocks
A blister like (Pimple like) concordant plutin with a flat floor and domed roof which is foemed due to intrusion of additional magma creating a convex roof structure
Dishshaped or funnel shaped concodrant plutons resembleing a chamnagle class whih can develop either due to meteorite impact, Normal Faulting and crustal melting assodicated with rifting or sill like structures which received upwelling of magma from a conical feeder tube
Famous Loppolith formation
Sudbury, Canada
Skaergaard, Greenland
Bushveld, South Africa
Koillismaa, Finlands
Muskox, Canada
Forms as hot fluids flow though fractures then cool and crystallize which may be concordant or discordant to the surrounding country rock
Great abundance of veins
Vein Swarms
Veins that are perpendicular
Veins that are parallel
En Echelon
Veins that are S shaped and parallel
Cylindrical plutonic bodies exposed at the surface by subsequent erosion which represent ancient conduit pipes which funneled magma upward to a volcano that has long since been removed by erosion
Carrot shaped cylindrical pipes that can extend to depths of 200km and develop via EXPLOSIVE INTRUSIONS that origniate deep within the mantle
Why are these carrot shaped cylindrical pipes intrude explosively?
Because of High Volatile Content
What type of volcanoes may form on top of diatremes?
Tuff Cones
Intrusions that cross-cut country rock layers and are typically more resistant to weathering and eorion than surroounding country rock and exposed commonly from topographically elevated ridges
Where is the Great Dike situated?
Zimbabwe and Southe Africa
What deposits are found in the great dike
PGE and Chromites